1. Hold on. What did you say?
  2. I've only just heard the news, so I'm a bit hazy on the [cdb]finer points...
  3. But it seems my uncle has seized control of the capital [cdb]and declared war on House Fraldarius.
  4. All signs point to him wanting to stamp the line out [cdb]entirely.
  5. That's Felix's family, right?
  6. That's Felix's family, right?
  7. They're one of the Kingdom's leading houses. What does the royal family gain from eliminating [cdb]them?
  8. They're one of the Kingdom's leading houses. What does the royal family gain from eliminating [cdb]them?
  9. I'd wager it has to do with House Fraldarius [cdb]supporting my claim to the throne.
  10. The bigger question is why the grand duke chose to [cdb]launch an offensive now of all times.
  11. Whatever the reason, he must have decided to act [cdb]before His Highness's coronation could take place.
  12. My uncle claims House Fraldarius is attempting to [cdb]install me as their puppet.
  13. As such, he issued a written appeal to the western [cdb]lords to help him "rescue me from the duke's foul [cdb]clutches," as he puts it.
  14. In what cruel world would our noble house take the [cdb]reins of a boar like you?
  15. Don't ask me—it's his pretext.
  16. So what exactly is going on in the capital? You [cdb]said it's been seized.
  17. Oh dear. I do hope nobody there has been met with [cdb]foul play.
  18. He's in no position to engage such a move until I've [cdb]been removed from the situation.
  19. I say the regent should be dealt with. I haven't heard [cdb]one good thing about his leadership.
  20. I've no intention of becoming a pawn in this game.
  21. All the same, I must return to Faerghus at once. Dedue, you will accompany me.
  22. As you wish, Your Highness.
  23. Felix, I'm sure your father will contact you soon. For now, just wait for Rodrigue to weigh in.
  24. Ah...
  25. Ashe?
  26. Sorry, it's just that Lonato used to be in the grand [cdb]duke's service, so...
  27. He is a man of compassion. It's not out of the [cdb]question he'll be swayed to my uncle's side.
  28. Truth be told, we're not sure where anyone's [cdb]allegiances lie at this point.
  29. So let's not hasten to conclusions—any of us. We must [cdb]all keep level heads.