link Balthus volume_up
Ahhh, fresh air. Time to get outta here and shake things up.
link Holst volume_up
Sneaking off in the dead of night again, Balthus? Is it too much to ask that you not break every rule in the book?
link Balthus volume_up
Gah! Hey, Holst! Sure is a pleasant evening for a little stroll, yeah?
link Holst volume_up
You can't honestly believe I'd fall for that. You know I'm going to have to write you up for this.
link Balthus volume_up
You have to do what you have to do, I guess. Or, you could just come with me. What do you say?
link Holst volume_up
If you haven't noticed, I'm trying to help you! Oh, very well. I'll join you.
link Balthus volume_up
Thought so. An upstanding guy like you would never—
link Balthus volume_up
Hold on, back up a sec. You're actually coming? You?
link Holst volume_up
That's right, Balthus. On one condition—I decide where we're going tonight.
link Balthus volume_up
Fine by me. But what's your game here? You've never been one for bending the rules.
link Holst volume_up
Make no mistake, I went through the proper channels to get leave to go off base tonight. For the both of us, actually.
link Balthus volume_up
Oh, OK... Wait, for me too?
link Balthus volume_up
All right, it's your turn to share, pal. Hard as it is to believe, there are only so many tales about the Storied King of Grappling, and you've heard them all, twice.
link Holst volume_up
Very well...
link Holst volume_up
The truth is, Balthus, I'm gravely worried about Hilda.
link Balthus volume_up
Oh yeah? What's been going on?
link Holst volume_up
Her behavior has been...peculiar as of late.
link Balthus volume_up
She seemed fine when I ran into her today. You sure you're not just imagining things?
link Holst volume_up
No, something is off. I'm certain of it. She's been giving me the cold shoulder.
link Balthus volume_up
Have you tried talking to her? You could ask what her deal is.
link Holst volume_up
Of course I did! But whenever I try to broach the subject, she just walks away.
link Holst volume_up
I don't remember doing anything that would've made her so upset...
link Holst volume_up
What has happened to my darling little sister? Tell me, Balthus!
link Balthus volume_up
Don't look at me, I'm as stumped as you. Maybe she's just at that age where she wants some independence.
link Balthus volume_up
Though she's still all "Baltie, do this," and "Baltie, do that," with me, come to think of it.
link Holst volume_up
Here I am, pouring my heart out, and you have the gall to brag about my sweet sister's attentions? Unbelievable.
link Balthus volume_up
You really lose your cool when it comes to Hilda, you know that?
link Balthus volume_up
Let it be known that on this day, the mighty Holst, defender of Leicester, revealed his true colors—
link Holst volume_up
I'd gladly give up my reputation, if that's what it takes to get Hilda back to normal!
link Balthus volume_up
I don't think that's gonna fix whatever's going on with her, pal.