Leonie: What should we do?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Spare me.
Kostas: I don't get it.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We need to stay vigilant.
Yuri: This land is so fertile.
Miklan: What are they thinking?
Tomas: If I'm not mistaken...
Jeritza: So many familiar faces.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I was visiting where my father died.
Constance: The Alliance forces...
Shez: This doesn't feel right.
: It seems so foolish.
Chilon: ...
Charon General: So, I got this old buddy...
Leopold: I am happy to advise him.
Matthias: There is somewhere I wish to visit.
Anaximandros: Lady Rhea...
Byleth: Now, Felix.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: This encampment is like our home.
???: A merchant's gotta be ready.
???: It just feels wrong.
???: We just can't lose!
Mage: Count Hevring...
???: They've really grown on me.
???: General Randolph...
???: He sure has changed.
???: Not them again.
???: If we could just avoid them...
???: Have you heard about the dance master?
Dimitri: ...
Metodey: Umm...
Dimitri: I am grateful.
Rufus: Thank goodness.
Rufus: Constance...
Dominic General: Even in times of war and death...
???: Long time no see!
Dominic General: All the usual suspects, I see.
???: What a guy.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: It must be a miracle.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: What trials await me?
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I can't believe it.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: We'd finally found each other...
link Dimitri
We already know what Jeralt's Mercenaries are capable of. We may have superior numbers, but they could still claim victory over us.
link Dimitri
That said, Hevring territory is a key strategic location. We cannot simply bypass it.
link Dimitri
We spoke earlier with Rodrigue and the others about prioritizing the defeat of the Imperial commander...
link Dimitri
Therefore, I propose we leave the base in Rodrigue's care, and strike at the heart of the Imperial forces ourselves. What are your thoughts?
link Dimitri
I need not come to a conclusion on my own. I'll solicit more opinions before making my decision.
link Shez
It sounds solid enough. Though I doubt it'll be a walk in the park.
link Shez
It sounds solid enough. Though I doubt it'll be a walk in the park.
link Dimitri
True... Jeralt's Mercenaries will likely see to that.
link Shez
It's not gonna work. I'm all for a head-on attack, but do you think they'll let us just waltz in and take out their commander?
link Shez
It's not gonna work. I'm all for a head-on attack, but do you think they'll let us just waltz in and take out their commander?
link Shez
Jeralt's Mercenaries could turn our raid into a retreat if we're not careful.
link Shez
Jeralt's Mercenaries could turn our raid into a retreat if we're not careful.
link Dimitri
I'm not certain there is a better option, but it would be prudent to give it more consideration.
link Dimitri
Fortunately, we have battle-hardened veterans like Seteth and Rodrigue on our side.
link Dimitri
I need not come to a conclusion on my own. I'll solicit more opinions before making my decision.
link Dimitri
Fortunately, we have battle-hardened veterans like Rodrigue on our side.
link Dimitri
I need not come to a conclusion on my own. I'll solicit more opinions before making my decision.
link Dedue
The majority of the Duscur people have returned to our homeland.
link Dedue
Though some have stayed to fight alongside us in the Kingdom army.
link Dedue
I am forever grateful for their service.
link Dedue
The relationship between Duscur and Faerghus has truly come a long way in recent years.
link Sylvain
I don't get it. Why do Jeralt's Mercenaries keep siding with the Empire when they're losing?
link Sylvain
At this rate, the only things the Imperial army can offer them are losing battles and table scraps, right?
link Sylvain
The best-case scenario in my book is turning our enemies into allies.
link Sylvain
Considering all the battles we have ahead of us, I'd like to avoid whatever unnecessary casualties we can.
link Shez
Maybe they owe a debt to the Empire. Some mercs out there value duty and loyalty over coin.
link Shez
Maybe they owe a debt to the Empire. Some mercs out there value duty and loyalty over coin.
link Sylvain
I don't know much about Jeralt's merry band, but do you really think that's how they are? Seems odd to me.
link Shez
Maybe they wanna steer clear of the Kingdom for some reason.
link Shez
Maybe they wanna steer clear of the Kingdom for some reason.
