1. Oh yes, this is definitely one of the foods I love.
  2. It's nice to share a meal with someone who doesn't [cdb]have an ulterior motive.
  3. I don't think this agreed with me the last time I tried [cdb]it, but I still appreciate the thought. Thanks!
  4. Well, all right—but only because I trust you.
  5. You should invite me out like this more often. So, where are we headed?
  6. I should have worn something a little more casual [cdb]so I could roll in the grass.
  7. Be careful around the branches—the woods will put [cdb]holes in your clothing before you know it.
  8. Oh wow, you can see everything from up here... Anything in particular catching your eye?
  9. This is the perfect locale for a romantic rendezvous [cdb]with your special someone...
  10. You have a nice, earthy voice. Mind if I join you?
  11. Tell me about it! All of that riding really works up [cdb]your appetite.
  12. What are you talking about? There are people [cdb]foraging right over there.
  13. Please tell me you're joking.
  14. Well, isn't someone smooth! Thank you, though. I appreciate it.
  15. No, I think the worst of it will hold off. Besides, we've [cdb]come all this way, so let's enjoy ourselves a bit longer.
  16. Well, that makes two of us, so I hope you like drifting [cdb]with the current.
  17. I know exactly what that's like—sometimes I get [cdb]incredibly queasy riding in a wagon. Strange, right?
  18. They can't possibly get mad at us for taking a little [cdb]break every now and again.
  19. I hear the opera company is doing what they can to [cdb]lift people's spirits in these dark times.
  20. Would you cry if something happened to me? I mean, [cdb]not that anything will, but...I'm curious.
  21. I sometimes wonder if orphans like me would be better [cdb]off if the Southern Church had been restored sooner.
  22. You don't seem very concerned with pride. Are all [cdb]mercenaries like that?
  23. You are a completely different creature from me, [cdb]and I never tire of observing you.
  24. Do you have a dream besides continuing on as a [cdb]mercenary? I mean, how do you imagine your [cdb]life after the war?
  25. I was fortunate to be invited into the opera company, [cdb]where I got to sing, dance, and wear the latest finery.
  26. I've never been able to truly love myself... Ahaha! Sorry, I couldn't hold a straight face. I actually can't [cdb]stand nobles who are infatuated with themselves.
  27. Well, I'd love a steady income, a roguishly handsome [cdb]husband—or a beautiful wife—a warm household... Hey, are you listening?
  28. I have a great number of troubles, sadly. For example, [cdb]fighting on the front lines means I can only pack so [cdb]many outfits.
  29. My mother died when I was little. But now I have the [cdb]opera company, and they've become my family.
  30. Please don't make me think about the past. It wasn't [cdb]a pleasant time for me.
  31. Well, they're all of impressive enough lineage, but... Oh, sorry, we're talking about marriage prospects, [cdb]right?
  32. It's gruesome to say, but I prefer magic because it [cdb]feels the least like I'm taking a life.
  33. Why, are you fishing for compliments? Well then, I think you're someone I can rely on.
  34. Wouldn't you like to know. Sorry, not telling!
  35. Not great. Life has been one battle after another, [cdb]and it's all rather depressing to think about.
  36. I'm actually having a wonderful day. Something nice [cdb]happened to me earlier, you see.
  37. I always wanted long, flowing hair like this.
  38. The hair clasp is a hand-me-down from an amazing [cdb]person I looked up to in the opera company.
  39. Enjoying the view? I sure am.
  40. If you keep staring, I may start to think you have a [cdb]thing for me.
  41. You like my outfit? It's based on what I wore at the [cdb]opera company.
  42. It's nice knowing I can trust you to behave. You get to [cdb]keep your teeth that way, too!
  43. Today was even more exciting than I expected!
  44. Thank you for that wonderful distraction. Oh, and [cdb]you'd better ask me out again soon.
  45. Let's get it done.