1. Wait, what?
  2. Bernadetta, is that a letter from your mother?
  3. Huh? Oh, Lady Edelgard. Yes, she wrote me from [cdb]the capital.
  4. Wait, how did you know that? Are you screening [cdb]my mail? Spying on my correspondence?
  5. Bernadetta. Is there anyone else who would [cdb]write you?
  6. Of course there is! There's...um...that guy?
  7. Wait... I don't have any friends. I don't even have [cdb]any family! I don't have anybody!
  8. Poor Bernie's all alone in this cold, cruel world! Waaaaah!
  9. Easy, Bernadetta. You have plenty of friends.
  10. They simply don't need to write to you because [cdb]you're fighting in the same army.
  11. Wait, really? Well that's a relief.
  12. Also, how can you claim to have no family when your [cdb]mother writes you regularly? That's certainly more [cdb]than I can say.
  13. Oh, right. I forgot about your, um...parent situation. Guess I shouldn't be complaining, huh?
  14. It's fine. Just be thankful that your mother is in good [cdb]health, and make sure to write back so she doesn't [cdb]worry.
  15. I always do—pages and pages!
  16. That reminds me, have you heard from your father?
  17. I'm sure he had much adjusting to do after I installed [cdb]him in Garreg Mach as the head of the Southern Church.
  18. Nothing from him, but my mother keeps me up to [cdb]date in her letters.
  19. She has his attendants send her regular reports.
  20. The last update was something like, "Your father is so [cdb]scared of the Central Church's assassins, he's locked [cdb]himself away up in the third-story reception hall."
  21. "They have to drag him out kicking and screaming [cdb]whenever it's time to deal with clerical affairs."
  22. I'm certain I heard a similar tale when another [cdb]noble first relocated to Garreg Mach.
  23. Really? Huh. Oh, but the locking himself in his [cdb]room part sure sounds a lot like me, doesn't it.
  24. Yes, although you've come a long way from the [cdb]reclusive, shy girl you used to be.
  25. Back at the Officers Academy, you used to take your [cdb]shunning of people to something of an extreme.
  26. Do you really think I'm that different now? It's hard for me to tell.
  27. Maybe knowing that my father has started hiding [cdb]from the world helps, though.
  28. Now I don't have to stay inside to avoid seeing him, [cdb]you know?
  29. One might say your curse has been lifted. Just like mine...
  30. Wait, hang on. What's your curse?
  31. Nothing. Please ignore what I said.
  32. Oh, come on! You can't leave me in suspense like this!