link Sylvain
Hmm... Actually, didn't their captain used to head the Knights of Seiros back in the day?
link Sylvain
So it could have less to do with the Kingdom or Alliance, and more to do with avoiding the church.
link Shez
Who knows? Doesn't matter what the enemy's motivations are anyway.
link Shez
Who knows? Doesn't matter what the enemy's motivations are anyway.
link Sylvain
Hey, if we play our cards right, we might not even have to fight them.
link Mercedes
I am so relieved we didn't have to take Constance's life!
link Mercedes
She's a dear friend of mine, from back when I lived in the Empire.
link Mercedes
It pains me that we're forcing her to betray them.
link Mercedes
But I also get so much joy out of fighting alongside her. It's selfish of me, I know.
link Mercedes
Constance... She left us no choice, right?
link Mercedes
She was a dear friend of mine, from back when I lived in the Empire...
link Mercedes
Every time I see an old friend on the battlefield...
link Mercedes
I desperately have to convince myself that fighting them is the only way to bring peace back to Fódlan.
link Mercedes
link Mercedes
She was a dear friend of mine, from back when I lived in the Empire.
link Mercedes
Right when I thought we'd be together again, we had to say goodbye... I can't believe it.
link Mercedes
I just wish we could have had more time to talk.
link Annette
There have been so many people fleeing the Empire lately.
link Annette
Of course, I want to help those in need, and it's good if some of them end up joining our army...
link Annette
But I'm worried we wouldn't notice if one of them happened to be a spy.
link Annette
After all, we can't afford to lose this battle. There's no room for error.
link Shez
Good point. I should probably take a look around for anyone suspicious, at the very least.
link Shez
Good point. I should probably take a look around for anyone suspicious, at the very least.
link Annette
I'll keep my eyes peeled too. I'm sure it'll be fine, but it can't hurt to be careful.
link Shez
Well, it's not like we vet every person that joins up anyway. So it's probably OK, right?
link Shez
Well, it's not like we vet every person that joins up anyway. So it's probably OK, right?
link Annette
Hmm... But maybe we've just been lucky so far.
link Annette
I'll take a look around for anyone suspicious, just in case. A little caution goes a long way.
link Ingrid
The land in this region is so fertile, and the climate differs greatly from the Kingdom's.
link Ingrid
It's hard to describe my feelings looking at this landscape after all I've seen in Galatea.
link Ingrid
I can also understand why the people of Sreng are trying to seize our lands in Faerghus.
link Ingrid
But I mustn't let envy cloud my vision. Instead I'll focus on what I can do for my home.
link Petra
I went visiting to where my father died.
link Petra
But, of course, there was nothing to be seen.
link Petra
Almost no one in Fódlan remembers... This is good in its own way, I think.
link Shez
Why is that good? You don't want them to remember?
link Shez
Why is that good? You don't want them to remember?
link Petra
I do not. My father was an enemy of Fódlan. I am having certainty of this. If we think of our future friendship...
link Petra
People forget the bad, and then it can be fading away. Do you not think so?
link Shez
Good in its own way, huh? You might just be right.
link Shez
Good in its own way, huh? You might just be right.
link Petra
Yes. There is sadness, but everyone is overcoming it.
link Dorothea
We fought so many familiar faces in the last battle... So many old friends.
link Dorothea
Professor Manuela, Professor Hanneman, Monnie, Lin, Connie...
link Dorothea
I'm glad some of them listened to reason and joined us.
link Dorothea
But there were so many who couldn't be spared. Perhaps I should've died with them.
link Dorothea
We fought so many familiar faces in the last battle... So many old friends.
link Dorothea
Professor Manuela, Professor Hanneman, Monnie, Lin, Connie...
link Dorothea
But there were so many who couldn't be spared. Perhaps I should've died with them.
link Shez
Don't say that. You think your death would've meant fewer casualties?
link Shez
Don't say that. You think your death would've meant fewer casualties?
link Dorothea
Maybe not, but at least I wouldn't have to feel this way.
link Shez
I get what you're trying to say, but it's up to us to make sure their sacrifices lead to a peaceful future.
