1. Whoa, this looks great! I'm gonna demolish [cdb]this puppy for sure.
  2. Delicious gesture accepted. Thanks!
  3. Look, I appreciate what you're trying to do, but... Oh, whatever. Time to dig in!
  4. Thanks for inviting me! So, uh, where are we going?
  5. Hey, can we go someplace with bears? I've always [cdb]wanted to take one head-on!
  6. Whoa, you can see forever from here... Oh, I get it! We're scanning the horizon for worthy adversaries! Wait, we're not? Wha—then what's the point?!
  7. Forest...check! Bears...nope. Why can't I ever have [cdb]nice things?
  8. Whoa, look at the size of that rock. En garde, rock! I challenge you to... Er, sorry. Forgot this is supposed [cdb]to be you-and-me time.
  9. You wanna skip some stones? Come on, it's what you [cdb]do at places like this!
  10. If you're trying to make a bouquet to take home, I'm happy to hold it for you.
  11. I dunno who this is for, but I can pretty much [cdb]guarantee they're not gonna like it.
  12. Nice! Um, this is so we can practice for the bear, [cdb]right? I mean, you have to be able to grapple with a [cdb]wolf before you can go for the grizzly.
  13. You got any food? Because otherwise, I don't think [cdb]they'll let you get close.
  14. Haha! Glad I'm not the only one! Well, now we [cdb]know these things happen to the best of us, huh?
  15. Oh, I've got you. One ride home, coming right up!
  16. I don't mind the flavor, but they're all bones, so I [cdb]never feel full unless I eat an entire boat of the things.
  17. I dunno, maybe it got dumped out here for a [cdb]reason? Let's just bring it back with us.
  18. Being in the outdoors really makes me wanna move. Say, how about a run? C'mon, just 20 miles or so!
  19. You're good at pretty much everything. I really [cdb]respect that.
  20. This alone time is fun and all, but it'd be great to [cdb]invite the whole team out sometime!
  21. I dunno a thing about the Church of Seiros, [cdb]but it's never really affected me all that much.
  22. I'm glad I don't have to take over for my father. Not sure if you've noticed this, but I'm not exactly [cdb]what most people consider "lord material."
  23. Sorry, are you bored? I wish I had something more [cdb]interesting to say.
  24. Haha, whoops! Must be the nature getting to me. Don't worry, I'm not gonna doze off like someone [cdb]we know.
  25. Fighting, obviously. Oh, but it's not like I throw a [cdb]punch at whoever happens to walk by or anything.
  26. I don't like the sound of thunder. Reminds me too [cdb]much of my father when I've really screwed up...
  27. I'm not sure about dreams, but I've got some goals. Does traveling the world someday count?
  28. Well, my father's basically the greatest fighter in the [cdb]history of fighters. It gets to me sometimes.
  29. I have an aunt who's four years younger than me. How's that for awkward?
  30. When we were kids, Linhardt and I were attached at [cdb]the hip. You wanna hear about that?
  31. We've got a lot of tough fighters on our side. It's a [cdb]shame I can't ever challenge any of them for real.
  32. All that matters to me is that I get in close—I'll smack [cdb]my enemies around with whatever I've got on hand.
  33. You? Yeah, you're all right. Where'd this come from?
  34. You're a good friend, a worthy rival, and everything I'm aiming for. So, uh...yeah.
  35. Eh, I'm getting by—but if you'd asked the old me, I would've given you some nonsense about how [cdb]things had never been better.
  36. I'm feeling great! Don't believe me? C'mon, let's go a [cdb]few rounds and see what's what!
  37. I wish I was taller. You think maybe I'm still growing?
  38. Long hair drives me crazy, so I keep mine short. Though I did mess with someone else's hair a lot [cdb]when I was a kid.
  39. You counting my nose hairs or something?
  40. See the scar on my forehead? I didn't even get it in [cdb]battle. Talk about embarrassing...
  41. You won't find many dings or dents in my armor. I take really good care of it.
  42. My father's armor has a bear head on it. A bear head! You have no idea how much I want that.
  43. That was a nice change of pace. Let me know if you're [cdb]ever up for it again.
  44. Next time, you should join me for training! Oh wait. We always do that, huh?
  45. Oh yeah, we've got this!