1. Ah, Constance. I have something I'd like to ask you.
  2. I can't imagine how a dullard like myself would be [cdb]anything but a bother to one such as you...
  3. However, I'm happy to answer anything you need.
  4. Ah, perfect timing, Constance. I'd like to conduct a [cdb]little experiment regarding the Crest of Noa.
  5. If my useless body can somehow help, it is yours.
  6. Linhardt von Hevring, where are you?!
  7. Something wrong, Constance? You seem quite upset.
  8. For crying out loud! There you are!
  9. I demand to know why you are always coming to my [cdb]other side and engaging in all manner of questions [cdb]and experiments!
  10. My secrets are being revealed one after another!
  11. Well, naturally I prefer to deal with someone who's [cdb]forthcoming with her answers.
  12. Ha! I am always forthcoming!
  13. Actually, I'm finding you a bit troublesome.
  14. Troublesome? What about me is troublesome?! Explain yourself at once, you feckless cad of a man!
  15. It's, well, you know.
  16. No, I don't know!
  17. I'm answering whatever questions you throw at me, [cdb]and that is the kind of mealymouthed, perfunctory [cdb]response you deem fit to toss in my direction?!
  18. I suppose that's a fair point.
  19. But do you really want me to dig into detail on the [cdb]bothersome parts of your personality?
  20. Well, when you put it that way, it does sound like a [cdb]discussion that would make me wroth.
  21. Which is why I think the world is better off with my "mealymouthed" response, as you so aptly put it.
  22. In that case, I shall let sleeping hounds lie.
  23. Good. And with that, farewell.
  24. Hold, cretin! My agreeing to drop that particular [cdb]matter does not also apply to your digging about in [cdb]my personal affairs via my other mood!
  25. We must discuss terms of exchange!
  26. Terms of exchange?
  27. Ahahaha! Is it not obvious?
  28. My other side is cooperating with your research, [cdb]so you shall cooperate with mine.
  29. There's always demand for new magical [cdb]experimentation subjects, after all!
  30. And what sort of magic do you mean, exactly?
  31. Magic that makes one's eyes emit a dazzling [cdb]golden light!
  32. For the briefest of moments, I thought this might [cdb]actually be interesting...
  33. Yes, well, all this talking has exhausted me, so perhaps [cdb]we can take the matter up at a later date?
  34. Oh, I don't mind—but make sure you talk to me as I [cdb]am now, understand? Ahahaha!