link Dedue volume_up
link Catherine volume_up
Oh, Dedue. Must be my lucky day if I'm running into you here!
link Catherine volume_up
Hey, what's with the scowl? Do we have a problem?
link Dedue volume_up
All the residents in this town are people of Duscur.
link Dedue volume_up
It may be within the Kingdom, but it holds neither monastery nor church. What is your reason for coming here?
link Catherine volume_up
Wait, Dimitri and Lady Rhea didn't tell you?
link Dedue volume_up
They did not.
link Catherine volume_up
Ugh. I know everyone's been busy, but that's unacceptable.
link Catherine volume_up
Well, there was a major fire here, right? Lady Rhea asked us to come help rebuild.
link Catherine volume_up
We brought rations, too. Never hurts to have a little more food in your stores.
link Catherine volume_up
So, relax. Please. I swear on the goddess herself that we don't intend to harm any of you.
link Dedue volume_up
I did ask His Majesty to spare some aid in rebuilding the town.
link Dedue volume_up
But I did not expect the task to fall to you.
link Catherine volume_up
What kind of church are we if we don't help those in need? Besides, we owe Faerghus quite the debt.
link Catherine volume_up
You guys took us in, even going as far as to start a war with the Empire in the process. This is the least we can do to return the favor.
link Dedue volume_up
Surely the Knights of Seiros have long since repaid their debts on the battlefield.
link Catherine volume_up
Maybe the knights have, but the monks and scholars won't let us hear the end of it if we don't let them pitch in, too.
link Catherine volume_up
So when Lady Rhea heard about the fire, she apparently jumped at the chance to help.
link Dedue volume_up
Is that so?
link Catherine volume_up
I know the people of Duscur will have their concerns, since they're not followers of Seiros.
link Catherine volume_up
But it'll all be fine. And we can't just sit around twiddling our thumbs while people out there desperately need help, can we?
link Catherine volume_up
At least, that's how all of us who follow the teachings of Lady Rhea view it.
link Dedue volume_up
link Catherine volume_up
You're free to supervise if you still don't trust us.
link Dedue volume_up
No. You seem to be speaking the truth.
link Dedue volume_up
His Majesty has expressed similar sentiments in the past. I believe your desire to help is sincere.
link Catherine volume_up
Thanks, Dedue. I was starting to think you were about to tell us to pack up and go home.
link Catherine volume_up
Well! Now that we're all square on that front, point us toward what needs the most help. We'll do manual labor, planning, you name it.
link Dedue volume_up
In that case, I'd ask that you clear away the burnt wood and help distribute food to the townsfolk. I will explain to everyone what you're doing here.
link Catherine volume_up
Yes, that's probably for the best. I'm sure they'll be much more willing to listen to you. Anyway, we'd better get to work!