1. Your Majesty, I am glad to see that you are safe.
  2. I am fine, Gustave. My apologies for worrying you. What is your report on the situation in the west?
  3. For the moment, we are holding the line against [cdb]the Empire's offensive.
  4. The news that Your Majesty has arrived at the Silver Maiden will do wonders for the soldiers' morale.
  5. Unfortunately, the same can be said for our enemy. The emperor pursued me here and should be joining [cdb]her forces at the front.
  6. But no matter how high the enemy's morale, they will [cdb]not find Arianrhod an easy prize to take.
  7. In that case, perhaps our concern should lie with Lady Rhea and the Knights of Seiros.
  8. Ah, yes. The Kingdom army parted with them to [cdb]deal with the Imperial forces here in the west.
  9. I have heard nothing of their fate since. Were they [cdb]able to reach Camulus safely?
  10. No, Your Majesty... They have stopped in the [cdb]northern region of the Tailtean Plains to prepare [cdb]for battle.
  11. They intend to meet the Federation army there?
  12. It is likely they determined that with the Kingdom [cdb]army unable to leave the western front, they would [cdb]not be able to withstand a siege at Camulus.
  13. They have assessed the situation correctly, then. The Kingdom army cannot spare enough troops to [cdb]break a siege at this moment.
  14. But if Camulus is taken, Fhirdiad itself may well fall [cdb]to the forces of Leicester.
  15. To prepare for that contingency, I have ordered our [cdb]citizens in the capital and the surrounding area to [cdb]evacuate to Gautier territory.
  16. But does Claude truly wish to destroy Faerghus? Somehow, I doubt it.
  17. Your Majesty, a message from Duke Fraldarius. The Imperial army seems to be taking more [cdb]aggressive action.
  18. He would like you to brief the commanders on the [cdb]current state of the war.
  19. Understood. I will be there shortly.
  20. But Your Majesty... What of the Central Church?
  21. Gustave, we will do what must be done to safeguard [cdb]our people, no matter how great the cost.
  22. Were we to bow down to the Empire and accept the Southern Church, Faerghus would fall to ruin. A great many of our people would die.
  23. However, the Federation has shown us a way to avoid [cdb]such a terrible fate.
  24. Then there is truly no other way?
  25. We are deeply indebted to the Central Church, yet [cdb]it is a debt that I cannot repay. I will gladly accept [cdb]whatever punishment I must.
  26. If it means saving even one more of my people's lives, [cdb]then as the king of Faerghus, no sacrifice is too great. Forgive me, Gustave.
  27. Your Majesty... If this is the path you have chosen, [cdb]then I will walk it with you until the very end.