Prepared for the battles to come, the Federation army marches for Faerghus, taking its first steps in its war against the church and the Kingdom. But an old adversary bars your way...

Yuri volume_up
I really blew it this time... Sorry, guys... Sorry, mom.
Fleche volume_up
Randolph... You were always...there for me...
Claude volume_up
I'm not doing so hot. I need to get outta here!
Claude volume_up
I guess what goes around, comes around. But I'm not dying today!
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Urk! No, I have to complete my mission!
link Holst volume_up
They're attacking from the caves and the mountains. Defeat the closest enemies first to secure the area!
link Claude volume_up
The enemy forces are nothing to sneeze at. Is this really just Randolph's family?
link Judith volume_up
Whoever they are, they're most likely after you. Everyone! Do not allow His Majesty to fall!
link Judith volume_up
At least we should be able to drive them back quickly enough. But you attract more trouble than honey does flies, Your Majesty.
link Claude volume_up
Sorry, Judith. I promise I'll pay you back in full someday.
link Ignatz volume_up
Some of these soldiers don't seem like they're with the Imperial army. Maybe they're mercenaries?
Shez volume_up
Some of these soldiers don't look like Imperial army types. Are they mercenaries?
Shez volume_up
Some of these soldiers don't look like Imperial army types. Are they mercenaries?
link Claude volume_up
So they've got some mercenaries on their side, eh? I've got a sneaking suspicion I know who they hired.
link Lorenz volume_up
We have managed to secure the area.
link Judith volume_up
It doesn't look like they're going to lay down their arms. What would you have us do, Your Majesty? Launch a counter-offensive?
link Claude volume_up
Not when we don't know the full extent of their forces. Could you all search the area and see what info you can dig up?
link Claude volume_up
Now we know who we're up against and where they are. That gives us the intiative!
link Marianne volume_up
I don't think there's any information about the enemy forces around here.
link Hilda volume_up
Gather info on the enemy forces, he says. Except there's nothing here to find!
link Raphael volume_up
These folks are all just Imperial soldiers. I don't see anyone suspicious.
link Lorenz volume_up
All of the troops over here are regular Imperial soldiers. I do not see any other enemies.
link Claude volume_up
They may have troops waiting to ambush us. Try to gain control of the area as you search.
link Marianne volume_up
I don't think there's any information about the enemy forces around here.
link Hilda volume_up
Gather info on the enemy forces, he says. Except there's nothing here to find!
link Raphael volume_up
These folks are all just Imperial soldiers. I don't see anyone suspicious.
link Lorenz volume_up
All of the troops over here are regular Imperial soldiers. I do not see any other enemies.
link Claude volume_up
They may have troops waiting to ambush us. Try to gain control of the area as you search.
link Alois volume_up
They've spotted me! Now I've no choice but to engage them!
link Lorenz volume_up
Alois? Does that mean Jeralt's Mercenaries are among our enemies?
link Claude volume_up
So, Jeralt and his merry band are here after all. If we could just pinpoint their location...
link Alois volume_up
I bear you no ill will, but it was your choice to come within striking distance!
link Shamir volume_up
You left the knights, Alois? That's a surprise.
link Alois volume_up
I could say the same of your sudden departure. But regardless, here we stand as enemies.
link Alois volume_up
Ha! Is that really the best you can do? Well, it'll take more than that!
link Alois volume_up
I couldn't even buy us any time! How am I supposed to face Fleche and the captain now?
link Lorenz volume_up
We are battling Jeralt's Mercenaries after all! And this Fleche person... Are they an Imperial general?
link Lorenz volume_up
If we assume Alois fled in the direction of the mercenaries, then the forest may be the best place to search.
link Alois volume_up
I've bought us some time for now. I'd better report to the captain.
link Lorenz volume_up
He withdrew. Jeralt's Mercenaries could appear at any moment. Be on your guard.
link Holst volume_up
Those are the scouts we dispatched earlier. They might have some relevant information.
link Holst volume_up
You did well to survive that! Please, share any information you have on the enemy.
