Raphael: We still have work to do.
Jeralt: Many challenges still lie ahead.
Thales: I did all that I could.
Miklan: I'm rather surprised.
Rodrigue: A triumphant return!
Jeritza: It's been a while.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Am I having time to return home?
Tomas: Dum de dum!♪
Ordelia General: I feel...inadequate.
Myson: May I show my appreciation?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: A return to the palace...
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I kinda freeze up around people.
Metodey: I can't go back...
Constance: You've been to Enbarr before, yes?
: I can't wait to see the sights.
Charon General: Speaking of Enbarr...
Shez: Got any ideas?
Pittacus: Don't let your guard down.
Rufus: Is it really all right?
Dark Merchant: My worry may have been unnecessary.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We'll finally be able to see our family.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We can return with heads held high!
Viscount Enid: How tedious.
: I can't wait to see the sights.
Chilon: Together?
???: I'm gonna make it big!
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'd sure like to see my family!
Mage: I fled to the Empire.
???: Speaking of Randolph...
???: I won't be outdone!
???: Are you familiar with the sacred weapons?
???: This is what I believe.
???: Rather cheery, no?
???: Time to let my hair down!
Scholar: Well done indeed!
Viscount Enid: How tedious.
: I can't wait to see the sights.
Chilon: Together?
: I can't wait to see the sights.
Chilon: Fódlan's oldest chapel is in Enbarr.
link Edelgard
Though the war has calmed for a time, that does not mean we no longer have things to do.
link Edelgard
We must reorganize our army, as well as change our relations with the other regions.
link Edelgard
I will need to lean on your strength more than ever in such times.
link Shez
Leave it to me, boss! So long as it's business fit for a merc, I'll get it done.
link Shez
Leave it to me, boss! So long as it's business fit for a merc, I'll get it done.
link Edelgard
You're capable of handling a great number of things, not merely mercenary matters.
link Shez
Sounds like a lot of responsibility. I'll, uh, do my best.
link Shez
Sounds like a lot of responsibility. I'll, uh, do my best.
link Edelgard
Your record of achievement thus far speaks for itself.
link Linhardt
I'm surprised Edelgard would choose to return.
link Linhardt
I thought her the type to continue a fight at any cost, but I'm quite glad to be proven wrong.
link Shez
Yep. It's always good for a leader to be flexible.
link Shez
Yep. It's always good for a leader to be flexible.
link Linhardt
Personally, I'd love it if she abandoned this war altogether, but that seems like a long shot.
link Shez
She never struck me as being the stubborn sort— at least not past the point of reason.
link Shez
She never struck me as being the stubborn sort— at least not past the point of reason.
link Linhardt
In that case, it seems your assessment was correct. Regardless, I'm just glad to be away from the fighting.
link Linhardt
I'm surprised Edelgard would choose to return.
link Linhardt
I thought her the type to continue a fight at any cost, but I'm quite glad to be proven wrong.
link Shez
Yep. It's always good for a leader to be flexible.
link Shez
Yep. It's always good for a leader to be flexible.
link Linhardt
Personally, I'd love it if she abandoned this war altogether, but that seems like a long shot.
link Linhardt
I'm surprised Edelgard would choose to return.
link Linhardt
I thought her the type to continue a fight at any cost, but I'm quite glad to be proven wrong.
link Shez
She never struck me as being the stubborn sort— at least not past the point of reason.
link Shez
She never struck me as being the stubborn sort— at least not past the point of reason.
link Linhardt
In that case, it seems your assessment was correct. Regardless, I'm just glad to be away from the fighting.
link Caspar
Aw, yeah! A triumphant return! Or, uh...maybe it's not quite triumphant enough for me to say that?
link Caspar
Anyway, we're headed back, but my father has entered Arianrhod and is keeping an eye on the Kingdom army.
link Caspar
Apparently Duke Gerth, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, was sent to Myrddin in his place.
link Caspar
He fights pretty well, right? Like, well enough that maybe he'll be able to hold it?
link Dorothea
It's been quite a while since I've felt this kind of atmosphere. Is this what soldiers mean when they speak of the calm after the battle?
link Dorothea
We had some sad farewells, and a lot of pain...
link Dorothea
But I suppose we should try to be happy that we're alive and able to return safely home.