link Shez
I get what you're trying to say, but it's up to us to make sure their sacrifices lead to a peaceful future.
link Shez
You have to survive so that you can save more lives moving forward.
link Shez
You have to survive so that you can save more lives moving forward.
link Dorothea
I hope you're right. Maybe someday I'll see it that way too.
link Bernadetta
If I'm not mistaken, we should be getting closer to my home.
link Bernadetta
Or maybe not. I've been holed up so much, I don't know where we are anymore!
link Bernadetta
Or maybe not. I've been holed up so much, I don't know where we are anymore!
link Bernadetta
Oh, I just remembered. My father should be at Garreg Mach anyway.
link Bernadetta
Oh, I just remembered. My father should be at Garreg Mach anyway.
link Bernadetta
Well, I'll be happy as long as I don't have to see him.
link Bernadetta
Well, I'll be happy as long as I don't have to see him.
link Shez
No, you're right. Varley territory's just beyond Hevring, isn't it?
link Shez
No, you're right. Varley territory's just beyond Hevring, isn't it?
link Bernadetta
Wait, what?! No! They're going to brand me a traitor and kill me!
link Bernadetta
Wait, what?! No! They're going to brand me a traitor and kill me!
link Shez
Hm, we might be. I'm not really familiar with the southern part of the Empire.
link Shez
Hm, we might be. I'm not really familiar with the southern part of the Empire.
link Bernadetta
I hope I'm wrong.
link Linhardt
I thought I would be taken prisoner, but instead I'm being treated as a general. What are they thinking?
link Linhardt
It will be such a pain if they expect me to persuade the Imperial forces on this coming front.
link Shez
Well, it's certainly a possibility. We're attacking Hevring territory next.
link Shez
Well, it's certainly a possibility. We're attacking Hevring territory next.
link Shez
I'm sure there'll be plenty of opportunities for you to make yourself useful. Whether that means securing surrender or getting information from them.
link Shez
I'm sure there'll be plenty of opportunities for you to make yourself useful. Whether that means securing surrender or getting information from them.
link Linhardt
I'll not do anything of the sort. So if you plan to torture me, I'd like to know about it sooner rather than later.
link Shez
I dunno what they've got planned, but either way, they clearly value you.
link Shez
I dunno what they've got planned, but either way, they clearly value you.
link Linhardt
In that case, I suppose I should thank whoever holds me in such irritatingly high esteem.
link Lorenz
The Alliance forces have entered Imperial territory, but their wariness of the infamous Count Bergliez has them at a stalemate.
link Lorenz
Or at least, that is how it appears. In reality, it is a pretext to draw the attention of the Imperial forces on the eastern front.
link Lorenz
It is another one of that blackguard Claude's foolhardy schemes, but it is more than serving its purpose.
link Lorenz
At least for the time being, the Imperial army cannot devote any forces to the west. Our victory is all but assured.
link Raphael
I know we're trying to end the war as quick as possible.
link Raphael
But barging into someone else's homeland and trashing the place just doesn't feel right.
link Raphael
That's true. I just can't help but think about how after all this is done, I'm gonna take over the inn and live a carefree life.
link Raphael
I won't have to hurt anybody as an innkeeper.
link Shez
There's not much to do about that. This is war. It's kill or be killed.
link Shez
There's not much to do about that. This is war. It's kill or be killed.
link Shez
Yeah, I hear you. It's easier to feel good about it when I think about who we're fighting to protect.
link Shez
Yeah, I hear you. It's easier to feel good about it when I think about who we're fighting to protect.
link Ignatz
The western Empire bore almost no trace of the previous war.
link Ignatz
But this current conflict has damaged the towns and cities of the area yet again.
link Ignatz
They were destroyed and rebuilt, only to be destroyed again.
link Ignatz
It seems like such a foolish cycle, but maybe that's the only way humans can move forward.
link Ignatz
Hm? Oh, haha... I'm rambling again, aren't I?
link Marianne
Everyone has their own reasons for fighting. It's not even about good or evil most of the time.
