Gustave: A lot of people still disagree.
Constance: It is imperative we claim victory.
Viscount Albany: Will we fight more people we know?
Pittacus: I need to fight even harder.
: I'd prefer to avoid a back-and-forth.
Shez: We're attacking their food stores, huh?
Chilon: Is it really necessary to keep fighting?
Adrienne: Let's get through this.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I've always wanted to take him on.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: Look out for everyone, would you?
Viscount Fenja: What will the Empire do...
Miklan: Have they lost their minds?
Charon General: Your pockets have gotta be heavy, yeah?
Tomas: Why am I here?!
???: Whatcha looking for today?
???: The nobles must present a united front.
???: It still hurts to think about.
???: Maybe I should slip away.
???: What goes around comes around!
???: My previous employer...
???: Have you heard of the Ashen Demon?
???: Everyone's talking about it.
<<EMPTY NAME>>: I'm counting on you!
link Claude
A lot of people still disagree with our plan to attack the Empire.
link Claude
I knew opinions would be split, but now I'm wondering if it's all right to move forward with it.
link Shez
Everything will pan out. Some people may have reservations now, but they'll come around when we win.
link Shez
Everything will pan out. Some people may have reservations now, but they'll come around when we win.
link Claude
Hah, that's true. Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better.
link Claude
It wouldn't do for me to be hesitant when I'm the one who suggested attacking in the first place.
link Shez
You put a lot of thought into this decision. You can be more confident in yourself.
link Shez
You put a lot of thought into this decision. You can be more confident in yourself.
link Claude
Hah, you're right. Thanks, that makes me feel a lot better.
link Claude
It wouldn't do for me to be hesitant when I'm the one who suggested attacking in the first place.
link Claude
It wouldn't do for me to be hesitant when I'm the one who suggested attacking in the first place.
link Lorenz
Though I do not have the right to express my opinion about the attack, I am still apprehensive about it.
link Lorenz
In the unlikely event that we lose, Gloucester territory will be the Empire's first target.
link Lorenz
It is imperative we claim victory so that we do not needlessly drag more citizens into this war.
link Hilda
If I recall, Count Bergliez's son was in the Black Eagle House back at the academy.
link Hilda
He was super energetic, but I can't remember his name for the life of me. What was it again?
link Shez
You mean Linhardt? I heard his dad was some kinda fancy lord.
link Shez
You mean Linhardt? I heard his dad was some kinda fancy lord.
link Hilda
Don't be ridiculous. He's Count Hevring's son.
link Hilda
I wonder if we'll have to face him, like we did with Ferdinand.
link Shez
Wasn't it Caspar? I heard his dad was some kind of lord.
link Shez
Wasn't it Caspar? I heard his dad was some kind of lord.
link Hilda
Yes, that's it! Caspar! He was always picking fights. Just what you'd expect from the son of a famous general.
link Hilda
I wonder if we'll have to face him, like we did with Ferdinand.
link Hilda
I wonder if we'll have to face him, like we did with Ferdinand.
link Hilda
If I recall, Count Bergliez's son was in the Black Eagle House back at the academy.
link Hilda
He was super energetic, but I can't remember his name for the life of me. What was it again?
link Shez
You mean Linhardt? I heard his dad was some kinda fancy lord.
link Shez
You mean Linhardt? I heard his dad was some kinda fancy lord.
link Hilda
Was that him? I thought that was the sleepy guy. He didn't seem like the son of a famous general at all.
link Hilda
I wonder if we'll have to face him, like we did with Ferdinand.
link Shez
Wasn't it Caspar? I heard his dad was some kind of lord.
link Shez
Wasn't it Caspar? I heard his dad was some kind of lord.
link Hilda
Yes, that's it! Caspar! He was always picking fights. Just what you'd expect from the son of a famous general.
link Hilda
I wonder if we'll have to face him, like we did with Ferdinand.
link Hilda
I wonder if we'll have to face him, like we did with Ferdinand.
link Lysithea
House Ordelia no longer has any resources to contribute to the war effort.
link Lysithea
Which means I need to fight even harder to make up for that.
link Shez
You're already putting in a ton of effort. You don't need to take on any more.
link Shez
You're already putting in a ton of effort. You don't need to take on any more.
link Lysithea
Thanks. I suppose I let my worries get the better of me. I'll be sure to maintain my composure from now on.
link Shez
That's the spirit! Don't stop until everyone in Fódlan knows your name. I've got your back.
link Shez
That's the spirit! Don't stop until everyone in Fódlan knows your name. I've got your back.
link Lysithea
I'm not trying to become famous, you know. I don't care who knows my name.
link Lysithea
House Ordelia no longer has any resources to contribute to the war effort.