link Petra
We are returning to the capital soon, yes? Am I having time to go back to Brigid?
link Petra
It would give me happiness to visit home after a time of such longness.
link Shez
Brigid's your homeland, right? Place beyond the sea? Guess you'd have to sail out there.
link Shez
Brigid's your homeland, right? Place beyond the sea? Guess you'd have to sail out there.
link Petra
Yes, I would be riding with a trade ship, as I am lacking a vessel of my own.
link Petra
Although someday I am hoping to travel back and forth as I please.
link Shez
I hope you can go back, Petra, though I have no idea how long this little respite is gonna last.
link Shez
I hope you can go back, Petra, though I have no idea how long this little respite is gonna last.
link Petra
Will you be returning to your home?
link Shez
My home, huh...
link Shez
My home, huh...
link Bernadetta
Dum de dum!♪ Ahhh, it's so exciting to be heading back to the capital after so long!
link Bernadetta
And since my father's at Garreg Mach and I don't have to see him, maybe I can actually relax.
link Shez
The way you talk about your dad actually makes me feel a little bad for the guy.
link Shez
The way you talk about your dad actually makes me feel a little bad for the guy.
link Shez
Is he really that horrible?
link Shez
Is he really that horrible?
link Bernadetta
He absolutely is, which is why I'm allowed to talk about him any way I want!
link Bernadetta
He absolutely is, which is why I'm allowed to talk about him any way I want!
link Shez
You know, I've heard plenty of things about your old man, but not a word about your mom.
link Shez
You know, I've heard plenty of things about your old man, but not a word about your mom.
link Bernadetta
Really? Well, my mother is a civil official who still works in the Imperial capital.
link Bernadetta
Really? Well, my mother is a civil official who still works in the Imperial capital.
link Bernadetta
She has a ton of useful skills, and people say she's an intelligent, accomplished lady. Not like me at all.
link Bernadetta
She has a ton of useful skills, and people say she's an intelligent, accomplished lady. Not like me at all.
link Monica
Hearing Her Majesty say what she did only makes me feel all the more inadequate.
link Monica
But I will never, ever let such a thing happen again. You agree with me on that, yes?
link Shez
Yeah, can't say as I do. 'Course I'm just a hired sword, so we don't exactly have the same lord-vassal kinda relationship that you do.
link Shez
Yeah, can't say as I do. 'Course I'm just a hired sword, so we don't exactly have the same lord-vassal kinda relationship that you do.
link Shez
But if you mean inadequate in the sense of not being able to finish my job, then I'm with you all the way.
link Shez
But if you mean inadequate in the sense of not being able to finish my job, then I'm with you all the way.
link Monica
I suspected you might say something like that. Someday I'll make you wise to Her Majesty's charms!
link Shez
Oh, I hear you. There's nothing more frustrating than leaving a job unfinished.
link Shez
Oh, I hear you. There's nothing more frustrating than leaving a job unfinished.
link Monica
You know, I think we might be talking about different things here...
link Manuela
The Mittelfrank Opera Company has been tasked with providing performances as a way to thank the Imperial army for its services.
link Manuela
As a formerly-featured songstress, perhaps I could do more to show my own appreciation for all of your efforts...
link Shez
Now you're talking! But what do you mean by that, exactly?
link Shez
Now you're talking! But what do you mean by that, exactly?
link Manuela
Come by the infirmary later, and I'll sing you a song that soothes both spirits and nerves.
link Shez
Yeah, I'm good. Maybe save your efforts for the folks who are a little more run down?
link Shez
Yeah, I'm good. Maybe save your efforts for the folks who are a little more run down?
link Manuela
What a terrifically sad response!
link Jeritza
Returning now? How tedious.
link Jeritza
Had we kept fighting, I may have enjoyed myself.
link Shez
Yeah, not much good in complaining at this point. We're heading back regardless.
link Shez
Yeah, not much good in complaining at this point. We're heading back regardless.
link Jeritza
Hmph. Indeed.
link Shez
You wanna head back to the front? I'm sure Edelgard would send you if you asked.
link Shez
You wanna head back to the front? I'm sure Edelgard would send you if you asked.
link Jeritza
No. I was ordered to return with her and must obey.
link Jeritza
link Constance
Returning to the capital means returning to the Imperial palace, yes? I wonder if there is truly a place for me there.
