1. Mercedes. Good. I need your help.
  2. Felix? Why do you have a cat?
  3. Picked it up.
  4. Yes, I can see that, but... Oh no! Its little leg is hurt!
  5. Here, let me have it. I may be able to heal it [cdb]with magic.
  6. There. It should be fine now.
  7. Thanks. Sorry for the trouble.
  8. Oh, it's no trouble at all. Though I must admit, [cdb]you're the last person I expected to bring me [cdb]an injured kitten!
  9. It reminds me of how my little brother once took in [cdb]a cat when we were young.
  10. Hey, that's right. You have a brother from [cdb]a different father, right?
  11. Would that little brother of yours be Professor Jeritza?
  12. Yes. This was a long time ago, when we both still lived [cdb]with House Bartels.
  13. My brother took in an injured cat, and after it healed, [cdb]it began living in the mansion.
  14. We did our best to feed it secretly so it wouldn't [cdb]be discovered.
  15. Secretly? What's the big deal with one little furball?
  16. We couldn't let anyone find out, no matter what. The people in that house were...horrid.
  17. Had they learned of the cat, they would've put it in [cdb]a sack and tossed it in the river.
  18. Eventually, my mother and I left House Bartels and [cdb]never looked back. Though we left my brother [cdb]behind.
  19. Still, I've always wondered what happened to that [cdb]poor little cat...
  20. Animals are smart enough. If the thing felt [cdb]threatened, it would've taken off.
  21. I suppose you're right.
  22. Er, anyway. Now that you fixed the cat, I should [cdb]bring it back to where I found it.
  23. Are you sure? It's clearly taken a shine to you.
  24. Yeah, but I can't keep it. The thing's practically a [cdb]kitten! What if it has parents that...I don't know. Miss it?
  25. Yes, I suppose returning it would be best.
  26. All right, go. Shoo! Come on, get out of here already!
  27. Stop rubbing my legs! What is it? You want food? Well, I don't have any!
  28. Aw, that cat really likes him!
  29. Animals clearly understand when a kind soul comes [cdb]to their aid.
  30. Mercedes, do something! This cat won't stop [cdb]following me!
  31. I'm sorry, but there isn't anything I can do. You'll have to wait until it feels like going home.
  32. Ugh.
  33. Goodness, really? Having a cat like you is a [cdb]good thing.
  34. My little brother has always loved cats, but recently [cdb]they won't come near him, and it just breaks [cdb]his heart.
  35. I do not understand that man. But regardless, [cdb]that's not the issue.
  36. I'm not sure it is.
  37. Well, so long as you're stuck waiting, we may as well [cdb]get comfortable and have a nice chat.