1. Phew. I hope everyone from the opera company made [cdb]it safely to town.
  2. We had bandits popping out from every which way, [cdb]didn't we, Manuela?
  3. Indeed, but those rogues were no match for our [cdb]combined charms.
  4. You even managed to woo some of 'em to our side!
  5. You even managed to woo some of 'em to our side!
  6. I'm impressed. I could never do that.
  7. I'm impressed. I could never do that.
  8. I assume by "charms," you mean the pure beatdown [cdb]you put on them.
  9. I assume by "charms," you mean the pure beatdown [cdb]you put on them.
  10. That'll hopefully make 'em think twice before they [cdb]mess with us again.
  11. That'll hopefully make 'em think twice before they [cdb]mess with us again.
  12. Still, why were there so many bandits camped this [cdb]close to a town?
  13. Is it because of the war?
  14. In a sense.
  15. Care to explain that?
  16. Care to explain that?
  17. Of course. You see, towns within the Empire have [cdb]begun tightening their security for fear of the enemy.
  18. And in regions near the front line—such as this one [cdb]here—there are naturally more soldiers about.
  19. That leaves the bandits with no place to go.
  20. Sounds like they should just abandon the brigand's [cdb]life and become mercenaries instead.
  21. Sounds like they should just abandon the brigand's [cdb]life and become mercenaries instead.
  22. Easier said than done.
  23. Take the bandits we just fought. It's not as if they [cdb]have a chain of command or central organization.
  24. They are clearly a group that came together out of [cdb]common interest and survival, not any manner of [cdb]grand military ambition.
  25. Guess that explains why they fought the way they did. All swagger and no plan.
  26. Guess that explains why they fought the way they did. All swagger and no plan.
  27. In any case, I came the moment I heard about bandit [cdb]activity in the area.
  28. I hypothesized the opera company might be targeted, [cdb]and so rushed to your aid.
  29. Well done, Hanneman. That's a more clever course of [cdb]action than I expected from you.
  30. You could have ended that before the second part.
  31. Oh, don't be upset. In fact, you should be pleased I [cdb]feel comfortable enough with you to speak my mind!
  32. Comment on how they make a good team.
  33. Note how they really don't get along.
  34. It's nice how you two can be so honest with [cdb]each other.
  35. It's nice how you two can be so honest with [cdb]each other.
  36. Do you think so? Well, that's certainly a more [cdb]pleasant way to view things.
  37. That's exactly how I try to look at it—at least until a [cdb]certain someone comes along and screws it up.
  38. I'd like to say this is a surprise, but I saw how you two [cdb]were always going at it back at the academy.
  39. I'd like to say this is a surprise, but I saw how you two [cdb]were always going at it back at the academy.
  40. We do not "go at it." This mustachioed man-child jabs [cdb]at me without pause, and I merely defend myself.
  41. And how can you claim that when not a moment ago [cdb]you admitted to being the one who could not help [cdb]but speak her mind?!
  42. All right, knock it off, you two!
  43. If you insist on indulging in these sparring sessions, [cdb]at least have the courtesy to let the rest of us leave [cdb]the area first.
  44. Come on, let's go.
  45. Come on, let's go.
  46. Yeah, let's leave 'em to it.
  47. Yeah, let's leave 'em to it.
  48. No, wait! I apologize! Just please don't leave me alone [cdb]with this woman!
  49. I'm also sorry. Let's just forget this ever happened and [cdb]head back as one big happy family, all right?