1. Hey, thanks. It's nice to have a friend who knows [cdb]what I like.
  2. It's nothing special, but we could all use a little [cdb]normalcy right now.
  3. This is disg... I mean, it's flavorful, in a weird way. Maybe we can try a different direction next time?
  4. Wanna get going? I'll leave the destination up to you.
  5. I'm done with all my pressing work for now. Let's go [cdb]have some fun.
  6. Land and sky as far as the eye can see! Standing out [cdb]here makes me feel like a new man.
  7. The birds chirping, the wind rustling... All the sounds [cdb]of the forest calm the battle-worn heart.
  8. It's dangerous looking at the world from up here. You start to think all the problems down there have [cdb]nothing to do with you.
  9. This is the perfect spot for a drink. Let's stop here for [cdb]a while. We don't need to be back yet, right?
  10. Ooh, can you use these to make poison? Just kidding. Thanks.
  11. Now that's a bug you don't see every day. It's pretty cute.
  12. Yes! And that means there's no one around to foist [cdb]their problems on me. I can just kick back and relax.
  13. Well, we could always sleep here. That sounds kind [cdb]of nice, actually.
  14. Wow, you came prepared. That kind of foresight [cdb]might save a lot of lives someday.
  15. Hey, you don't have to go that far... OK, fine, but I'm [cdb]warning you, I'm gonna return the favor someday.
  16. That's not a bad idea. If we land a big one, we can [cdb]take it back and share it with everyone.
  17. Sure, I don't mind. I was just thinking a dip [cdb]sounded nice.
  18. You ever get this sudden urge to drop everything and [cdb]go somewhere far away when work starts piling up?
  19. It's crucial to have a victory feast after a hard-won [cdb]battle. That kind of ritual keeps people going.
  20. The Five Great Lords are all pretty eccentric, [cdb]but they're exceptionally capable all the same.
  21. I'd love to wander around Derdriu with you someday [cdb]if we ever get the chance. It's an amazing city.
  22. A lot of people think of foreigners as subhuman [cdb]somehow, but they're the same flesh and blood as [cdb]all the rest of us.
  23. If Fódlan was a container, Fódlan's Locket would be [cdb]its lid. It's safe inside, but you can't see what's [cdb]happening on the outside. You know what I mean?
  24. Everyone's got at least one or two secrets, but you're [cdb]an open book.
  25. Hmmm... It's tough to say, but I do have a pretty [cdb]strong interest in poisons.
  26. Gambling isn't for me. It's not in my nature to leave [cdb]things up to chance.
  27. Once I accomplish all my goals in Fódlan, I'll... Actually, I'm not sure what I'll do after that.
  28. I'm constantly buried under an avalanche of [cdb]problems. But that's what happens when you're [cdb]in my position. You know what I mean, right?
  29. My mother's quite the formidable woman. Even more so than Judith, if you can believe it.
  30. I've been surrounded by enemies ever since I was a [cdb]kid. Friends were in short supply those days.
  31. I have a hard time trusting other people, but I trust [cdb]you and all our friends from the bottom of my heart. I mean that.
  32. I'll leave the brawls to other people. I prefer to fight [cdb]with my brains.
  33. I admit, your power intrigues me. But that's all. I haven't formulated any theories about it yet.
  34. No matter your true identity, it won't change the fact [cdb]that you're a valued friend to me.
  35. I'm extremely busy, as you know. But hey, you're in [cdb]this thing just as deep as I am.
  36. Things aren't too bad, but I'm dead tired. I want to [cdb]end this war as soon as I can.
  37. My hair's naturally curly. If I pull it out, it always [cdb]sproings right back.
  38. You're really into my hair. I promise it's not going [cdb]anywhere. At least not for a few more years.
  39. Is there something on my face? No matter how hard [cdb]you look, you won't see what I'm scheming.
  40. Does my face intrigue you that much? Feel free to [cdb]gaze at it as long as you like.
  41. What, you got some fashion advice? I'm open to [cdb]a bit of constructive criticism.
  42. I bet you think I'm pretty scrawny. Don't worry, I got plenty of muscle under here.
  43. I had a great day. Let's do this again sometime.
  44. When can we do this again? I'll be counting down the [cdb]minutes.
  45. Yeah, let's get this done.