1. Your Majesty, the Imperial army makes to retreat! As for that monster... It's disappeared.
  2. Understood.
  3. After what happened to Edelgard, I dare say they had [cdb]little choice.
  4. We must treat your wounds, Your Majesty. They will [cdb]only worsen without proper rest.
  5. You needn't worry about me.
  6. The Empire is on the back foot. This is our [cdb]chance—secure Arianrhod at once.
  7. Yes, Your Majesty!
  8. Edelgard called my father's killer Thales.
  9. Hey, Dimitri. I didn't catch more than a glimpse of [cdb]the guy, but something's not sitting right with me.
  10. Hey, Dimitri. I didn't catch more than a glimpse of [cdb]the guy, but something's not sitting right with me.
  11. His power was so familiar. Do you think he's another [cdb]one? Like Tomas...and like me?
  12. His power was so familiar. He might be another one. Like Tomas...and like me.
  13. How am I connected to them? Just what is this power I have?
  14. How am I connected to them? Just what is this power I have?
  15. ...
  16. I understand your concern, but my thinking remains [cdb]unchanged from two years ago.
  17. Whatever the truth of your abilities may be, I trust [cdb]you. And I will continue to do so.
  18. I only wish I had more to say than that. My apologies.
  19. Still, if your power truly is the same as that of Tomas [cdb]or this Thales...
  20. Then we may find that the questions hanging over [cdb]the two of us share a single answer.
  21. What do you mean?
  22. What do you mean?
  23. Edelgard said it was Thales that murdered my father.
  24. Of course, it is the peak of folly to take an enemy's [cdb]word at face value. But if she spoke true...
  25. Then neither the western lords nor the Empire are [cdb]the root of this strife. Another faction skulks in the [cdb]shadows of Fódlan, bending matters to their will.
  26. And if we suppose Cornelia was party to Thales and [cdb]his dark schemes, her actions become all the more [cdb]explicable.
  27. I alone must bring light to this darkness.
  28. You're doing it again.
  29. You don't hold a monopoly on revenge, you know. Or on truth-seeking, for that matter.
  30. I need to know what happened, too. I need to face the [cdb]reality of my past.
  31. I'm in, too. I want my father to finally have closure.
  32. I know I don't have the same kinda shared history [cdb]all of you do...
  33. I know I don't have the same kinda shared history [cdb]all of you do...
  34. But I do share your desire to know the truth. Both about myself, and everything else.
  35. But I do share your desire to know the truth. Both about myself, and everything else.
  36. Yes. Yes, you're right. Forgive me. For the time [cdb]being... Ngh.
  37. Dimitri.
  38. We have defended the fortress ably, but lost countless [cdb]capable officers and soldiers in the process.
  39. Even I will need time to recover before I can wield [cdb]my lance anew. Once we've secured the Silver Maiden...we'll return to the capital.
  40. Edelgard...