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
The enemy general's name is Fleche! And they have Jeralt's Mercenaries on their side!
link Holst volume_up
You did well to survive that! We're currently trying to pin down the mercenaries' location. Do you know anything about it?
<<EMPTY NAME>> volume_up
Yes, my lord! It looks like they've taken up a position in the forest!
link Holst volume_up
No, we didn't make it in time! I'm sorry we couldn't save you.
link Hilda volume_up
Wait, does that mean the Blade Breaker and Ashen Demon are here?
link Claude volume_up
Well, this went downhill fast. We need to find out where they are!
link Leonie volume_up
We're facing the captain's mercenaries again? No, this is no time to hesitate. I'll fight them!
link Claude volume_up
No, the enemy's already on the move! Forget scouting for information. Brace for an attack!
link Claude volume_up
Jeralt's Mercenaries are a formidable force. We need to find a way to split them off from the Imperial army.
link Claude volume_up
I'll act as a decoy to lure out the Ashen Demon. I'm counting on you all! Don't let me die!
link Lorenz volume_up
You are the king of the Federation and you want to act as a decoy? Does sovereignty have no meaning to you?
link Claude volume_up
I'll make the perfect decoy precisely because I am king. If you're so worried, then you'll just have to protect me.
link Ignatz volume_up
We can't go any farther! We need to defeat the enemy and secure a path forward!
link Holst volume_up
It's too dangerous to advance any farther. Eliminate the nearby enemies! Secure a route forward!
link Holst volume_up
I've heard that Randolph's younger sister is also in the Imperial army. Maybe that's who this Fleche person is.
link Claude volume_up
Then she's here to avenge her brother. Can't say I blame her.
link Claude volume_up
There's the Ashen Demon! Let's hope they take the bait.
link Claude volume_up
Oh no! I charged too far ahead! This is so dangerous! I need to fall back!
link Fleche volume_up
That's the king of Leicester! Do not let him escape!
link Claude volume_up
Even if this works, I don't want to engage yet. Can you all cover me on my way back?
Byleth volume_up
He purposely charges ahead, only to immediately retreat. He must be plotting something.
Byleth volume_up
He purposely charges ahead, only to immediately retreat. He must be plotting something.
link Fleche volume_up
You must kill him! Please! I don't care about anything else as long as he's dead!
link Claude volume_up
Hah, it worked! But there's no need to try and defeat the Ashen Demon. That's like asking to get killed.
link Arval volume_up
This is our chance to slay the Ashen Demon. We can fight without anyone getting in our way.
link Raphael volume_up
Looks like you're trying to get in our way. Well I'm not gonna let you!
link Hilda volume_up
Are they trying to slow us down? Then we've got to beat them and make our escape!
Byleth volume_up
I lost sight of him. Where'd he go?
Byleth volume_up
I lost sight of him. Where'd he go?
Byleth volume_up
My business is with the king, but if you get in my way, I will cut you down.
Byleth volume_up
My business is with the king, but if you get in my way I will cut you down.
Shez volume_up
I'm here to end you for good!
Shez volume_up
I'm here to end you for good!
Byleth volume_up
Then do it...if you can.
Byleth volume_up
Then do it...if you can.
link Claude volume_up
Phew, I was worried I was gonna get a sword in my back. Hey, Judith! Is everything ready?
link Judith volume_up
It's been ready. Now, block the entrances to the caves!
Byleth volume_up
That's what they were up to?!
Byleth volume_up
That's what they were up to?!
Byleth volume_up
I found you. Prepare yourself for death.
Byleth volume_up
I found you. Prepare yourself for death.
