1. Ngh...
  2. Oh, you're awake. Don't worry, it's only been a [cdb]few hours.
  3. What...happened? The last I remember, I was [cdb]training some of our new recruits...
  4. You got hit by some stray magic. Pretty hard, too.
  5. Yes, that's right. How could I have let my guard fall [cdb]so carelessly?
  6. Probably the exhaustion. You usually sidestep stuff [cdb]like that no problem.
  7. Everybody was really worried about you, though. Dedue and Felix in particular didn't know what to [cdb]do with themselves.
  8. Guess the silver lining is that it forced you to get [cdb]some rest, if only for a few hours.
  9. Apologies for causing such a disturbance. I'm fine [cdb]now, I assure you.
  10. Uh-huh, sure you are. I know you're just gonna get [cdb]straight back to work if I leave you be. But hey, take a [cdb]look around first.
  11. Hm, the room is immaculate. Is this your handiwork?
  12. Yep! Though we left anything that seemed like it [cdb]would need your input.
  13. Figured we could at least take care of the small stuff [cdb]while you were out, though.
  14. Oh, and everyone—and I mean everyone—thinks you [cdb]should be taking more breaks.
  15. I'm certainly grateful for the gesture, but how did you [cdb]find time for this amidst your other responsibilities?
  16. It was easy once we split everything up. Felix, Dedue, [cdb]and I wrapped up the training session in your stead.
  17. Then Rodrigue and Sylvain handled the rest of your [cdb]paperwork. You might wanna glance through it later, [cdb]though.
  18. Ingrid tended to the horses, while Ashe and Annette [cdb]helped organize all your books.
  19. Oh, and Mercedes baked some wonderful treats for [cdb]you. They'll have you back on your feet in no time.
  20. What else, what else? Oh right, we sent some soldiers [cdb]out to check on the nearby villages, too.
  21. Incredible. I never expected you to do this much.
  22. Scold him for working too hard.
  23. Boast a bit.
  24. I told you not to do everything yourself, but you still [cdb]keep piling more and more stuff on anyway.
  25. That's not true. I've relied on you and the others [cdb]much more frequently of late. Besides which, this is [cdb]what I want to do.
  26. You've gotten better, sure, but I'm saying it's not [cdb]enough. Don't you trust us?
  27. Well? The Blue Lions can be pretty dependable when [cdb]we put our minds to it, huh?
  28. Maybe you can trust us a little more now that you've [cdb]seen what we can do.
  29. This isn't a matter of trust. I deeply depend on every [cdb]single person in this army.
  30. Then why didn't you tell anyone else about how you [cdb]went and buried all those villagers?
  31. Everyone was stunned when I mentioned it to them. They wanna hear about that stuff from your mouth, [cdb]not mine.
  32. Yes, I... My apologies.
  33. If you're really sorry, then you won't let it happen [cdb]again. Anyway, go get some more rest—and don't try [cdb]to say you're not tired just so you can keep working.
  34. I see I can't fool you. Though in truth, I doubt I'll [cdb]be able to doze off again so soon after enjoying my [cdb]first dreamless sleep in ages.
  35. In that case, come kill some time with me. I'm sure [cdb]the training grounds'll be free by now.
  36. Yes, that sounds lovely. And...thank you.