link Constance
It will surely mean suffering at the hands of the daughters of nobles my family once mingled with.
link Constance
Well, since the nobility seems to hold little love for you, perhaps you will act as my shield?
link Hapi
This'll be my first time in Enbarr. It's the biggest city in Fódlan, yeah?
link Hapi
Whenever there are too many people around, I tend to freeze up.
link Hapi
Might not be a good idea to head to the busiest city around. I mean, if I let a sigh slip there...
link Shez
What do you mean?
link Shez
What do you mean?
link Hapi
Oh, nothing. I'd just hate it if something annoying happened.
link Shez
Yeah...sure. Still, if you need a hand with something, just let me know.
link Shez
Yeah...sure. Still, if you need a hand with something, just let me know.
link Hapi
What a pal.
link Ashe
I'm glad Lonato made it out safely, but...
link Ashe
But we killed Ingrid.
link Ashe
I can't ever go back, can I? There's no place left for me in Faerghus.
link Ashe
Whatever part of me that was a knight is dead.
link Ashe
I'm glad Lonato made it out safely, but...
link Ashe
But Ingrid and Mercedes are gone, and we're the ones who killed them.
link Ashe
I can't ever go back, can I? There's no place left for me in Faerghus.
link Ashe
Whatever part of me that was a knight is dead.
link Lorenz
The Imperial capital of Enbarr has existed since before the establishment of the Adrestian Empire.
link Lorenz
It is where Saint Seiros first appeared to the world.
link Lorenz
You've been there before, yes? Were you able to appreciate the city's rich and storied history in all its glory?
link Shez
I've been there, but hearing you talking about the sights has me excited. Maybe you'd even be willing to give me a little tour?
link Shez
I've been there, but hearing you talking about the sights has me excited. Maybe you'd even be willing to give me a little tour?
link Lorenz
Actually, this will be my first time there—although I have been to the royal capital.
link Shez
Yeah, history puts me to sleep. But if the place has good food stalls, then we can talk.
link Shez
Yeah, history puts me to sleep. But if the place has good food stalls, then we can talk.
link Lorenz
Spoken like a true mercenary! Well, that's fine, I suppose. After all, the important thing is not the past, but what may lie in the future.
link Ignatz
There are lots of historic buildings still standing in Enbarr!
link Ignatz
And with the battle on hold, I'm hoping to take a nice stroll around to all the different sights.
link Marianne
Apparently the city holds the oldest chapel in all of Fódlan.
link Marianne
Our voices might more directly reach the goddess were we to pray there.
link Balthus
Speaking of Enbarr, that reminds me...
link Balthus
I haven't been there since I infiltrated the black market to get Vajra-Mushti back after it was stolen from my mother's hometown.
link Shez
The black market... Wait, I heard about that!
link Shez
The black market... Wait, I heard about that!
link Shez
So that big guy picking fights was you all along?
link Shez
So that big guy picking fights was you all along?
link Balthus
Actually, uh...nope! Must've been someone else.
link Shez
You infiltrated a black market? You're even more reckless than I thought.
link Shez
You infiltrated a black market? You're even more reckless than I thought.
link Balthus
Eh, it was a long time ago. No point making a fuss about it now.
link Shez
Is he for real...
link Shez
Is he for real...
link Raphael
All this talk about rethinking our strategy seems like it's more for the big brains at the top.
link Raphael
In the meantime, I've got some time off! But what am I supposed to do in the capital? You got any ideas?
link Raphael
Wonder what kinda grub I can dig up in Enbarr... Oh man, I'm looking forward to it now!
link Shez
Do what you always do—lift something heavy and then chow down on a nice hunk of beef.
link Shez
Do what you always do—lift something heavy and then chow down on a nice hunk of beef.
link Raphael
Sounds like a good idea to me!
link Raphael
Wonder what kinda grub I can dig up in Enbarr... Oh man, I'm looking forward to it now!
link Shez
Get in your normal training, but then make sure to sleep in—this chance doesn't come around often.
link Shez
Get in your normal training, but then make sure to sleep in—this chance doesn't come around often.
link Raphael
Sounds like a good idea to me!
link Raphael
Wonder what kinda grub I can dig up in Enbarr... Oh man, I'm looking forward to it now!
link Lysithea
So long as your face remains unbothered, I trust that nothing of note has come to pass.