Yuri volume_up
They told me my mission was to exact revenge. I suppose I'll have to earn that advance they paid me.
link Balthus volume_up
That's Yuri! Hold on—let me try and talk some sense into him.
link Hilda volume_up
He doesn't exactly scream Imperial soldier or mercenary to me. Maybe we can convince him to join us?
link Balthus volume_up
Would you stop being so pathetic? I know you don't really wanna die here!
link Hilda volume_up
You were roped into this, right? You could always come with me instead.
link Yuri volume_up
Well, when you put it that way, I guess I would prefer not to get butchered.
link Yuri volume_up
How dare you point your weapon at such a pretty face.
link Yuri volume_up
Hmm...and here I thought I'd feel something. I might actually kill you this time.
link Bernadetta volume_up
Kill me? Wait, who are you again?!
link Constance volume_up
Yuri! What are the odds?
link Yuri volume_up
Oh, great. The Shady Lady. You're the last person I wanted to run into out here.
link Balthus volume_up
So what do you say, Yuri? Wanna finish what we started?
link Yuri volume_up
Heh, sounds good. Bring it on!
link Hapi volume_up
Seeing as I don't wanna fight you, Yuri-bird, what say we call this whole thing off?
link Yuri volume_up
Hey, I don't want to fight you either—but when I take a job, I always see it through.
link Yuri volume_up
I'm tougher than I look!
Myson volume_up
This may be my best chance to eliminate him. I'll just give that girl a little assistance.
link Lorenz volume_up
What, an ambush?! The way out is in sight! We must defeat them and break through!
link Myson volume_up
You are all descendants of the most inconsequential of beasts, and your deaths will fuel our grand ambition.
link Myson volume_up
You beasts!
Shez volume_up
I don't know what you're trying to do, but stay out of my way or you're dead!
Shez volume_up
I dunno what you're trying to do, but stay out of my way or you're dead!
link Myson volume_up
Impossible... It can't be...
link Myson volume_up
I suppose we cannot make any more gains here. No sense in sticking around. Unless...
link Hilda volume_up
What a creep. Who was that?
link Myson volume_up
Further interference is unnecessary. All that's left is for them to destroy each other.
Byleth volume_up
I've never faced a challenge like this...
Byleth volume_up
I've never faced a challenge like this...
Byleth volume_up
I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
Byleth volume_up
I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
Fleche volume_up
Why haven't I heard anything from the mercenaries? Ugh, I'll just have to do it myself then!
link Claude volume_up
Fleche has finally shown her face. Take her out while the Ashen Demon's gone!
link Judith volume_up
I'll stay in the stronghold and defend His Majesty! Everyone else, go after Fleche!
link Claude volume_up
The Ashen Demon broke through and is trying to get to Fleche! We can't let that happen!
link Marianne volume_up
I don't think we can stop the Ashen Demon. We need to hurry and get to Fleche!
link Fleche volume_up
Randolph... Why? I waited for you... You promised you'd come back!
Byleth volume_up
I wasn't fast enough!
Byleth volume_up
I wasn't fast enough!
link Jeralt volume_up
We were too late. Not much we can do now.
link Holst volume_up
Your employer is dead and we have you surrounded. I think it would be wise to lay down your arms, don't you?
Byleth volume_up
Looks like we have no choice.
Byleth volume_up
Looks like we have no choice.
link Claude volume_up
Jeralt's Mercenaries have surrendered! That wraps up this battle.
link Fleche volume_up
Are you watching, Randolph? I'm going to get revenge for you, I swear it.
link Holst volume_up
There's no telling what a person in such a state could be capable of. Defend His Majesty at all costs!
link Claude volume_up
We've won. Though I can't say it's a very satisfying victory.
link Jeralt volume_up
Damn. She dashed out and got herself killed.
link Jeralt volume_up
We can still carry out her wishes. We accepted this job and we're gonna finish it!
link Holst volume_up
Be careful, everyone! The Blade Breaker is here!
link Jeralt volume_up
I've no grudge against any of you, but I'm on the job. If you don't want to die, I suggest you get out of here. Now.
