
I am confident you'll be impressed with my efforts.


  1. Lorenz: So, Ferdinand. Shall we finish this elegantly, like the nobles we are?
  2. Ferdinand: Indeed, Lorenz. That is what people expect of us, after all.
  1. Ferdinand: Spectacular work—as should be expected when the nobility of Adrestia and Leicester act as one!
  2. Lorenz: There is nothing we cannot achieve! Ahaha!
  1. Ferdinand: The commoners would be so inspired to see two titans of the nobility working up a sweat.
  2. Lorenz: Indeed, we must set a shining example for our people!


  1. Lorenz: I could not possibly entrust you with work such as this, Claude. I shall take care of everything.
  2. Claude: You don't think I can handle it, do you? But I guess this really is more your thing.
  1. Claude: Let's hurry up and get this over with. It should be a piece of cake for you, right?
  2. Lorenz: Naturally. After all, I am none other than Lorenz Hellman Gloucester!
  1. Lorenz: Would you not say this was a resounding success?
  2. Claude: Sure seems like it. But I bet you could handle it fine on your own next time.
  1. Lorenz: If you train with me, you are guaranteed to achieve stunning results.
  2. Claude: Sure, Lorenz. Let's see if you live up to all that talk.


  1. Lorenz: I am not well suited to this work. But I will do it for the sake of this army, and my friends.
  2. Raphael: What's with all the bellyaching, Lorenz? We'll be here forever if we don't get started.
  1. Raphael: Just you watch, Lorenz. I'll show you that us commoners can be useful too.
  2. Lorenz: When have I ever called you useless? I know full well what you are capable of.
  1. Raphael: You really put in a lot of work, Lorenz. Maybe I had you figured wrong.
  2. Lorenz: I was simply motivated by your own sterling work ethic.
  1. Raphael: Don't worry, Lorenz! I'll be sure to hold back.
  2. Lorenz: Who do you take me for? You should be concerned with whether I choose to hold to back!


  1. Lorenz: I want to see the full extent of your abilities, Hilda. I hope you put forth every effort today.
  2. Hilda: But even if I did, Lorenz, I could never keep up with you. So you just give it your all, OK?
  1. Hilda: I'm so glad you're here, Lorenz. This'll be easy for you, right?
  2. Lorenz: But of course. You shall see for yourself how reliable I am.
  1. Lorenz: That went better than expected, but it also proved far more exhausting.
  2. Hilda: You really went all in, Lorenz! I'm impressed.
  1. Lorenz: We must make the most of this training and surpass our limits. I expect you to participate as well, Hilda.
  2. Hilda: Are you saying you think I'll slack off? Rude! Training's the one thing I never push off to others!


  1. Leonie: Just so we're clear, this job has nothing to do with being a noble or a commoner.
  2. Lorenz: I am well aware. However, that does not give you leave to order me around.
  1. Lorenz: Hmph. We should be able to finish this quickly enough if we work together.
  2. Leonie: Yeah, so long as you don't complain about every little thing.
  1. Lorenz: Is it my imagination, or did I do the lion's share of the work?
  2. Leonie: Yeah, I already agreed you were great at this. And the results speak for themselves.
  1. Leonie: Time to hammer Captain Jeralt's motto into your skull: Better to fight dirty and win, than play fair and lose.
  2. Lorenz: Leonie, I refuse to learn such cowardly techniques. Do this lesson when I am not present, if you must.