1. It would appear the Kingdom forces have withdrawn. I guess that means we've won.
  2. Woohoo! All right! That was some tough opposition, [cdb]but we've gotten pretty tough ourselves!
  3. Really? Because it still feels like you're barely trying [cdb]out there, Hilda.
  4. Do you see how much I'm sweating? I don't think I [cdb]could try harder even if I wanted to.
  5. At this rate, we really will be able to mount an attack [cdb]on Fhirdiad!
  6. Hey, what's that supposed to mean? Don't tell me you [cdb]thought Claude was lying!
  7. No, it's just... I guess it's starting to feel real now. You know what I mean, right, Marianne?
  8. Yes, let's all do our best.
  9. Uh, Claude? You don't seem all that happy about [cdb]our win.
  10. Uh, Claude? You don't seem all that happy about [cdb]our win.
  11. Did you see Margrave Gautier's last stand? He sacrificed himself so his allies could escape.
  12. Let me ask you something. What do you think about [cdb]chivalry and the other knightly virtues?
  13. It's stupid.
  14. Eh, no opinion.
  15. It's admirable.
  16. I don't care for it myself, but it's handy if my [cdb]enemies do. Makes 'em nice and predictable.
  17. I don't care for it myself, but it's handy if my [cdb]enemies do. Makes 'em nice and predictable.
  18. Don't really have a strong opinion about it either [cdb]way. It doesn't mesh with mercenary life, y'know?
  19. Don't really have a strong opinion about it either [cdb]way. It doesn't mesh with mercenary life, y'know?
  20. I admire it, actually. But it's not like it has any place [cdb]in a mercenary group.
  21. I admire it, actually. But it's not like it has any place [cdb]in a mercenary group.
  22. Hah, fair enough. I can't say it speaks to me either. All the same...
  23. Really? You certainly hide it well. I can't say it speaks [cdb]to me, but all the same...
  24. Watching someone as famed and respected as Margrave Gautier die for the sake of others... It was something to behold.
  25. I admire how knights are willing to sacrifice [cdb]themselves for their friends without any hesitation. I really do.
  26. But it occurred to me that so long as we're fighting [cdb]the Kingdom, with its long tradition of knighthood, [cdb]there are going to be a lot more sacrifices.
  27. It reminds me just how important it is that we end [cdb]this war as quickly as possible.
  28. And once we do, we have to create a world where [cdb]deaths like these are no longer necessary.
  29. As honorable as that sounds, I was not aware that was [cdb]our objective here.
  30. Oh, we're still doing this to safeguard Leicester's [cdb]future. And to free ourselves of the church's [cdb]antiquated customs.
  31. None of that's changed.
  32. But I believe that beyond all this fighting lies a future [cdb]where lives will no longer have to be sacrificed.
  33. A world where everyone will be free to live however [cdb]they choose.
  34. People being able to live as they please... That certainly does sound amazing.
  35. It sounds like something worth risking our lives for.
  36. If anyone can make it happen, Claude can. No, wait, I take that back—all of us can!
  37. Now that's a future worth believing in!
  38. I'll believe in it too!
  39. Well then, Your Majesty. Shall we press on?
  40. You bet. Let's go end this war. We won't stop till we [cdb]reach Fhirdiad!