Shez volume_up
The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, but you'll make a fine substitute!
Shez volume_up
The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, but you'll make a fine substitute!
link Jeralt volume_up
Stronger folks than you have tried and failed to claim the Blade Breaker's head.
link Leonie volume_up
Captain! It's my duty to stop you!
link Jeralt volume_up
Give it up already. There's no way you're gonna beat me.
link Jeralt volume_up
My arm... That's not good.
link Jeralt volume_up
Too late to get away now...
Byleth volume_up
Good, I made it. Stand back, Fleche.
Byleth volume_up
Good, I made it. Stand back, Fleche.
link Fleche volume_up
No! I must kill him. I can't just stand by!
Byleth volume_up
I'll admit, you got me before. It wasn't easy making it this far.
Byleth volume_up
I'll admit, you got me before. It wasn't easy making it this far.
Shez volume_up
I'm here to end you for good!
Shez volume_up
I'm here to end you for good!
Byleth volume_up
Then do it...if you can.
Byleth volume_up
Then do it...if you can.
Byleth volume_up
I've never faced a challenge like this...
Byleth volume_up
I've never faced a challenge like this...
Byleth volume_up
I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
Byleth volume_up
I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
link Claude volume_up
What was that about? Never mind, the Blade Breaker's still around here somewhere. Don't let your guard down!
link Fleche volume_up
Are you watching, Randolph? I'm going to get revenge for you, I swear it.
link Holst volume_up
There's no telling what a person in such a state could be capable of. Defend His Majesty at all costs!
link Fleche volume_up
Death to all from Leicester! Die, you spineless cowards!
link Fleche volume_up
Heh... Ahahaha! Just you wait, Brother! He's as good as dead!
link Claude volume_up
I'm sorry, but if I die here, Randolph's death would lose all meaning.
link Judith volume_up
She's a strong one!
link Fleche volume_up
Randolph... Why? I waited for you... You promised you'd come back!
link Claude volume_up
We've won. Though I can't say it's a very satisfying victory.
link Jeralt volume_up
Damn. She dashed out and got herself killed.
link Jeralt volume_up
We can still carry out her wishes. We accepted this job and we're gonna finish it!
link Holst volume_up
Be careful, everyone! The Blade Breaker is here!
link Jeralt volume_up
I've no grudge against any of you, but I'm on the job. If you don't want to die, I suggest you get out of here. Now.
Shez volume_up
The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, but you'll make a fine substitute!
Shez volume_up
The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, but you'll make a fine substitute!
link Jeralt volume_up
Stronger folks than you have tried and failed to claim the Blade Breaker's head.
link Leonie volume_up
Captain! It's my duty to stop you!
link Jeralt volume_up
Give it up already. There's no way you're gonna beat me.
link Jeralt volume_up
My arm... That's not good.
link Jeralt volume_up
Too late to get away now...
link Myson volume_up
They've lost the advantage now. Oh well, no matter. Time for me to withdraw.
link Claude volume_up
We drove back the Ashen Demon! Now we've got them! Everyone, attack!
link Judith volume_up
Fall back, Your Majesty! The Blade Breaker's still around! Stay alert!
link Judith volume_up
At this rate, we're going to end up one step behind. What should we do?
link Claude volume_up
There'll be no coming back if they surround us. We need to go on the offensive and defeat all the enemy commanders!
link Claude volume_up
Nothing for it but to buckle down and fight. Bring it on, Ashen Demon!
link Claude volume_up
Nothing for it but to buckle down and fight. Bring it on, Ashen Demon!
link Lorenz volume_up
We have done it! Are the front lines secured now?
link Lorenz volume_up
We have done it! Are the front lines secured now?
link Claude volume_up
What?! The Ashen Demon made it this far already?
link Claude volume_up
The Ashen Demon?! Then that means Jeralt's Mercenaries are here!
Byleth volume_up
King of Leicester! Your life ends here.
