1. This is one of my favorites! Thank you. This really [cdb]makes my day.
  2. Who you eat with is more important than how the [cdb]food tastes anyway.
  3. I know you went to a lot of trouble to make this, [cdb]but...I don't really like it. I'm sorry.
  4. Apologies for the wait! Where are we going today?
  5. Sorry, I spent too much time getting ready. I just [cdb]couldn't decide what to bring.
  6. Doesn't this view make you want to see what's beyond [cdb]the field?
  7. What an exquisite forest. And I'm certain it was just [cdb]as stunning thousands of years ago.
  8. I want to burn this view into my mind so I can paint [cdb]it later.
  9. This is a wonderful spot. I can already feel my [cdb]exhaustion melting away.
  10. Did that bird come from somewhere outside Fódlan? I suppose borders are meaningless if you can fly.
  11. This looks rather old. I can't make out what it says, [cdb]but it could be something important...
  12. Hm? Oh, yes... It's a little embarrassing when you say [cdb]it like that.
  13. There's no need to worry. I remember the way back.
  14. No, I'm fine! It'd be pretty selfish of me to take it and [cdb]let you get soaked.
  15. Would it be all right if we stayed a bit longer? I love [cdb]the way this place looks when it rains.
  16. Yes, I love it! I'd much rather eat seafood than [cdb]other kinds of meat.
  17. Yes, I think that's a good idea too. It might be [cdb]important to someone.
  18. People often tell me that being a knight doesn't suit [cdb]me. Do you think the same?
  19. If there really is a goddess, I wonder what she [cdb]looks like.
  20. The world stretches far beyond Fódlan's borders. Wouldn't you like to see it all someday?
  21. Apparently my ancestors lived in Leicester before the Alliance was even formed.
  22. I'm not jealous of nobles or people with Crests. They have their own share of troubles.
  23. It's important to be mindful of your tableware [cdb]choices. Foods and tea taste different depending on [cdb]what they're served in.
  24. I'm worried about historical ruins getting destroyed [cdb]in the war. There's no way to get them back once [cdb]they're gone.
  25. I love anything that's beautiful. Oh, and I'm [cdb]interested in historical buildings as well.
  26. I don't handle lightning well. I'm always terrified it [cdb]might strike me.
  27. I'm not sure. Right now I like imagining how things [cdb]will be once the war is over and there's nothing tying [cdb]me down.
  28. It might not seem this way, but I honestly don't [cdb]have that many worries. I'm usually prepared for [cdb]the worst.
  29. My father says that if trade ceases, our home will [cdb]wither away. That's why he's determined to continue [cdb]working during the war.
  30. An acquaintance of mine once complimented my art. I don't think I've ever felt so happy.
  31. War is always terrible, but I feel lucky to have met so [cdb]many wonderful friends along the way.
  32. Let's just say my forte is providing backup.
  33. It's amazing that you've been a mercenary for so long. I don't think I'd be able to do that.
  34. I'd like to paint a picture of you fighting. Would that [cdb]be all right?
  35. Every time I go into battle, I'm painfully aware of [cdb]how inadequate I am.
  36. My older brother sent me a fascinating book that I've [cdb]been reading whenever I have the time. You could [cdb]borrow it too, if you'd like.
  37. Do I have bed head? I tried my best to fix it...
  38. I've had the same hairstyle ever since I was a child, [cdb]so I have no clue how to change it. Haha...
  39. Is something the matter? You're making me blush.
  40. People tell me they can hardly recognize me without [cdb]my glasses. Do I really look that different?
  41. I'm envious of people who've been blessed with an [cdb]excellent physique. It's an area in which I'm sorely [cdb]lacking.
  42. I try to work out as much as I can, but it never [cdb]amounts to much. I wish I could be muscular.
  43. Thank you for today. I hope you invite me again [cdb]sometime.
  44. I had a lot of fun today! I hope we can do this again!
  45. Sure, I'll help.