link Marianne
So at the very least, I want to pray for those who have lost their lives. May they rest in peace.
link Marianne
Oh, Goddess...
link Shez
You doing OK, Marianne?
link Shez
You doing OK, Marianne?
link Marianne
Oh, I'm sorry. I was just praying to the goddess.
link Marianne
Oh, [HERO_MF]. Have you come to pray as well?
link Marianne
Oh, Goddess...
link Yuri
Balthus, Constance, Hapi. All the usual suspects are here.
link Yuri
Up until two years ago, I lived with them underground as part of the Ashen Wolves House.
link Shez
The Ashen Wolves? I don't remember that house from the Officers Academy.
link Shez
The Ashen Wolves? I don't remember that house from the Officers Academy.
link Yuri
It was called a "house," but really it was a home for young ones who had no place left to go in the world.
link Yuri
It was a comfortable place for people with special circumstances like us.
link Shez
And now you're together forever. Aww, it's sweet you're all such good friends.
link Shez
And now you're together forever. Aww, it's sweet you're all such good friends.
link Yuri
It's not about being good friends. We're just always bound to run into each other. I'm amazed we reunited here of all places, though.
link Balthus
So I got this old buddy, right? His name's Holst.
link Balthus
The guy can rip demons to shreds in his sleep, and he doesn't even have a Crest. Man's a force of nature.
link Balthus
But Dimitri's pretty strong too, isn't he? I wonder who would win in a fight.
link Balthus
Well, I'll just have to take a crack at him first. If he can't beat me, then Holst will wipe the floor with him for sure.
link Constance
The fact that I alone survived must mean the goddess has yet more trials for me.
link Constance
Is there no way to escape this ceaseless torment?
link Shez
What do you even want me to say? That death is the only escape? You're free to think whatever you want.
link Shez
What do you even want me to say? That death is the only escape? You're free to think whatever you want.
link Constance
So you are essentially telling me to find my own answer. How cruel.
link Shez
The only way to get through this is to focus on staying alive. That's what's helped me at least.
link Shez
The only way to get through this is to focus on staying alive. That's what's helped me at least.
link Constance
In other words, there is no escape. You see no respite even for yourself.
link Hapi
I thought if I was going against the Empire, I wouldn't have to worry about who I was fighting...
link Hapi
That I'd have to kill an old friend never even crossed my mind.
link Shez
Your friend? I'm so sorry, that's...awful. I don't know what to say.
link Shez
Your friend? I'm so sorry, that's...awful. I don't know what to say.
link Hapi
You don't have to say anything. This is war, after all.
link Shez
It's terrible, but that's what happens in war. That's why we need to end it.
link Shez
It's terrible, but that's what happens in war. That's why we need to end it.
link Hapi
I know. You're one tough cookie, aren't you?
link Hapi
We'd finally found each other after all that time... and now she's gone.
link Hapi
Hm? Oh, I'm talking about Coco.
link Hapi
The circumstances don't matter. I've taken plenty of lives myself, so I guess I have no room to complain.
link Seteth
His Majesty has asked for my counsel regarding strategic matters more often as of late.
link Seteth
He is already an excellent leader, especially for one so young. I am happy to advise him, whether he needs it or not.
link Seteth
Saint Cichol, in particular, was known as a tactical genius and played a key role in many historic victories.
link Seteth
He also penned a book on military strategy. I recommend reading it, should the opportunity arise.
link Shez
Dimitri seems to really trust you. How do you know so much about tactics, anyway?
link Shez
Dimitri seems to really trust you. How do you know so much about tactics, anyway?
link Seteth
When you have studied the records of the saints as much as I have, it is only natural to glean some of their tactical knowledge.
link Shez
His Majesty's young, huh? You don't exactly appear long in the tooth either, you know.
link Shez
His Majesty's young, huh? You don't exactly appear long in the tooth either, you know.
link Seteth
It is true the years have been kind to me, though I have studied the records of the saints for quite some time.
link Flayn
It may be imprudent at a time like this, but since we have traveled this far west...
link Flayn
I would very much like to visit the coast to the north of here.