Byleth volume_up
King of Leicester! Your life ends here.
link Leonie volume_up
Oh no! Claude's a dead man if we don't do something fast!
Byleth volume_up
My business is with the king, but if you get in my way, I will cut you down.
Byleth volume_up
My business is with the king, but if you get in my way I will cut you down.
Shez volume_up
I'm here to end you for good!
Shez volume_up
I'm here to end you for good!
Byleth volume_up
Then do it...if you can.
Byleth volume_up
Then do it...if you can.
Byleth volume_up
They hired me to end your life. So I'm sorry, but it's time to do my job.
Byleth volume_up
They hired me to end your life. So I'm sorry, but it's time to do my job.
link Claude volume_up
If you're really sorry, you could always lay down your weapon. I've still got a mountain of things I need to accomplish.
Byleth volume_up
I've never faced a challenge like this...
Byleth volume_up
I've never faced a challenge like this...
Byleth volume_up
I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
Byleth volume_up
I can still win this... Hngh! No, not again! I have to get out of here.
link Claude volume_up
What was that about? Never mind, the Blade Breaker's still around here somewhere. Don't let your guard down!
Myson volume_up
How utterly useless. Oh well. As vexing as this is, I'll still lend a hand.
link Myson volume_up
You are all descendants of the most inconsequential of beasts, and your deaths will fuel our grand ambition.
link Myson volume_up
You beasts!
Shez volume_up
I don't know what you're trying to do, but stay out of my way or you're dead!
Shez volume_up
I dunno what you're trying to do, but stay out of my way or you're dead!
link Myson volume_up
Impossible... It can't be...
link Myson volume_up
I suppose we cannot make any more gains here. No sense in sticking around. Unless...
link Hilda volume_up
What a creep. Who was that?
link Claude volume_up
Whoa, where'd that magic come from?!
link Hilda volume_up
They're targeting Claude! We have to stop them, quickly!
link Hilda volume_up
Phew, good thing we put a stop to that.
link Alois volume_up
I've no other option. I must take to the battlefield!
link Alois volume_up
I held back earlier to buy us some time, but now you will suffer the full weight of my might!
link Alois volume_up
I cannot retreat! Lady Fleche is counting on us!
link Alois volume_up
Oof, that's one beating too many. I leave the rest to you!
Fleche volume_up
I can't sit back and watch this happen. I'll avenge my brother with my own two hands!
link Claude volume_up
We'll win this thing if we beat her, but there are still mercenaries lurking about. Keep your guard up!
link Claude volume_up
Then she's here to avenge her brother. Can't say I blame her.
link Fleche volume_up
Randolph... Why? I waited for you... You promised you'd come back!
link Claude volume_up
We've won. Though I can't say it's a very satisfying victory.
link Jeralt volume_up
Damn. She dashed out and got herself killed.
link Jeralt volume_up
We can still carry out her wishes. We accepted this job and we're gonna finish it!
link Holst volume_up
Be careful, everyone! The Blade Breaker is here!
link Jeralt volume_up
I've no grudge against any of you, but I'm on the job. If you don't want to die, I suggest you get out of here. Now.
Shez volume_up
The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, but you'll make a fine substitute!
Shez volume_up
The Ashen Demon might've gotten away, but you'll make a fine substitute!
link Jeralt volume_up
Stronger folks than you have tried and failed to claim the Blade Breaker's head.
link Leonie volume_up
Captain! It's my duty to stop you!
link Jeralt volume_up
Give it up already. There's no way you're gonna beat me.
link Jeralt volume_up
My arm... That's not good.
link Jeralt volume_up
Too late to get away now...
link Claude volume_up
I'm not doing so hot. I need to get outta here!
Claude volume_up
I'm not doing so hot. I need to get outta here!
link Claude volume_up
I guess what goes around, comes around. But I'm not dying today!
Claude volume_up
I guess what goes around, comes around. But I'm not dying today!