1. So by stationing themselves in the bog, they were able [cdb]to slow the advance of the enemy horses?
  2. Exactly. But Loog's army was prepared in [cdb]other ways, too.
  3. They dug pitfalls, set up anti-cavalry palisades, [cdb]and more. Laying all that groundwork is what [cdb]led them to victory.
  4. It's strange how the stories of King Loog don't go [cdb]into much detail about him.
  5. But once you dig a bit, you realize he was a really [cdb]talented tactician. I feel like I see him in a whole [cdb]new light now.
  6. Say, do you think we could use this strategy in [cdb]an upcoming battle?
  7. I know we can't do the exact same thing, but in that [cdb]geography book you recommended to me before...
  8. Haha! Where have you been hiding this talent? You're absorbing everything I teach you like [cdb]a sponge!
  9. I can see why Lord Lonato had such faith in you.
  10. Oh, it's not that. You're just a really good teacher.
  11. Even taking that to be true, you're clearly an [cdb]exceptional student.
  12. I'm actually sort of jealous that Dimitri gets a great [cdb]knight like you by his side.
  13. I'd love to find some reason to steal you away to my [cdb]territory after the war.
  14. Don't joke like that, Sylvain! I serve His Majesty [cdb]alone.
  15. Oof. Shot down... But yeah, I get it.
  16. Still, are you really going to devote your entire life [cdb]to being a royal knight? To live and die in Fhirdiad?
  17. That was my initial idea, but I had a talk with His Majesty recently that made me reconsider.
  18. He asked if I wanted to succeed Lonato and take over Castle Gaspard after the war.
  19. Castle Gaspard, huh? It makes sense. Adopted or not, [cdb]you are Lord Lonato's only remaining heir.
  20. I doubt the townspeople will be very accepting of me [cdb]after I allowed him to die.
  21. But I'm still the only one capable of taking on the job. Or at least that's how I like to think of it.
  22. Sounds like a huge responsibility, all right. Definitely can't ask you to come to House Gautier [cdb]in that case.
  23. That land was meant everything to Lonato, and I [cdb]would do anything to protect it.
  24. I want to help other people the same way he [cdb]helped me.
  25. And I think I'm finally strong enough to do that now.
  26. Heh, I should've expected as much. But hey, if that's [cdb]what you want to do, I've got your back.
  27. A little education can be handy for a knight, [cdb]but castle lords need to learn everything they can [cdb]get their hands on.
  28. So let me know if you ever need ol' Teach to fill your [cdb]little head full of info, and I'll come running.
  29. Sheesh. Listen to me. I think your serious nature [cdb]is contagious.
  30. You joke, but I think you've always been a serious [cdb]person deep down.
  31. You're an intelligent man who's always got his mind [cdb]on one thing or another.
  32. I mean, aside from the way you acted back at [cdb]the academy.
  33. Ugh, the unkindest cut! Completely accurate, [cdb]but still!
  34. Haha! I'm excited to learn everything I can from you, Sylvain. I really am.