1. It seems I'm alone... Are you here, little one?
  2. Meow!
  3. Aw, were you waiting for me? You're a good kitty, [cdb]aren't you?
  4. Guess who brought you some fish? Hey! Easy there, [cdb]no need to wolf it down!
  6. Oh, you want more? Well, just stay put while I...
  7. Edelgard? How fascinating. I never imagined I'd [cdb]run into you in a place like this.
  8. Linhardt! Uh, erm...this is a surprise. What are you [cdb]even doing here?
  9. I was having a nap over there. Such is the price for [cdb]pulling so many all-nighters, though I pay it gladly.
  10. Over there as in...right over there? Immediately so? Does that mean you saw...
  11. Meoooow!
  12. Well, well. A cat. Does it live here?
  13. How should I know? I've certainly never seen it [cdb]before this very moment.
  14. Really? Because it seems quite used to you.
  15. Yes, it... Oh, come out with it already! If you have [cdb]something to say, just speak and stop this [cdb]interminable dance!
  16. No, no! In fact, I like cats as well—especially ones [cdb]that live near people.
  17. You? A cat person? I never thought I'd hear you [cdb]say that.
  18. Why not? I find them charming.
  19. You have to admire the way they draw people in with [cdb]their cuteness only to be waited on hand and foot.
  20. Linhardt, people don't take care of cats just because [cdb]they're cute.
  21. Cats rid us of rodents and other vermin. They are [cdb]fine pets who bring much solace to their owners.
  22. As I see it, people and cats have a good relationship [cdb]because we do things for each other.
  23. Well, I wonder how the cats see it. Because it appears [cdb]to me that they're just doing things their way and [cdb]don't really care about anyone else.
  24. Now there's a charmed existence! Live as selfishly as [cdb]you like and have people lavish you with praise and [cdb]affection for it.
  25. Not to mention they'll never run out of food.
  26. Which just shows how much people value them. What does it matter if they're being selfish?
  27. To be honest, I'm surprised you have an opinion [cdb]about cats at all.
  28. Have you owned one previously? Because I could use [cdb]your advice if so.
  29. Please. Do I look like the sort of person to take on [cdb]that kind of responsibility?
  30. You do not, hence my surprise.
  31. Ah, wait. Now I get it. I was wondering why you were [cdb]being so cross with me.
  32. You're thinking about keeping this cat!
  33. But the implication that cats and I both want to lead [cdb]the same easy life spoils the idea for you.
  34. What? I mean... Yes. That's it. You've caught me.
  35. Linhardt, listen. If you aspire to be a pet, that is your [cdb]decision and yours alone.
  36. However, if you expect people to bend over backward [cdb]for you, the least you can do is work for it.
  37. The problem with you is that you always—
  38. Please, Your Majesty, let's not do this now. Look! The kitty-cat wants you to snuggle-wuggle!
  39. Meow?