
What, me? Fiiine.


  1. Hilda: I don't think I'm cut out for this. You take the lead, Claude.
  2. Claude: OK, but you're still going to have to pull your weight.
  1. Claude: I don't mind getting my hands dirty once in a while. It'll be a nice change of pace.
  2. Hilda: If you want a change of pace, a tea party would be much better. Just say the word and I'm there.
  1. Hilda: That went surprisingly well. We're like a dream team!
  2. Claude: Something like that. I'm just glad you actually pitched in.
  1. Hilda: I'll keep a close eye on you, so feel free to go all out.
  2. Claude: I don't need a babysitter, Hilda. I need you to do your training.


  1. Lorenz: I want to see the full extent of your abilities, Hilda. I hope you put forth every effort today.
  2. Hilda: But even if I did, Lorenz, I could never keep up with you. So you just give it your all, OK?
  1. Hilda: I'm so glad you're here, Lorenz. This'll be easy for you, right?
  2. Lorenz: But of course. You shall see for yourself how reliable I am.
  1. Lorenz: That went better than expected, but it also proved far more exhausting.
  2. Hilda: You really went all in, Lorenz! I'm impressed.
  1. Lorenz: We must make the most of this training and surpass our limits. I expect you to participate as well, Hilda.
  2. Hilda: Are you saying you think I'll slack off? Rude! Training's the one thing I never push off to others!


  1. Hilda: It's great having you along, Marianne. I bet you'll be good at this.
  2. Marianne: Um... I'll try.
  1. Hilda: If you're joining us, Marianne, I might actually put some effort in!
  2. Marianne: I'll do what I can. I hope I'm not a burden.
  1. Hilda: Phew, that was some workout. I don't know why, but when you're around I actually want to work.
  2. Marianne: I'm glad I could help.
  1. Hilda: You can do it, Marianne! I'm rooting for you!
  2. Marianne: Um... Are you not going to train at all, Hilda?


  1. Holst: What a magnificent opportunity, dear sister. Show me all you are capable of. Hold nothing back!
  2. Hilda: Ugh, I can't slack off when you're around. Guess I'll have to actually do some work.
  1. Holst: Dear sister, you have once again demonstrated your excellence. You've done your big brother proud!
  2. Hilda: It just happened to go well. Stop giving me so much credit.
  1. Holst: I shall carry my beloved sister on my shoulders to strengthen my legs!
  2. Hilda: Uh, how about no. Just carry a boulder or something.


  1. Balthus: Oh, it's Hilda. Let's get this taken care of quick, all right?
  2. Hilda: I don't think I appreciate your attitude, mister.
  1. Hilda: You were surprisingly diligent today, Baltie. Are you really that strapped for coin?
  2. Balthus: Cram it, will you? I was working just as hard as I always do!
  1. Balthus: Holst'll bust my chops if I send you home with bruises, but it also doesn't do you any good if I hold back.
  2. Hilda: You say that, Baltie, but you always train with me in earnest. It really helps, you know.