1. Houses Gerth, Essar, Lochin, and Ochs... I can't [cdb]believe we'll be facing them all at once.
  2. Houses Gerth, Essar, Lochin, and Ochs... It seems the [cdb]nobles of the western Empire will be facing [cdb]us together.
  3. What do you expect? From their standpoint, this is an [cdb]invasion, and they are the ones to repel it.
  4. They fight to protect their homes, their families, [cdb]their livelihoods—just as we would fight to [cdb]protect ours.
  5. We would all do well not to forget that. Be sure to [cdb]tell those under your commands the same.
  6. Yes, Your Majesty.
  7. Voice your determination.
  8. Voice your hesitation.
  9. Feeling guilty about this isn't gonna change anything. We still have to fight, and we still have to win.
  10. Feeling guilty about this isn't gonna change anything. We still have to fight, and we still have to win.
  11. You're right. This is the only way we'll ever get peace [cdb]back in Fódlan.
  12. There's no turning back now, not after what we've [cdb]done. But I don't regret any of it.
  13. I believe in the path we're on, the very one that's led [cdb]us to the battle ahead.
  14. I dunno, this all feels pretty complicated to me. I mean, just 'cause someone's a soldier doesn't mean [cdb]they agree with everything the Empire's doing.
  15. I dunno, this all feels pretty complicated to me. I mean, just 'cause someone's a soldier doesn't mean [cdb]they agree with everything the Empire's doing.
  16. Yes, I'm sure there are many among them who don't [cdb]approve of what Adrestia has become.
  17. If we can just convince even one of their generals to [cdb]switch sides, maybe we can spare everyone all this [cdb]pointless bloodshed.
  18. Hmph. Just mind your swords aren't dulled by these [cdb]pangs of sympathy.
  19. Lasting peace is waiting for you on the other side of [cdb]this fight. You've got my power to see you through it.
  20. It doesn't matter what any of us say, boar. You know [cdb]what needs to be done.
  21. We'll have plenty of time to grieve once this is all [cdb]over. So stick to the plan and don't look back.
  22. We stand here because we believe in you, Your Majesty.
  23. I see. I'm heartened to know I have your trust.
  24. Whenever I've lost my way, all of you have been there [cdb]to help me recover it.
  25. It's the least we can do. Both as your subjects... and your friends.
  26. Everything seems to be in order, Your Majesty. Sorry, am I interrupting something here?
  27. No, we've just finished. We will need your strength in [cdb]this battle, Rodrigue.
  28. And my strength you'll have. Let's show these Imperial scoundrels what a mistake it is to cross the [cdb]people of Faerghus.