1. You couldn't touch me.
  2. No common warrior can keep up with [cdb]my blade!
  3. I respect your fighting spirit.
  4. I'd accept another challenge from [cdb]you anytime.
  5. Your efforts are admirable.
  6. We've brought it safely under our control.
  7. I claim this land!
  8. This position will grant us an advantage.
  9. You have the makings of a formidable rival, [cdb]but victory is mine today.
  10. Get your act together. The future of Leicester [cdb]rests on your shoulders.
  11. Forgive me, my dear sister! I'll treat you to all [cdb]the sweets you want later!
  12. I'd say House Goneril is still on top when it [cdb]comes to battle, eh?
  13. Don't slack on your training, Balthus!
  14. Hah! Try again once you've grown stronger!
  15. The day is mine. But tomorrow might [cdb]be yours.
  16. I had no idea someone of your caliber was [cdb]wandering the land. Let us cross blades again!
  17. Looks like this is the birth of Nader the Defeated!
  18. <<<EMPTY>>>
  19. I thought you were Hilda's classmate? You [cdb]need to work harder!
  20. Nothing is impossible with hard work [cdb]and effort!
  21. <<<EMPTY>>>
  22. <<<EMPTY>>>
  23. <<<EMPTY>>>
  24. Don't hold it against me. This is war.
  25. You've got a knack for this. But you'll need to [cdb]train even harder if you hope to beat me.
  26. So long as this virtuous flame burns in my [cdb]breast, I will never know defeat!
  27. Satisfaction is the enemy of progress. That is [cdb]why I am never satisfied!
  28. How curious to feel my blows turned aside [cdb]like this.
  29. My blade is indomitable, it shall never bend!
  30. You have my thanks.
  31. Much appreciated.
  32. <<<EMPTY>>>
  33. <<<EMPTY>>>
  34. You're a tough one, and with the talent [cdb]to match!
  35. You have promise.
  36. <<<EMPTY>>>
  37. <<<EMPTY>>>
  38. That was fantastic work!
  39. I can tell you're improving! Color [cdb]me impressed.
  40. Don't do anything too dangerous, Hilda!
  41. You're a capable man, Lorenz.
  42. This takes me back to when you were crowned [cdb]the Uncontested King of Grappling!
  43. Your skill never fails to fascinate me, Ashen Demon.
  44. You're improving! I'd expect nothing less from Hilda's classmate.
  45. <<<EMPTY>>>
  46. <<<EMPTY>>>
  47. <<<EMPTY>>>
  48. Punch first, ask questions later, eh? I knew we [cdb]were kindred spirits.
  49. Behold, the king of Leicester! Everyone, [cdb]follow our liege!
  50. Amazing, Hilda! It looks like I don't have [cdb]anything to worry about.
  51. I almost pity our enemy.
  52. <<<EMPTY>>>
  53. Incredible! Heroics like that will secure your [cdb]place in history.
  54. <<<EMPTY>>>
  55. The way you fight with abandon reminds me [cdb]of my youth.
  56. I could not ask for a better leader! My [cdb]strength is ever at your service.
  57. Hahaha! I doubt there's a man out there who [cdb]can match your strength!
  58. I didn't know you had it in you! I apologize [cdb]for underestimating you.
  59. I can see you are hale and hearty as ever, Balthus! I knew we could count on you!
  60. Look at how your daily training has paid off! Splendid!
  61. Our king possesses ingenuity and skill alike! Leicester's future is bright indeed!
  62. You're so dazzling, I can scarcely look upon [cdb]you, Hilda!
  63. We are brothers bound by ever-lasting [cdb]friendship! Whatever you do, I shall respond [cdb]in kind!
  64. <<<EMPTY>>>
  65. Our enemy's actions matter not. I have a [cdb]mission to complete!
  66. Enemy or no, a great feat is great all the same.
  67. Such power, such skill... My blood quickens! Permit me to challenge you!
  68. Face me, if you think you're up to [cdb]the challenge.
  69. Looks like at least one of them has some spine!
  70. We'll rush the stronghold at once!
  71. Do not let it fall to the enemy!