link Flayn
Are you familiar with the Rhodos Coast? It is just north of Lake Teutates.
link Flayn
Well! You certainly do not mince words. It is a place very near and dear to my heart, you know.
link Flayn
But you are right, it is rather far. Perhaps I will visit once the war has ended.
link Shez
I've heard of it, but that's quite a ways from here. Going there now is outta the question.
link Shez
I've heard of it, but that's quite a ways from here. Going there now is outta the question.
link Shez
I don't think I've heard of it, but our next objective is to the south. There's no time for a trip up north.
link Shez
I don't think I've heard of it, but our next objective is to the south. There's no time for a trip up north.
link Catherine
You know, it's been a while since I've seen Lady Rhea.
link Catherine
We exchange letters regularly, but I still worry about her.
link Catherine
This business with the Western Church has probably piled even more on her plate. I hope she's not taking on more than she can handle.
link Shamir
A lot of people are getting fired up now that we've pushed the Empire back this far.
link Shamir
They're saying Garreg Mach's as good as ours, but I'm not so sure.
link Shamir
Then Rhea will have no choice but to move. The cardinals and the others are still alive, after all.
link Shez
Garreg Mach sits on one of the most strategic locations in Fódlan. It's not your average stronghold.
link Shez
Garreg Mach sits on one of the most strategic locations in Fódlan. It's not your average stronghold.
link Shamir
Yeah, but if that's what the higher-ups in the church are aiming for...
link Shez
Going up against the Imperial army in its current state should be no sweat, right? There's nothing we can't do.
link Shez
Going up against the Imperial army in its current state should be no sweat, right? There's nothing we can't do.
link Shamir
Maybe. If it's what the higher-ups in the church want...
link ???
A merchant needs to keep up with the times, but I think what's most important is to have guts.
link ???
I've gotta be ready to run through fire for a business opportunity.
link ???
Anyhoo, cast your eye on these beauties! I've only got the finest goods for sale!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
This encampment is like our home during this expedition.
link Gatekeeper
I'll be sure to keep it safe so that you can fight without any worries!
link Arval
link Shez
What's the matter, Arval? You look real worried.
link Shez
What's the matter, Arval? You look real worried.
link Arval
I'm feeling agitated, but I don't know why.
link Arval
Yes, what is it? Oh, you needn't be concerned about me.
link Arval
I was just lost in thought. I can't quite place the reason, but I've been feeling agitated lately...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Fighting mercenaries is one thing, but going against Sir Alois just feels wrong.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He's so good-natured, and his terrible jokes always make people laugh.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Well, at least a few of the knights got a kick out of them.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Anyway, we all thought he was a swell guy. I can't believe things have turned out this way.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We suffered so much at Magdred and in Arundel territory because of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My friend even lost their life at the hands of the Ashen Demon.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We must win for all those who were taken from us! Defeat is not an option!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Word has it that the Minister of Domestic Affairs, Count Hevring, is a rather capable fellow.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Perhaps that is why there has been relatively minimal destruction and looting in this area.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Or it could be that the cities in this territory are so developed they can withstand more damage.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Apparently, he's assembling forces in the city of Mozghuz, but I wonder if we will even need to engage in combat.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I dunno if it's 'cause I've been here a while or what, but the folks in Faerghus and the church have really grown on me.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Every victory, we sing, drink, and have a rollicking good time. Doesn't matter where we're from.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
This war won't last forever, but I sure hope the friendships do.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The man charged with defending Hevring territory, Randolph, is actually related to Count Bergliez.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Not by blood, mind you. He's the previous count's stepson, from his second wife.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
He desperately wants to make a name for himself in this war and establish a house of his own.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Of course, who knows whether his new house would even have a future in the current Empire.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Wow... Meetin' the boss again was really somethin'. What a guy.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We hadn't spoken or seen each other in over two years, and he still remembered me!
