1. Me, me! Teach me how to cook next!
  2. All right. I will teach you a special recipe that is [cdb]certain to delight everyone back at the church.
  3. His Majesty is looking for you, Mercedes.
  4. Ah!
  5. Goodness! Whatever was that about?
  6. My apologies. I have a tendency to frighten animals [cdb]and children.
  7. Perhaps it's my imposing stature. Or perhaps it's [cdb]because I'm from Duscur.
  8. I doubt animals know anything about the Tragedy of Duscur, Dedue.
  9. Still, I think I may know how to solve this little [cdb]problem of yours.
  10. Oh?
  11. You see, many of the children here have lost homes [cdb]and families. They tend to be a fearful bunch.
  12. And as a large man who is also unnaturally quiet, [cdb]you cut a doubly scary figure.
  13. So all we have to do is show them how not-scary [cdb]you are.
  14. And how do we do that?
  15. Come back tomorrow. I'll have it all worked out [cdb]by then.
  16. Hm. Very well.
  17. Done. Here's your flower crown.
  18. Wow, mister! You're just as amazing as Miss Mercedes!
  19. Yeah, this is prettiest flower crown I've ever seen!
  20. It's like an actual royal crown. Make one for me! Please, please, pleeeeease!
  21. I could, though it would be better to learn how to [cdb]make your own.
  22. Aw, but my crowns always look all...blech.
  23. Anyone can do it with enough practice.
  24. Well, perhaps not anyone. But if you find it difficult, [cdb]you can always ask a friend for help.
  25. Fine, I'll try. Um...so how do I start?
  26. Twist the stem there and wrap it once—but gently.
  27. Well? How did it go? They certainly looked at ease [cdb]around you.
  28. They were indeed, and I owe it all to you.
  29. All I did was brag to them about the magnificent [cdb]flower crown you made for me.
  30. How very clever.
  31. Oh, please! I barely did a thing. It was your kindness [cdb]that won them over.
  32. You are the kind one, Mercedes. Thank you.
  33. Miss Mercedes! Mister Dedue! Look how far I am!
  34. Oh, that's wonderful! Might you teach me how to [cdb]make one as well, Mister Dedue?
  35. It would be my pleasure, Miss Mercedes.