1. Eeek!
  2. No, Annette! Get back!
  3. Phew! That was a close one! Good thing we had [cdb]water nearby.
  4. My apologies. It was foolish for me to attempt that [cdb]without prior experience.
  5. No, it was my fault for asking you to try and light it [cdb]with magic.
  6. The fault is mine alone. You had no way of knowing [cdb]that my aptitude for magic was so lacking.
  7. We were lucky it only resulted in a small explosion. Had the flames spread, it easily may have proved [cdb]disastrous.
  8. Aw, don't beat yourself up over it. We were able to [cdb]put it out quickly, and that's all that matters!
  9. What a remarkably positive spin on the matter. Still, I'm relieved you weren't hurt.
  10. I have always been abysmal at magic. My father and [cdb]grandfather were the same, so perhaps I inherited it [cdb]from them.
  11. Yeah, I guess you're better suited to fighting with [cdb]something sharp and pointy.
  12. Actually, I had a fair amount of interest in becoming [cdb]a mage when I was a boy.
  13. An old friend of mine would give magic [cdb]demonstrations, and I always found myself [cdb]terribly jealous of her abilities.
  14. Well, you know there's a school of sorcery in the [cdb]capital, right? You definitely should have enrolled!
  15. Ah, but I knew they only accepted students who [cdb]display at least a modicum of talent for the craft.
  16. Every time I glimpsed one of those students, I found myself envious of their skill.
  17. I had no idea. But hey, if you're interested, how [cdb]about I teach you a bit? We can start right now!
  18. You would do that?
  19. Sure! See, I've been helping out at the school ever [cdb]since I came back to the capital.
  20. And after talking with everyone there, I've been [cdb]thinking it would be fun to...you know. Teach somebody!
  21. I'd like to help people get better at magic, even if [cdb]they're really, really, really bad at it.
  22. A fine aspiration. If you'll have me, I would be [cdb]honored to be your first pupil.
  23. Though I imagine your skills can be put to use [cdb]helping many people besides just myself.
  24. I know I am not the first person—nor will I be [cdb]the last—to accidentally conjure up an explosion.
  25. Come on, Dimitri. It's not like I'll be that [cdb]much help...
  26. But regardless, I'm confident that becoming a teacher [cdb]is the path for me.
  27. Right then, Your Majesty! Let's start by practicing [cdb]some fire magic.
  28. You want me to cast the same spell again? Well, if you think it best...
  29. Fire spells are the most basic magic of all. You just [cdb]let the ol' power build up and then—boom, let loose!
  30. OK, so start by using your hands to focus [cdb]your energy.
  31. Like this?
  32. Don't be so hesitant! We've got plenty of water here, [cdb]so really lean into it.
  33. I wasn't intending to hold back. Perhaps I could [cdb]charge it up a bit mo—?!
  34. Augh! Your Majesty! Are you all right?!
  35. Urgh... I fear we may have a long road ahead of us.