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I gotta tell the others from Abyss that I bumped into him.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
His Majesty's mood is different from last year.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It was almost as if he was too dignified before. It made him somewhat unapproachable.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I like him better now. He's much more cheerful around camp too.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Jeralt's Mercenaries again... It feels like we've fought them a hundred times since the war started.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We've got the Empire backed into a corner, but I wonder if this'll be the last we see of them.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I don't care if we defeat them or force them to surrender. I just don't want to have to fight them anymore.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Pardon me, Commander. Is there truly no way for us to avoid an altercation with Jeralt's Mercenaries?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Mayhap we could keep our distance from them, and focus instead on attacking the Imperial forces.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though, I suppose we have no information as to their whereabouts.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If only we could deploy some strategy that would allow us to glean their location.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Have you heard about the dance master that lives in Martyn territory?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
They apparently won the White Heron Cup dancing competition.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I had no idea such a contest even existed. I wonder what style of dance they do.
link Ashe
Hey, Dedue...just out of curiosity, what's that in your hand?
link Dedue
It is the pen His Majesty broke during the war council.
link Ashe
Heh, yeah, things got pretty heated with everyone talking over each other.
link Ashe
It must've been hard on His Majesty as well, considering how easily and often he breaks pens.
link Dedue
Indeed. He was terribly despondent when he saw it break this time.
link Shez
Can't you just get him a new pen whenever one breaks?
link Shez
Can't you just get him a new pen whenever one breaks?
link Dedue
I suppose. Though that wouldn't please His Majesty...
link Shez
Maybe we can figure out a way to keep him from accidentally breaking them.
link Shez
Maybe we can figure out a way to keep him from accidentally breaking them.
link Shez
Like, what if we gave the pen a name? He's less likely to break something he's attached to.
link Shez
Like, what if we gave the pen a name? He's less likely to break something he's attached to.
link Ashe
Haha! That might actually work. I'll have to run it by His Majesty next time.
link Ashe
His strength really comes in handy on the battlefield. I actually used to be jealous of it.
link Ashe
But now I understand the burden it brings. I'm sure there are people who are afraid of him too.
link Dedue
Yes. Unfortunately, more than a few consider him to be some kind of monster.
link Rodrigue
I will be overseeing our main base's defense, per our discussion with His Majesty.
link Rodrigue
Which means I won't be able to accompany all of you. Do try to not slow His Majesty down, Felix.
link Felix
Please. Me, slow him down?
link Felix
I'll be the one dragging him to the enemy's door.
link Rodrigue
Haha! I'm certain His Majesty would find that most reassuring. I look forward to seeing what you will accomplish, Felix.
link Felix
Hmph. You're the one who needs to keep his ego in check. Try not to embarrass yourself, old man.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Hey boss! Long time, no see! Though ya prolly don't remember me, huh?
link Yuri
Come now. How could I forget? We lived together in Abyss.
link Yuri
It's been a while. How's your sister doing?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Great! She's workin' for the Kingdom army now, and even has a baby on the way.
link Yuri
You don't say? I'm glad to hear it. I suppose even in these times of war and death, there are still moments of joy.
link Constance
To think I would be reunited with my dearest Hapi— and here, of all places. It must be a miracle granted by the goddess herself.
link Hapi
Hey, I worked my tail off to get here. You did too, didn't you, Coco?
link Hapi
So, first you make Coco betray the Empire, and now she's gotta fight for the Kingdom? Is that what's going on?
link Shez
Yeah. It is what it is, but we definitely appreciate your help.
link Shez
Yeah. It is what it is, but we definitely appreciate your help.
link Constance
Refusal was never an option to begin with. But in any case, I will do my utmost to support you.
link Hapi
Uh, maybe let's not promise that, Coco? You'll change your tune as soon as it gets cloudy.
link Shez
I don't really know 'cause it's not my call. But she's here, so...probably.
link Shez
I don't really know 'cause it's not my call. But she's here, so...probably.
link Hapi
That's not nearly as reassuring as you think it is. And here I thought you had our backs.
link Constance
We are like a pathetic little boat that has been tossed into the stormy tides of war.
link Constance
To think I would be reunited with my dearest Hapi— and here, of all places. It must be a miracle granted by the goddess herself.
link Hapi
Hey, I worked my tail off to get here. You did too, didn't you, Coco?