link Lysithea
Which means I need to fight even harder to make up for that.
link Ignatz
On the other side of the Great Bridge lies Gronder Field, the breadbasket of Fódlan.
link Ignatz
Much of the Imperial army's food supply probably comes from there.
link Ignatz
So even if we were to seize control of it now, the Empire would lose no time in taking it back.
link Ignatz
I trust Claude, of course, but I'd prefer to avoid getting mired in a back-and-forth like that.
link Raphael
Someone said we're attacking the Empire's food stores next.
link Raphael
Which means if we win, we can eat to our heart's content, right?
link Shez
Yep. So you better fight as hard as you can, Raphael.
link Shez
Yep. So you better fight as hard as you can, Raphael.
link Raphael
You got it! Feast or foe, I'll show 'em who's boss!
link Shez
Maybe if you're craving wheat, but I don't think there's gonna be any meat around.
link Shez
Maybe if you're craving wheat, but I don't think there's gonna be any meat around.
link Raphael
Aw man, but meat's my favorite! You know, I'd eat nothing but the stuff if I could.
link Raphael
Someone said we're attacking the Empire's food stores next.
link Marianne
We drove the Imperial army out of our territory, so is it really necessary to keep fighting?
link Marianne
Oh, I mean, it certainly seems like it could be beneficial for us in the future.
link Marianne
I just wonder if we had an opportunity to lay down our weapons. I'm sorry to bring it up...
link Leonie
The Empire started this war. I really want to catch them off guard and make them regret it.
link Leonie
Plus, we might run into Jeralt's Mercenaries again.
link Shez
Yeah, I think that's a real possibility. I'm hoping we see them again too.
link Shez
Yeah, I think that's a real possibility. I'm hoping we see them again too.
link Leonie
Huh. Any particular reason? I mean, I've got one of my own, I guess.
link Leonie
Look, let's just try to get through this in one piece.
link Shez
What is it with you and that mercenary company? You got a grudge against someone in it?
link Shez
What is it with you and that mercenary company? You got a grudge against someone in it?
link Leonie
Huh? No, nothing like that. And you're one to talk. You're clearly interested in them too.
link Leonie
Look, let's just try to get through this in one piece.
link Leonie
Look, let's just try to get through this in one piece.
link Holst
I have always wanted to take on Count Bergliez.
link Holst
No doubt you want the same, [HERO_MF], but could you leave him to me?
link Shez
He's all yours. I actually wanted to avoid him.
link Shez
He's all yours. I actually wanted to avoid him.
link Holst
I didn't expect to hear that from you. You know he's the strongest man in the Empire, right? Doesn't the mere thought get your blood pumping?
link Shez
If he shows up in front of me, I'm gonna have to fight him. That's what they pay me for.
link Shez
If he shows up in front of me, I'm gonna have to fight him. That's what they pay me for.
link Holst
Oho, I see not even the strongest man in the Empire can make you flinch. I admire your pluck!
link Holst
I have always wanted to take on Count Bergliez.
link Shamir
The Imperial army hasn't made any major moves yet.
link Shamir
But they're sure to notice what we're up to soon.
link Shamir
The question is whether they'll try to intercept us or fortify their defenses. What do you think?
link Shez
If Count Bergliez is as good as people say, then he'll try to intercept us.
link Shez
If Count Bergliez is as good as people say, then he'll try to intercept us.
link Shamir
I agree. Which means we'll be fighting on the plains.
link Shez
I guess normally they'd strengthen their defense and wait for reinforcements, right?
link Shez
I guess normally they'd strengthen their defense and wait for reinforcements, right?
link Shamir
Maybe an average general would do that, but this is Count Bergliez. We need to be prepared for battle at any moment.
link Shamir
The Imperial army hasn't made any major moves yet.
link Shamir
But they're sure to notice what we're up to soon.
link Linhardt
They want to attack Bergliez territory? Have they lost their minds?
link Linhardt
We're not going against Count Bergliez directly, are we? In the face of his strength, we'll crumble like a poorly-preserved manuscript.
link Linhardt
Ugh... Now I'm miserable. All I want to do is curl up and go to sleep.
link Balthus
Well, look who it is! The big bad sellsword folks just can't stop talking about.
link Balthus
Heard the Alliance leader went and made you a general, yeah? Bet that put some coin in your pocket!
link Shez
Yeah, now. My purse has been bone dry these past two years though.
link Shez
Yeah, now. My purse has been bone dry these past two years though.
link Balthus
So you were down on your luck too, huh? Guess we're not so different then.
link Shez
Funny thing about money—the more you have, the more you seem to find yourself spending.
link Shez
Funny thing about money—the more you have, the more you seem to find yourself spending.
