link Rodrigue volume_up
Sit down, Felix.
link Felix volume_up
Can we make this quick? I'm busy.
link Rodrigue volume_up
For once would you please just... No. Not today. The truth is, I think it's time we sat down and talked.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Neither of us know which day could be our last, so we should both ensure there's no lingering regret when the time comes.
link Felix volume_up
Well, this is off to a grim start. So, what is it you want to talk about?
link Rodrigue volume_up
I wanted to apologize for what I said about Glenn. It was ill put, and I'm sorry.
link Felix
link Rodrigue volume_up
I should never have said such a thing in your presence.
link Felix volume_up
If you're going to explain yourself, I suppose I can make the time to hear you out.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Thank you. Then I will not mince words. I too was mortified by Glenn's death.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Yet he perished a hero. He chose that life for himself, and he chose that death.
link Rodrigue volume_up
He fought to protect the future of Faerghus—and his friend—until his dying breath.
link Rodrigue volume_up
As his father, I felt I had to acknowledge that choice.
link Felix volume_up
And how are you so sure it was his choice? Neither of us really knows what he was thinking.
link Felix volume_up
The boar might have an inkling, but all he goes on about is how he caused Glenn's death.
link Rodrigue volume_up
You're right—I don't know for certain.
link Rodrigue volume_up
But I know what I would've done had I been there. And you, Felix? What would your choice have been?
link Rodrigue volume_up
Would you have abandoned His Majesty to save yourself? Or would you have chosen to fight until death claimed you?
link Rodrigue volume_up
I myself would've safeguarded His Majesty at all costs. I know that it wasn't in Glenn's nature to flee either.
link Felix volume_up
It's always about courage or cowardice with you. I wouldn't have chosen anything.
link Felix volume_up
When your life's on the line, you don't have time to think about that stuff—only act.
link Felix volume_up
I would have fought with my own will, in whatever way I thought best—and I would've made sure we both survived.
link Rodrigue volume_up
You always want to have it both ways. Still, I take pride in that determination of yours.
link Rodrigue volume_up
Had I been there, I doubt I could've summoned the resolve to strive for such a victory.
link Rodrigue volume_up
More likely, I would've been satisfied merely to die in the defense of my liege.
link Felix volume_up
I can understand that way of thinking. In fact, I always have.
link Felix volume_up
But I still couldn't stomach Glenn's death being glorified.
link Rodrigue volume_up
And I'm sorry for that, Felix. Truly.
link Felix volume_up
It's all right. And...I'm glad we talked.
link Felix volume_up
Also, you said we shouldn't leave regrets behind, so...
link Felix volume_up
I'm sorry, too. For hitting you back then, I mean. I'm sorry...Father.
link Rodrigue volume_up
You know, I'd almost forgotten about that! It hurt, too—more than any blow I've received in battle.
link Felix volume_up
Oh, shut up. I said I was sorry. Now if we're done here, I'm leaving.
link Rodrigue volume_up