1. This surprise pleases me! How did you know I would [cdb]have enjoyment of this?
  2. The only thing better than having a meal is to be [cdb]sharing it with a friend.
  3. Sometimes Fódlan cuisine is going down easily, [cdb]and sometimes it is definitely not.
  4. Yes! Let us get these horses on the road!
  5. I will follow you anywhere you are choosing to go.
  6. It is so wide and open here. We are not having [cdb]grasslands like this in Brigid.
  7. There. In the trees. Animals. But do not worry— [cdb]they are not having bigness.
  8. The air up here is strange. It is...how do you say it? Lighter?
  9. I love the water. Do you want to go dipping with me?
  10. Is it edible? Should I be hunting it for you?
  11. Yes, I was seeing that flutter by. It was someone's list [cdb]for shopping.
  12. I am having excitement at the thought! I will be [cdb]catching the big one!
  13. If you want to be petting them, I can build a trap for [cdb]easy capturing.
  14. I am not minding the rain, but thank you.
  15. We can stay. It is often raining in Brigid, so wetness [cdb]does not bother me. Unless it bothers you?
  16. We should be harpooning them! I am good at that.
  17. Swimming is easy in my clothes. But you have armor. You will be sinking like a heavy stone.
  18. We have no horses in Brigid, so riding is still a thing [cdb]of much newness to me.
  19. We should be training here in secret! Then we will [cdb]return stronger and give our friends much surprise.
  20. Sometimes a hunt will last for days. I have to be [cdb]sleeping in trees or between rocks.
  21. Brigid is between Fódlan and Dagda. We are getting [cdb]many ideas from both.
  22. Your hair changes color just like one of the legends of Brigid! This is a thing of much strangeness.
  23. I thought Fódlan's army would be highly disciplined. But instead, the rules are having much flexibility.
  24. I read books before coming to Fódlan. I wanted to be [cdb]preparing. But it was still a thing of difficulty.
  25. I like climbing trees, but it is not a thing done by [cdb]people in Fódlan.
  26. I do not like laziness. But sometimes that means I am [cdb]working too hard and making mistakes.
  27. I hope to spend much time with people I love.
  28. I never seem to get better at math. What is 49 times 73 again?
  29. I have grandparents, and a little brother and sister. But everyone on the isles is like family, so I have a [cdb]family of much largeness.
  30. Long ago, I tried to put an arrow in the sun. It was [cdb]killing a bird instead. That was my first hunt.
  31. I have much to learn from them, so we are training [cdb]each day. If mine was the way, I would have them all [cdb]come live in Brigid.
  32. I am good with the sword and bow. I want to be [cdb]better at the axe. If it can be soaring through the air, I will probably like it.
  33. I admire your strength. But I will keep training and [cdb]soon be surpassing you!
  34. Brigid is needing a person like you. I am still waiting [cdb]for your answer.
  35. Now that I have adjusted to Fódlan pillows, I am fine.
  36. I am missing my home every so often. All I love is [cdb]located so far from here.
  37. Braiding my hair like this is challenging, but I find it [cdb]an enjoyable time.
  38. My ornament is an official symbol of the queen of Brigid. Does it give you enjoyment?
  39. The mark on my face? It is a prayer to the spirits.
  40. Have caution. In Brigid, looking another in the eye [cdb]and touching foreheads is a thing done for marriage.
  41. The fabric has much lightness so I can avoid enemy [cdb]attacks. I am not needing thick armor.
  42. The marking on my arm is a prayer to the flame [cdb]spirit. I am asking for victory. And the arrows I loose [cdb]with this arm are never missing.
  43. This brought great enjoyment! We should do it again.
  44. The hours are flying away when I am with you. I cannot wait for the next time.
  45. I will see it done speedily.