1. Hey, wake up.
  2. Ugh, how many times must we do this? Get up already!
  3. Huh? That's weird.
  4. Huh? That's weird.
  5. I could've sworn I heard someone calling me. It's still dark out, though.
  6. I could've sworn I heard someone calling me. It's still dark out, though.
  7. Hello? Yes, I was calling you! Many times, I might add!
  8. C'mon, I told you not to sneak up on me like that!
  9. Ah! C'mon, I told you not to sneak up on me like that!
  10. As if I have a choice!
  11. Do you know how many times you would've died by [cdb]now if not for me? I'll tell you: twenty-two!
  12. The three times you leapt off a cliff to quote-unquote "get tougher"? Saved you. Those five mad attempts to [cdb]dispatch a horde of monsters by yourself? Saved you.
  13. And tonight, despite my repeated warnings, [cdb]you took the wrong path and ended up having to [cdb]sleep on a bed of leaves in the middle of the woods.
  14. Defend yourself.
  15. Think about your mistakes.
  16. Apologize for your actions.
  17. Hey, you could at least let me pick [cdb]my own directions.
  18. Hey, you could at least let me pick [cdb]my own directions.
  19. Though I admit I might've taken a wrong turn.
  20. Though I admit I might've taken a wrong turn.
  21. Finally, some humility! That's almost reassuring. I was starting to think you were incapable of [cdb]self-reflection.
  22. ...
  23. ...
  24. Ignoring me, hm? I'll take that to mean I touched [cdb]a nerve.
  25. You're right. This was all my fault, and I'm sorry.
  26. You're right. This was all my fault, and I'm sorry.
  27. Strange. That's exactly what I wanted to hear, [cdb]yet somehow I'm the one who feels bad now. I must remember this tactic...
  28. At any rate, we all make a few mistakes along the way. And by "we," I mean you. And by "a few," I mean far, [cdb]far more than average.
  29. Now then! With that out of the way, [cdb]would you like to know why I've roused you [cdb]from your mud-caked slumber?
  30. Actually, it's probably easier to show rather than tell [cdb]at this point. Look over there, if you would.
  31. Hm?
  32. Hm?
  33. Stop plowing ahead, Claude. You're going to [cdb]get us lost.
  34. Lost, schmost. We've got it on Imperial authority that [cdb]this is the way to the village.
  35. True, I said there was a village—but how could [cdb]anyone know where it is in the thick of these [cdb]mountains?
  36. I can't even say for certain where we are in [cdb]all this gloom.
  37. OK, new plan: I'll rely on my keen senses to navigate. Lucky for you, they're sharp as an arrow.
  38. Hold, both of you. Someone's here. Another bandit, perhaps?
  39. They're mistaking you for some common [cdb]backwater thief. What cheek!
  40. Hold on there, I'm no bandit. I'm a mercenary.
  41. Hold on there, I'm no bandit. I'm a mercenary.
  42. Well, that makes everything better.
  43. A bandit would be far less out of place in these woods [cdb]than a sellsword. What brings you here?
  44. We've no time for an interrogation. Our pursuers are closing in.
  45. I dunno who you people are or what you want, [cdb]but I think introductions can wait.
  46. I dunno who you people are or what you want, [cdb]but I think introductions can wait.
  47. You clearly need every blade you can find, [cdb]and my pockets have been feeling awfully light [cdb]lately. What do you say?
  48. You clearly need every blade you can find, [cdb]and my pockets have been feeling awfully light [cdb]lately. What do you say?