link Lysithea
However, common sense simply does not apply to those people, and we cannot ever know how or when they might make an appearance.
link Lysithea
Please don't let your guard down, even in Enbarr.
link Lysithea
Also, this may be overly cautious of me, but be wary of Hubert. I don't think the man entirely trusts you.
link Mercedes
Is it really all right that I came to Enbarr?
link Mercedes
I am certainly glad to be alongside him, but... No, it's nothing.
link Mercedes
I chose to walk away from everyone, and now I have no other options.
link Mercedes
Is it really all right that I came to Enbarr?
link Mercedes
With him gone, I have no reason to be here anymore. And yet...
link Mercedes
I chose to walk away from everyone, and now I have no other options.
link Waldemar
Though it's rather lacking in reliability, I've heard whispers that an attempt on Her Majesty's life is currently in the works.
link Waldemar
Just in case, I brought along soldiers to meet her, though I admit my worry may be unfounded.
link Shez
Hey, better safe than sorry—especially when we're not even inside the city yet.
link Shez
Hey, better safe than sorry—especially when we're not even inside the city yet.
link Shez
After all, the best time to attack is just before the enemy thinks they're home free. That's when their guard is always at its lowest.
link Shez
After all, the best time to attack is just before the enemy thinks they're home free. That's when their guard is always at its lowest.
link Waldemar
Wise words! I'm actually rather shocked.
link Shez
Eh, it'll be fine—we're practically in Enbarr by now. Besides, she's got me here. Not to mention you and everyone else, right?
link Shez
Eh, it'll be fine—we're practically in Enbarr by now. Besides, she's got me here. Not to mention you and everyone else, right?
link Waldemar
Do you truly think so? I myself would rather be cautious, even if it ends up being unwarranted.
link ???
Enbarr's been around a lot longer than Garreg Mach.
link ???
Of course, the Imperial palace and sprawling city didn't exist in the old days.
link ???
But now the town houses one of the largest markets in Fódlan. Every merchant dreams of making it big there!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
Although since we're headed back to Enbarr for the first time in a bit, I'd sure like to see my family.
link Gatekeeper
I mean, think about it. So long as we're caught up in all this fighting, there's no telling when we one of us might leave home for the last time.
link Arval
I suppose one's hometown will always hold a significant place in their heart.
link Arval
There's a wide range of emotions coursing through you right now, from an unbridled sense of freedom to a feeling of relief.
link Arval
But I cannot quite wrap my head around why, as I have no hometown myself. At least, not as far as I remember.
link Ferdinand
I have my regrets about this campaign, but at the same time believe I have done all that I could.
link Ferdinand
I have seen a path which will lead to the Empire ruling Fódlan and opening the way to a better future.
link Hubert
Do you think so? We were forced into a stalemate with the Alliance, the fight with the Kingdom is at a standstill, and the Central Church is alive and well.
link Hubert
Many challenges still lie ahead on our path to victory.
link Shez
I get what Ferdinand is saying. We can do this.
link Shez
I get what Ferdinand is saying. We can do this.
link Ferdinand
I thought you would say as much! Now let us work together diligently for the sake of our future!
link Hubert
If you possess that much energy, do feel free to apply it to the matters pending before you.
link Shez
I think Hubert's right. When I think of all we have left to do, it's hard to feel terribly optimistic.
link Shez
I think Hubert's right. When I think of all we have left to do, it's hard to feel terribly optimistic.
link Ferdinand
I respectfully disagree. We know the problems that lie before us now. We simply have to conquer them.
link Hubert
Spoken like a true optimist—though I suppose I should expect nothing else from you.
link Ferdinand
I have my regrets about this campaign, but at the same time believe I have done all that I could.
link Ferdinand
I have seen a path which will lead to the Empire ruling Fódlan and opening the way to a better future.
link Hubert
Do you think so? We were forced into a stalemate with the Alliance, the fight with the Kingdom is at a standstill, and the Central Church is alive and well.
link Hubert
Many challenges still lie ahead on our path to victory.
link Ignatz
There are lots of historic buildings still standing in Enbarr!
link Ignatz
And with the battle on hold, I'm hoping to take a nice stroll around to all the different sights.
link Ignatz
Um, would you two want to walk in the city with me?
