1. Hey Lysithea, you have a minute? There's something I need to talk to you about.
  2. Fine, you can have one minute. I might not look it, [cdb]but I'm actually pretty busy here.
  3. Don't I know it. I can't remember the last time I saw [cdb]you take a break.
  4. Anyway, I'll keep it quick. It's...about what happened [cdb]in our last fight.
  5. Charging in headfirst like that isn't like you, Lysithea. And not in a good way.
  6. And what, in your expert opinion, makes it so [cdb]unlike me?
  7. All I did was end the battle in the quickest, [cdb]most efficient way possible.
  8. Which, in turn, kept damages to a minimum. If anything, you should be thanking me.
  9. It worked this time, sure.
  10. But there was a good chance it could have failed, too. You shouldn't leave things up to fate like that.
  11. If things hadn't gone your way, you could've lost your [cdb]entire unit. You and your soldiers alike would be at [cdb]the feet of the goddess right now.
  12. My point is, you need to make decisions based on [cdb]strategy, not chance. I thought someone as smart as [cdb]you would understand that.
  13. Yes, yes, that's enough lectures for today. I know what I'm supposed to be doing.
  14. But had my unit not rushed in, the battle would've [cdb]dragged on for far too long.
  15. The fighting would've surely raged into the next day. We would have had to revisit our tactics entirely if the [cdb]enemy changed formations at daybreak.
  16. And if things had gone south from there, it could've [cdb]taken us more days further to finish the battle.
  17. I won't insist I made the "right" decision, but don't [cdb]imply I didn't consider the possibilities. I was always [cdb]fully aware that we could fail.
  18. But failure didn't even have to be an option.
  19. Sure, the battle dragging on would've had an impact [cdb]on the war at large.
  20. But so what? In the grand scheme of things, your life [cdb]is far, far more valuable than a few measly days of [cdb]combat.
  21. Please, Lysithea. I need you to promise me you won't [cdb]put yourself in danger like that again.
  22. I'm sorry. I can't do that.
  23. You know, it's not just your own life you're rolling [cdb]the dice with. Every single soldier you command [cdb]would die with pride by your word.
  24. So...you're saying I fail as a leader. Yes, maybe I do.
  25. Well, feel free to remove me from my post if you [cdb]don't think I should be commanding troops.
  26. That's wholly within your right. Do what you will.
  27. ...
  28. Until then, I'm going to do what I will. Now if you'll excuse me.
  29. Yeesh. I don't know what's up with her, but I can't [cdb]help if she's gonna be that stubborn about it.
  30. Either way, it doesn't seem like she's changing tunes [cdb]any time soon. Guess I'll just have to do what I can [cdb]to keep her safe in the meantime.