1. It's good to see you safely back, Rodrigue. I understand matters have begun to settle down in [cdb]the west.
  2. They have. It took more than a few lengthy inquiries, [cdb]but I believe we've finally excised the foul seed of [cdb]discord from our soil.
  3. And the changes at the top of Houses Gideon, Mateus, and Elidure should ensure it never takes [cdb]root again.
  4. So they're keeping their territories, then? I would've [cdb]expected us to remove them completely after what [cdb]they did.
  5. Such is easier said than done. Our prior situation with House Kleiman took time as well.
  6. Yes. Replacing the head of a territory always brings [cdb]dissenters crawling out of the woodwork to oppose [cdb]it—be they nobles or commoners.
  7. At least now we won't have to worry about our land [cdb]descending into chaos behind us.
  8. We can't just keep repeating the same mistakes. I must say, though, I'm surprised this all went as [cdb]smoothly as it did.
  9. I did use to be the eminent Duke Fraldarius, [cdb]remember? I have just a bit of experience with [cdb]these things.
  10. Hmph. In any case, we must turn our gaze eastward. How's the Alliance holding up?
  11. According to Gustave's report, Claude is holding out [cdb]for the perfect opportunity to advance his army.
  12. Naturally, they don't favor their chances in a head-on [cdb]clash with the famed Count Bergliez.
  13. So for the time being they intend to feign a deadlock, [cdb]and slowly dwindle away the enemy forces.
  14. It seems the decision to reclaim the monastery was a [cdb]shrewd one, then. It's our best path forward.
  15. I know we're slated to advance on Hevring territory, [cdb]but shouldn't we hold off till the Alliance can come [cdb]help us, too?
  16. I know we're slated to advance on Hevring territory, [cdb]but shouldn't we hold off till the Alliance can come [cdb]help us, too?
  17. No. On the contrary, if we can show our individual [cdb]might warrants attention, the Empire will have no [cdb]choice but to dispatch more troops west.
  18. Which should in turn ease the burden on the Alliance [cdb]and their army. Claude and I agreed to as much.
  19. The real question is whether we can even trust him. It's impossible to tell, if you ask me.
  20. If anything, he might be trying to wear us down. Soften us up so he can beat the stuffing out of us later.
  21. I doubt he would do something like that. At least, [cdb]not in the midst of pursuing the same goal.
  22. But you're right—Claude's tricky to pin down. You can never really tell what he's plotting.
  23. I don't believe we can be too cautious here. We should consider every possible angle.
  24. Agreed. But if the Alliance does try anything, Gustave and the Knights of Seiros should be more [cdb]than enough to thwart their plans.
  25. Now, though, we march on. Ready your units.
  26. So we finally take aim at the Empire in earnest.
  27. Yes. We must finish this swiftly, for the sake of all [cdb]those caught in the middle.
  28. Hm. If you don't mind me asking, Your Majesty— [cdb]do you have it within you to topple the emperor?
  29. I speak not of military prowess, nor the strength of [cdb]our army. No, I speak of your emotions.
  30. He's got a point. I mean, she's your stepsister. Anyone would hesitate to cut down their own family.
  31. He's got a point. I mean, she's your stepsister. Anyone would hesitate to cut down their own family.
  32. She is an old friend as well—though I doubt she has [cdb]any recollection of it now.
  33. Rodrigue... Do you truly think my hand will waver? I, who cleaved my own uncle's head from his [cdb]shoulders?
  34. ...
  35. Now, seeing as the Empire was involved in the Tragedy of Duscur, there is still much I must ask [cdb]of her.
  36. In a way, she and I are no different. Starting wars of [cdb]our own volition, sending countless innocent lives to [cdb]the feet of the goddess.
  37. However noble one's reasoning may be, a deed like [cdb]that cannot go unpunished.
  38. And if she refuses to yield, then as a king—and one [cdb]seeking revenge, at that...I will take her life.
  39. I'm pleased to hear it.
  40. Ah, that reminds me. I meant to give you this earlier.
  41. A letter?
  42. One from Lady Patricia. I uncovered it during our [cdb]inquiry of Viscount Elidure.
  43. From my stepmother...
  44. I hope you'll forgive the intrusion, but I have already [cdb]examined its contents. The letter contains no new [cdb]information of note.
  45. That said, I expect you'll find the subject matter quite [cdb]disturbing indeed, Your Majesty.
  46. I see. I will read it later, then.