1. Phew.
  2. You must be exhausted, Your Majesty. I was [cdb]beginning to believe that council would never end. Should I make tea?
  3. Thank you, Monica. Why don't you join me?
  4. Oh, I would love to!
  5. I can hardly remember the last time I saw you rest.
  6. You need to stop overworking yourself—we can't [cdb]afford for you to get sick.
  7. Her Majesty has invited me to tea and she's worried [cdb]about my health? Ah, this is the greatest day of my [cdb]humble life!
  8. Come now, I've always cared for your well-being. And it's not as if we never have tea together.
  9. Oh, I'm aware. This is the 208th time you've worried [cdb]about me, and our 113th time sharing tea.
  10. Oh, I'm aware. This is the 253rd time you worried [cdb]about me, and our 139th time sharing tea.
  11. I've been keeping a record on paper and in my head.
  12. Now I'm even more concerned...
  13. Aw, thanks!
  14. I suppose it just shows how hard you work for me.
  15. I hope you feel I do enough in return. If there is [cdb]anything you need, don't hesitate to ask.
  16. Truly?
  17. You'd really listen to my request?
  18. Your Majesty is actually willing to make Monica von Ochs's impossible wish come true?!
  19. Well, let's keep the wishes within the realm of the [cdb]plausible, if you please.
  20. All right. In that case, may I... Oh, this is so [cdb]disrespectful... May I hold you in my embrace? Just for a minute!
  21. I... I don't see why not?
  22. What kindness... I promise to be even more loyal to [cdb]you from now on, Your Majesty.
  23. As if such a thing were possible. You've given me [cdb]more loyalty than I could ever rightfully expect.
  24. Oh, that reminds me! There is something I've been [cdb]meaning to tell you.
  25. It seems as if you have been upset with yourself [cdb]because you were planning to leave me for dead.
  26. But I just want you to know that had such events [cdb]come to pass, I still would've died happy.
  27. I would've been at peace because I helped you [cdb]achieve your vision.
  28. Well, I should go see to that tea.
  29. She really is something else.
  30. I knew she was strong, yet she always finds new ways [cdb]to surprise me...
  31. Thank you, Monica.