1. "Leopold von Bergliez, I am challenging you to [cdb]a duel."
  2. "Meet me at the time and place designated. Signed, Petra Macneary."
  3. Huh?!
  4. Sorry, but my father won't be coming.
  5. Why not, Caspar?
  6. Because I got ahold of your letter before it could [cdb]reach him.
  7. He doesn't know a thing.
  8. Why are you making interference? You do not have [cdb]the right!
  9. Because I can't stand the thought of you dying.
  10. You're a great fighter, Petra, but you don't have a [cdb]prayer against my father. You've gotta know that.
  11. Ngh...
  12. Then you can be dying in his place, Caspar [cdb]von Bergliez!
  13. Huh? What the— Nngggh!
  14. ...
  15. Why are you backing away? Just finish me off.
  16. That would be achieving nothing.
  17. I thought you said you were gonna kill me in my [cdb]father's place.
  18. I was losing control of my emotions.
  19. OK, so now what? You gonna start following my [cdb]father around again?
  20. What are you thinking?
  21. I don't know!
  22. I mean, I know he killed your father, so if you really [cdb]hate him that much, then go for it, I guess.
  23. But I'm gonna try and stop you, because I don't want [cdb]you two killing each other.
  24. Caspar, for certain reasons that are not being public, I am queen of Brigid now.
  25. A queen cannot be acting on personal grudges.
  26. Then why did you challenge my father to a duel?
  27. I do not know. It was...a mistake. It was not normal [cdb]for me.
  28. Well, I guess even a queen can't push her feelings [cdb]down forever.
  29. I can't imagine what it must've been like to go [cdb]through what you did. But I think I can still relate.
  30. Um...
  31. Hey, here's an idea. From now on, take it out on me.
  32. No. This is silliness. There is no point in killing you.
  33. I'm not talking about killing, Petra. What I want [cdb]you to do is unload on me! Tell me off! Just talk [cdb]to me about whatever it is you're feeling.
  34. If all your hate becomes too much, dump it on me. If you wanna hit something, I'm your guy.
  35. I just want us to keep being friends. All right?
  36. We will stay friends by yelling and hitting?
  37. I am not certain that is the kind of friendship I am [cdb]wanting, but I am thanking you all the same. I will [cdb]be giving it thought.
  38. Great! Then just tell me when you need me.