link Catherine volume_up
Never thought we'd get the chance to fight side-by-side again.
link Shamir volume_up
link Catherine volume_up
It was a total surprise, to be honest. But I'm actually pretty happy with how things shook out.
link Shamir volume_up
I know.
link Catherine volume_up
Haha! You're still as cold as ice, you know that?
link Catherine volume_up
Would it kill you to say you're happy to see me or something?
link Shamir volume_up
Sorry to disappoint.
link Catherine volume_up
Nah, I actually kind of missed it. Besides, that's just how you are.
link Catherine volume_up
So, what've you been up to since you left the knights?
link Shamir volume_up
I spent some time in Leicester as a mercenary. Not many people know me there.
link Shamir volume_up
But you already knew that. You sent for me, didn't you?
link Catherine volume_up
You mean back at the battle at Arianrhod, right?
link Catherine volume_up
Actually, the knights were just throwing my name around to recruit all the mercenaries they could. I had no idea you'd be one of them.
link Shamir volume_up
Huh. So it really was just a coincidence.
link Shamir volume_up
What about you? Still serving as Rhea's sword?
link Catherine volume_up
Lady Rhea. I'll let that slide since you're not a Knight of Seiros anymore.
link Catherine volume_up
But to answer your question, yes. No matter who I'm swinging it at, my sword will always belong to her.
link Shamir volume_up
link Catherine volume_up
Honestly, I was surprised to hear you'd slipped away after repaying your debt to Lady Rhea.
link Catherine volume_up
You didn't even say goodbye. I was furious.
link Shamir volume_up
I guess sneaking out was the right call, then.
link Catherine volume_up
I was running around, shouting that I'd drag you back to Garreg Mach and kill you myself.
link Catherine volume_up
But then Lady Rhea took me to task.
link Catherine volume_up
She said it wasn't fair for me to impose the church's values on someone who wasn't from Fódlan.
link Shamir volume_up
Sounds like I owe her another one.
link Catherine volume_up
For what? I wasn't really going to kill you.
link Shamir volume_up
I'll take your word for it. You know, I've fought alongside a lot of people since I left.
link Shamir volume_up
But you're still the only one I trust to have my back.
link Catherine volume_up
Hmm... So what you're really saying is that you missed me and wish you never left?
link Shamir volume_up
You basically said the same yourself, didn't you?
link Shamir volume_up
But yes. I did miss you. I didn't think I'd ever see you again.
link Shamir volume_up
For once, I'm glad I was wrong.
link Catherine volume_up
link Catherine volume_up
Would you look at that! You have changed! And I feel the same. Really.
link Catherine volume_up
I couldn't ask for a better partner than you.
link Catherine volume_up
But if you disappear on me again, so help me, I really will hunt you down!
link Shamir volume_up
Heh. Then the next time I go somewhere, I'll just have to drag you with me.