1. Ugh, finally. C'mon, sunshine, up and at 'em.
  2. Hey! Get up already!
  3. Ahh...mm. Sorry, what's going on?
  4. Ahh...mm... Sorry, what's going on?
  5. "What's goin' on?" Pfft! Did your head spring a leak [cdb]while you were nappin'? Better see if you can even [cdb]remember your name.
  6. Well, looks like there's hope for you yet.
  7. Feign indignance.
  8. Apologize profusely.
  9. Back off, you sack of guts! I'm just resting up [cdb]for the battle!
  10. Back off, you sack of guts! I'm just resting up [cdb]for the battle!
  11. Yeah, well, the battle's on our doorstep, [cdb]so you're lucky I like you enough to wake ya.
  12. Apologies, friend. I'm all right. Is the battle at hand?
  13. Apologies, friend. I'm all right. Is the battle at hand?
  14. 'Course it is! Why else would I be standing here?
  15. You heard who we're up against, yeah? Jeralt's Mercenaries.
  16. Gonna be one hell of a fight if true, especially if [cdb]the Ashen Demon is here. Don't like a smidge of [cdb]what I've heard about that fella...or was it a woman?
  17. Leave it to you to fumble the details. Did you even catch this Ashen Demon's name?
  18. Leave it to you to fumble the details. Did you even catch this Ashen Demon's name?
  19. 'Course I did! It was...uh... By the goddess, [cdb]it's right on the tip of my tongue!
  20. Yeah, that's it!
  21. Demon or no demon, our job is to fight and win.
  22. Demon or no demon, our job is to fight and win.
  23. Heh, you sound just like the captain. I know they [cdb]paid up front, but c'mon...
  24. Well, at least one of you has some courage! You've certainly come a long way since I plucked [cdb]you from that mountain village.
  25. But this battle is about more than just victory.
  26. Jeralt's team has a sterling reputation. Rumor has it [cdb]they've never blundered even a single job.
  27. But once we put them to rout, we'll finally be [cdb]the greatest mercenaries in all of Leicester!
  28. Enemy activity detected, Captain!
  29. Looks like we'll be fighting by moonlight. Mind you don't kill each other in the dark!
  30. Wasn't expecting a fight so soon, but I guess there's [cdb]nothing for it. You ready?
  31. Wish him luck.
  32. Express your unease.
  33. Try to lighten the mood.
  34. Ready as I'll ever be. Good luck, friend.
  35. Ready as I'll ever be. Good luck, friend.
  36. And double to you.
  37. Well, I dunno that I... Know what? Never mind.
  38. Well, I dunno that I... You know what? Never mind.
  39. It's gonna be fine, so long as we both watch [cdb]our backs.
  40. When this is over, we'll all greet the new [cdb]dawn together.
  41. When this is over, we'll all greet the new [cdb]dawn together.
  42. You sure are a cocky little thing. But yeah, all right— I'll be there.