link Balthus
So you don't have a rainy day fund either? Hah! Guess we're not so different.
link Balthus
Now let's make sure we both get outta this mess in one piece so we can spend that coin, eh?
link Balthus
Well, look who it is! The big bad sellsword folks just can't stop talking about.
link Balthus
Heard the Alliance leader went and made you a general, yeah? Bet that put some coin in your pocket!
link Bernadetta
Why am I suddenly part of the Alliance army?!
link Bernadetta
I'm not supposed to be here! You can't force me to fight! No way, no how!
link Bernadetta
I'm not supposed to be here! You can't force me to fight! No way, no how!
link Shez
Yeah, you got the short end of the stick there. I guess they were impressed with your bow skills.
link Shez
Yeah, you got the short end of the stick there. I guess they were impressed with your bow skills.
link Bernadetta
I never should've learned to wield that thing! Urgh, but I needed it to survive...
link Bernadetta
I never should've learned to wield that thing! Urgh, but I needed it to survive...
link Shez
Why not fight to put an end to the war? Then you won't get dragged into battles anymore.
link Shez
Why not fight to put an end to the war? Then you won't get dragged into battles anymore.
link Bernadetta
Wait? Would that work? Hmmm...
link Bernadetta
Why am I suddenly part of the Alliance army?!
link Bernadetta
I'm not supposed to be here! You can't force me to fight! No way, no how!
link Bernadetta
I'm not supposed to be here! You can't force me to fight! No way, no how!
link Judith
I've been tasked with guarding the Great Bridge of Myrddin, so I won't be going with you to the Empire.
link Judith
It's too bad, really. I wanted to give Count Bergliez a swift kick in the pants.
link Judith
I'll have to settle for ensuring the enemy doesn't set foot in Leicester, even if you lose your battle.
link Judith
So you can fight knowing I have your back. Look after everyone for me, would you?
link ???
Hello there, friend! What are you looking for today?
link ???
I've got all you need to pull off a successful assault.
link ???
And don't worry about me running out. I can restock lickety-split. So feel free to buy every last thing!
link Gatekeeper
Greetings, Commander! Nothing to report!
link Gatekeeper
I want to get even with the Imperial army too, since they captured Garreg Mach.
link Gatekeeper
But I'm charged with defending this gate, and I intend to carry out my duty to the fullest.
link Gatekeeper
So I'm counting on you to get revenge for me!
link Arval
"An eye for an eye" has been the prevailing thought for millennia.
link Arval
But what do you think? Is revenge the best course of action?
link Shez
Of course. People'll keep hurting you if you just lie down and take it.
link Shez
Of course. People'll keep hurting you if you just lie down and take it.
link Arval
And so wars never cease and history repeats itself.
link Shez
That mentality's the reason we're constantly at war with each other. Honestly, I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.
link Shez
That mentality's the reason we're constantly at war with each other. Honestly, I'm not sure what the right thing to do is.
link Arval
If there were an easy answer, the world would already have found peace. Don't you think?
link Arval
"An eye for an eye" has been the prevailing thought for millennia.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I'm from House Albany. There may not be many of us, but we have soldiers from House Burgundy here as well.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Alliance is invading the Empire for the first time in history. The nobles need to present a united front.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Though I don't even want to imagine how the roundtable meetings will go if this battle expands Alliance territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
I haven't crossed the Great Bridge of Myrddin since I was a student at the Officers Academy.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
It was for the annual class contest called the Battle of the Eagle and Lion, which was held in Gronder Field.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Speaking of which, the Golden Deer House came in dead last when I participated. It still hurts when I think about it.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
We finally managed to kick out the Imperial army, but the war is still going.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
And now we're up against Count Bergliez of all people. Do they honestly think we can beat him?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Maybe I can slip away when no one's looking...
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Some people might be quaking in their boots right now, but not me. I'm practically vibrating with excitement.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
The Imperial army killed my best friend. I won't rest until I pay them back a thousandfold.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
What goes around comes around, you know what I mean?
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
My previous employer bit the dust in the confusion of battle, so I was drifting without an anchor for a while there.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
But I joined up with House Gloucester as soon as I heard they were looking for mercs.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
What, you wanna know who I used to work for? Acheron. Hoo boy, that guy was a real piece of work.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Have you heard about the Ashen Demon? The toughest out of all of Jeralt's Mercenaries.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Apparently they're a great fighter, but never show a drop of emotion, even when snuffing the life out of people.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
If I were you, I'd turn tail as quick as I could if I ever crossed them in battle.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
Everyone's talking about how you're going to invade Empire territory.
link <<EMPTY NAME>>
In fact, if I've gotten wind of your plans, the Imperial army probably figured it out ages ago, right?