1. I'm sorry to keep you waiting. Are you enjoying your [cdb]stay at the palace?
  2. Tell her it's been mostly pleasant.
  3. Say that you feel uncomfortable.
  4. More than I expected, though I do feel a bit out of [cdb]place here.
  5. More than I expected, though I do feel a bit out of [cdb]place here.
  6. I'm a merc—I don't really fit in, you know?
  7. I'm a merc—I don't really fit in, you know?
  8. Understandable. Everyone here either is a noble [cdb]themselves or serves one. However, that will change.
  9. As emperor, I plan to end discrimination based on [cdb]social status.
  10. Everyone will have a chance to rise to the top, [cdb]whether they are born into the aristocracy or not.
  11. No more nobles or commoners, huh? That does [cdb]sound pretty great. I'll be impressed if you can [cdb]actually pull it off.
  12. No more nobles or commoners, huh? That does [cdb]sound pretty great. I'll be impressed if you can [cdb]actually pull it off.
  13. Oh, I will. But at the moment, I have a proposition [cdb]for you.
  14. Go on.
  15. Go on.
  16. We've successfully expunged the prime minister and [cdb]the rest of that puppet government.
  17. But a certain amount of unrest is unavoidable, [cdb]which means I must remain here in the capital.
  18. In other words, I can't go back to Garreg Mach and [cdb]continue my studies.
  19. What about the others?
  20. What about the others?
  21. Our noble families will be in disarray as we transition [cdb]to my system and new heads of household take power.
  22. Of course, some like Dorothea are not as affected [cdb]as the other students.
  23. But all of them have offered to stay and help rather [cdb]than return to the monastery without us.
  24. If you'd be willing to do the same, I'd like to offer you [cdb]a top post in my new military.
  25. Now there's a tantalizing offer. It's not like you have [cdb]any real obligation to the church, plus it sounds like [cdb]quite the thrill!
  26. I'm more of a hired sword than an officer.
  27. I'm more of a hired sword than an officer.
  28. Which is why you're perfect. Hubert wants to recruit [cdb]mercenaries such as yourself and form a new unit.
  29. I can't put some noble in command of them—that [cdb]would be ill-advised.
  30. But they would listen to a capable fighter such as you. You're Hubert's first and only choice.
  31. I don't know if I really have the experience for it...
  32. I don't know if I really have the experience for it...
  33. But if you have that much faith in me, I won't let [cdb]you down.
  34. But if you have that much faith in me, I won't let [cdb]you down.