link Marianne
link Shez
I bet you'd make a great tour guide, Ignatz. I'm in!
link Shez
I bet you'd make a great tour guide, Ignatz. I'm in!
link Ignatz
Great! I can't wait to show you what Enbarr has to offer. But what about you, Marianne?
link Marianne
I, um... I will think about it.
link Shez
I'll only go if she does.
link Shez
I'll only go if she does.
link Ignatz
Oh, I'm...not quite sure how to take that, actually. What do you say, Marianne?
link Marianne
I, um... I will think about it.
link Shez
Eh, you've seen one building, you've seen 'em all. Why don't you and Marianne go, just the two of you?
link Shez
Eh, you've seen one building, you've seen 'em all. Why don't you and Marianne go, just the two of you?
link Ignatz
Oh...I see. What do you say, Marianne?
link Marianne
I, um... I will think about it.
link Ignatz
There are lots of historic buildings still standing in Enbarr!
link Ignatz
And with the battle on hold, I'm hoping to take a nice stroll around to all the different sights.
link Randolph
Fleche and I have been allowed to return to the Imperial capital and see our family for the first time in some while.
link Fleche
Plus, we succeeded in protecting Arianrhod, so we can go back with our heads held high!
link Randolph
Exactly so. You've helped me so many times, [HERO_MF], and I thank you for it.
link Fleche
Yeah, you were amazing! I hope we can work together again someday.
link Fleche
I'll keep my fingers crossed!
link Randolph
Fleche and I have been allowed to return to the Imperial capital and see our family for the first time in some while.
link Fleche
Plus, we succeeded in protecting Arianrhod, so we can go back with our heads held high!
link Randolph
Exactly so. You've helped me so many times, [HERO_MF], and I thank you for it.
link Fleche
Yeah, you were amazing! I hope we can work together again someday.
link Fleche
I'll keep my fingers crossed!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I am a member of the Kingdom's House Elidure. I spearheaded our support for the Empire, but...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, during the subsequent discord, the Kingdom's army ended up marching south.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And in the end, the regions north of Count Rowe's territory once more sided with the king.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Sensing the clear danger to myself in such an arrangement, I fled to the Empire.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Randolph is the son of the previous Count Bergliez's second wife, and one who caused much familial strife.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wonder what Caspar and the others think of a man like that being welcomed as a leader.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But taken to excess, I fear it will invite backlash. Though perhaps this conversation is lost on you, seeing as you are a beneficiary yourself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Randolph is the son of the previous Count Bergliez's second wife, and one who caused much familial strife.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I wonder what the noble descendants think of a man like that being welcomed as a leader.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Believe me, I understand Her Majesty's desire to elevate those who have not yet had their moment in the sun.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But taken to excess, I fear it will invite backlash. Though perhaps this conversation is lost on you, seeing as you are a beneficiary yourself.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
There are so many leaders our age in Her Majesty's personal army! It's great!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And I'm gonna prove myself to be the best!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Are you familiar with the weapons associated with the saints, such as the Spear of Assal used by St. Cichol?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And of course, there is also Saint Cethleann's Caduceus Staff.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Central Church controls the majority of these sacred items, but there are no small number whose whereabouts have been lost to time.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Before the war, we searched for the weapons we had lost and came upon the axe now used by Her Majesty.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I rather like the church in the capital. It is quite old, but possessed of a pleasant atmosphere.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
A thousand years ago, Saint Seiros appeared in Enbarr and guided the founding of Adrestia.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
She also built Garreg Mach, though in the end she left the Empire entirely.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Given such history, I believe the Church of Seiros ought to be protecting the people of Adrestia even now, and yet...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The war has started, yet the air in the capital remains rather cheery, no?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I suppose they can't even imagine the possibility of losing. And while I want to think that way myself, one never knows what fate has in store.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Why, what would happen if instead the Empire itself were suddenly invaded?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I can let my hair down for the first time in a while! Same for you, yeah?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We could well end up dead in the next battle, so we'd better spend our coin while we can! Haha!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I have come from Enbarr to welcome you and give congratulations for the many battles you have weathered thus far.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I must say, you have proven to be a grand success. Her Majesty certainly does have a keen eye for talent.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
True, there have been a few stalemates, but there can be no doubt that the Empire will emerge the ultimate victor in this war!