1. It's so late... I didn't mean to take this much of a [cdb]detour.
  2. Just getting back?
  3. Hey, Dedue. Hope I didn't worry you.
  4. You didn't. You were in town, yes?
  5. I went to pick up some supplies, but on the way back I saw these flowers blooming and I just couldn't help [cdb]but pick some.
  6. Ah. Yarrows.
  7. They're used as an ingredient in healing salves, [cdb]although you can also slap the leaves on your wounds [cdb]and get mostly the same effect.
  8. Oh, and I plan on soaking them in alcohol. It'll [cdb]produce a liquid that can be used for a wonderful [cdb]ointment.
  9. Er, though I suppose it would be faster to just [cdb]use healing magic...
  10. You seem well-informed on the subject.
  11. Lonato knew all about it, so I picked up a few things [cdb]from him.
  12. Lord Lonato had an interest in plants?
  13. Oh, sure. He kept tons of botanical encyclopedias [cdb]and books like that in his room.
  14. He loved flowers. He even kept a small herb garden [cdb]at Castle Gaspard.
  15. Hey, you like gardening too, right?
  16. I mean, you were always watering the flowers in [cdb]the greenhouse back at Garreg Mach.
  17. I suppose I do. Though I know little of the [cdb]medicinal properties.
  18. Yeah, I guess knowing how to grow plants is different [cdb]from knowing how to use them.
  19. Even so, the greenhouse was a treasure to me.
  20. You're right about that. I found flowers there I'd [cdb]never even seen in Castle Gaspard's garden!
  21. I would like very much to visit this garden of yours [cdb]one day.
  22. We should go! Of course, a lot has happened since I [cdb]last saw it, but my younger siblings should still be [cdb]looking after it.
  23. I look forward to it.
  24. Though, how did Lord Lonato come to know so [cdb]much about medicinal herbs?
  25. He used to serve Grand Duke Rufus, so...
  26. Maybe he studied them while he was in the capital.
  27. Perhaps.
  28. Sorry. I'm just sitting here chatting away when I should be off making myself useful.
  29. Of course.
  30. Medicinal herbs. Hm.
  31. Of course.