  72. A key location is in danger.
  73. It fell... This is the end for us.
  74. I have come to fight!
  75. Behold my skill with the blade!
  76. This will be over in a moment. I will endeavor [cdb]to make it a painless end.
  77. I expect this will be a thrilling match!
  78. I like the fire in your eyes. Have at you!
  79. Let's see if you're qualified to lead Leicester!
  80. Hilda?! No, I'll not give way to you here.
  81. Show me the power of House Gloucester!
  82. How long has it been since we fought for real? Let us bring everything to this battle, Balthus!
  83. You're still young, but you'll make for an [cdb]exciting opponent!
  84. I am thrilled to cross blades with the Empire's greatest warrior!
  85. So you're the Ashen Demon. I can sense [cdb]your power.
  86. You won't be undefeated after today!
  87. You bear a Hero's Relic. Wouldn't it be [cdb]amusing if you were defeated by a man [cdb]without a Crest!
  88. They felt that one!
  89. I will see my honor vindicated one day, on that [cdb]you have my word!
  90. Some things are simply out of our control...
  91. We need to revisit our plans...
  92. I am withdrawing for the moment! I leave the [cdb]rest to you!
  93. You have my sword.
  94. Send your worthiest champion before me!
  95. Now is the time to vindicate my honor!
  96. I return to battle!
  97. I lost... It is clear that I am yet lacking.
  98. My bravery shall lead us to victory!
  99. Holst Sigiswald Goneril has entered the fray!
  100. So long as we persist, victory awaits!
  101. Stir your spirits so that we may deliver our [cdb]allies from danger!
  102. I stand between you and your aims!
  103. It would be unwise to fight on. Fall back!
  104. I vow to use every bit of the strength I have so [cdb]carefully cultivated!
  105. Let us forge a path to victory!
  106. Adversity is not to be feared. Simply trust [cdb]in yourself and push forward!
  107. Then send out your mightiest fighter!
  108. Something tells me this will be a worthwhile [cdb]battle!
  109. There is no path my blade cannot forge!
  110. Challenge me again after you've honed [cdb]your skills.
  111. We saved precious lives today. Well fought, [cdb]everyone!
  112. So long as I draw breath, none shall take anything [cdb]from us.
  113. Your valiant efforts saw us safely away.
  114. The day is won. I suppose it's time to begin [cdb]training for the next battle.
  115. This is the end... Forgive me. If only there'd [cdb]been more I could do...
  116. Live on the battlefield... Die on the battlefield. I suppose this is a fitting end...for me...
  117. This momentum will see us into victory's [cdb]embrace!
  118. Though cornered, we must remain calm! Panic will only invite further disaster.
  119. The path is open. Let us move forward.
  120. They've blocked our path! We'll have to cut [cdb]our way through!
  121. With me!
  122. I'm here to assist!
  123. I'm here to help. Make use of me.
  124. Show them the fruits of your training! Charge!
  125. Render them your aid!
  126. Do not let the flame of their life be [cdb]snuffed out!
  127. Defend with your life!
  128. Never before have I made so great a blunder... I'm sorry, everyone.
  129. Let us fight together!
  130. Help me fight my way out of this [cdb]predicament!
  131. <<<EMPTY>>>
  132. <<<EMPTY>>>
  133. My blade reflects the blaze burning in [cdb]my heart!
  134. I will neither run nor recoil. I vow to never [cdb]lose heart!
  135. Now is our chance!
  136. They cannot stop us!
  137. One step closer to victory.
  138. What's next?
  139. The enemy's spirit won out...
  140. I guess this means I still have room to grow.
  141. A most encouraging outcome.
  142. How disappointing...
  143. Here I go!
  144. We did it.
  145. That's not what I wanted...
  146. I thought something felt off...