
Let's get this over with.


  1. Jeralt: This'll be a great chance to show me how much you've grown, Leonie.
  2. Leonie: I'd rather show you on the battlefield, but I'll do my best, Captain!
  1. Jeralt: You've improved a lot, Leonie. I hardly had to lift a finger. Hah!
  2. Leonie: I'm glad for the compliment, but I wish we could've worked together a little more.
  1. Jeralt: Today I'll show you some moves only us mercenaries can get away with.
  2. Leonie: I can't wait, Captain!


  1. Jeralt: A little father-son teamwork, huh? Not a bad idea. We'll get more done than some random pairing.
  2. Byleth: Right. We'll show them we can work together in more places than the battlefield.
  1. Byleth: I think we did pretty well. What about you?
  2. Jeralt: Eh, I worry this old man held you kids back.
  1. Jeralt: You've come a long way. Think it's time for me to put your training to the ultimate test?
  2. Byleth: Let's at least wait until I've won a few, first.


  1. Jeralt: A little father-daughter teamwork, huh? Not a bad idea. We'll get more done than some random pairing.
  2. Byleth: Right. We'll show them we can work together in more places than the battlefield.
  1. Byleth: I think we did pretty well. What about you?
  2. Jeralt: Eh, I worry this old man held you kids back.
  1. Jeralt: You've come a long way. Think it's time for me to put your training to the ultimate test?
  2. Byleth: Let's at least wait until I've won a few, first.