1. ...
  2. How long are you going to keep staring blankly like [cdb]an idiot? You should eat.
  3. You're right. My apologies.
  4. Let me guess, you're in a tizzy about how best to [cdb]make use of the church's forces—or maybe you're just [cdb]worried about how our forces will survive the winter.
  5. Well, knock it off. A good leader knows when to let [cdb]their vassals do the worrying for them.
  6. Is that why you left your uncle in charge of House Fraldarius?
  7. Yes—though I've been returning to the territory [cdb]the moment any issues arise with his governance.
  8. And your mother? Is she in good health? I imagine it's difficult to manage all the [cdb]family squabbles on her own.
  9. Oh, she's fine—she's good at that sort of thing. I actually think she likes it.
  10. I would suppose, for now, that she probably feels [cdb]better when she's able to keep busy. You could stand [cdb]to show her a touch more concern, though.
  11. I suggest you focus on your own issues for once [cdb]instead of worrying about everyone else.
  12. I'm not sure that's possible. Oh, but that does remind [cdb]me, I hear the knights wanted to hold a joint training [cdb]session.
  13. Ugh. Forget it. You'll never change.
  14. I'd tell you to stop brooding so much, but I'd be [cdb]wasting my breath.
  15. I cannot afford to lose this war, Felix. I must protect [cdb]the Kingdom. I must avenge the fallen.
  16. Each day, we draw ever closer to those who pulled [cdb]the actual strings.
  17. I've already punished any who knew of the plan [cdb]and did nothing, as well as a number of middle-rank [cdb]conspirators...
  18. But it isn't enough. There are still those who must [cdb]answer for this crime with their lives.
  19. You are a book with one chapter and no ending. What will you do when you actually have this revenge [cdb]of yours?
  20. I don't know. But if I can quell their grief—and their [cdb]hate—it will be enough.
  21. Ugh.
  22. Do you hate me, Felix?
  23. After all, I saw Glenn die. I watched it and could [cdb]do...nothing. His end lies on my shoulders.
  24. And Rodrigue as well. If I had only put an end to [cdb]the Ashen Demon, he might still be with us.
  25. That's enough. I don't hate you, OK? You weren't [cdb]responsible for any of that.
  26. They didn't die for your sake. They made their own [cdb]choices of their own free will. Don't be so conceited.
  27. But surely they didn't want to die. Yet they did so [cdb]to protect me. Me. I am undeserving of such sacrifice.
  28. I told you to quit brooding and eat. Your food's going [cdb]to rot if you wait any longer.
  29. Yes, of course...