1. There you are, Hubert. So what's going on? This couldn't wait for a more reasonable hour?
  2. There you are, Hubert. So what's going on? This couldn't wait for a more reasonable hour?
  3. Hmph.
  4. ...
  5. You are the last to arrive—but better late than never, I suppose.
  6. Blow off his criticism.
  7. Worry about what's to come.
  8. Yeah, well, you know it's not a real party until I [cdb]decide to show. So what's the deal?
  9. Yeah, well, you know it's not a real party until I [cdb]decide to show. So what's the deal?
  10. As unflappable as ever, I see. Can I take it from your [cdb]lackadaisical attitude that you know why I have [cdb]summoned you here?
  11. Not even a little bit. But judging from the company, [cdb]you clearly rounded up the toughest people you could [cdb]find. Just thought I should play the part.
  12. Not even a little bit. But judging from the company, [cdb]you clearly rounded up the toughest people you could [cdb]find. Just thought I should play the part.
  13. I may be late, but I'm also smart enough to smell [cdb]trouble when it's brewing—and you've definitely [cdb]got something on the boil.
  14. I may be late, but I'm also smart enough to smell [cdb]trouble when it's brewing—and you've definitely [cdb]got something on the boil.
  15. Please, illuminate me. How have you come to [cdb]this conclusion?
  16. Because I'm standing here with Jeritza on one side [cdb]and Petra on the other—and you don't invite people [cdb]like them along unless you need serious muscle.
  17. Because I'm standing here with Jeritza on one side [cdb]and Petra on the other—and you don't invite people [cdb]like them along unless you need serious muscle.
  18. It saddens me than I am not included in this "toughness" calculation of yours.
  19. Neither fighting or hunting have toughness for me.
  20. I am fighting and others are falling. It is a thing [cdb]of ease.
  21. Get on with it.
  22. Yes, well, setting the question of "toughness" aside, [cdb]your task remains the same.
  23. Can you please just get to the point already? I'm gonna doze off if you stretch this intro out [cdb]any longer.
  24. Can you please just get to the point already? I'm gonna doze off if you stretch this intro out [cdb]any longer.
  25. Then I will do just that.
  26. I have received information regarding a small-scale [cdb]raid on Garreg Mach.
  27. The raiders in question are the Knights of Seiros— [cdb]but judging by their low numbers, they are not [cdb]attempting to reclaim the monastery.
  28. Rather, their goal is assassination. Specifically, they [cdb]seek to eliminate Count Varley, the current head of [cdb]the Southern Church.
  29. The knights? Good. I'll enjoy this.
  30. I have knowledge of stopping assassins. Let us be going with all haste.
  31. I see why you brought the three of us along now.
  32. I see why you brought the three of us along now.
  33. But still, you've got an entire army at your disposal. Why use so small a force?
  34. But still, you've got an entire army at your disposal. Why use so small a force?
  35. If we suddenly increase our presence at Garreg Mach, [cdb]the knights will realize they have been found out and [cdb]cancel the raid.
  36. But I need them to carry out their plan to the letter, [cdb]so they might walk right into my trap.
  37. They will be like flies to the flame.
  38. Not sure that's right, but I get what you're going for.
  39. Not sure that's right, but I get what you're going for.
  40. Even if the flies are strong, it all ends the same.
  41. You both remain as inspiring as ever. Now then, as we [cdb]will be heading out tomorrow, we had best get our [cdb]preparations settled quickly.
  42. Seeing as you are a long-tenured mercenary of some [cdb]renown, I will leave the guarding of Count Varley's [cdb]person to you.
  43. I hope it goes without saying that this is not a job [cdb]which calls for improvisation on your part. Keep him [cdb]safe and whole, and do it well.
  44. Boast about your skill.
  45. Admit that you're worried.
  46. No worries, Hubert. Those knights won't touch even [cdb]a single hair on your guy's head.
  47. No worries, Hubert. Those knights won't touch even [cdb]a single hair on your guy's head.
  48. That is precisely what I wanted to hear.
  49. No wonder Lady Edelgard puts so much faith in you.
  50. Seems like a lot of weight to throw on my shoulders.
  51. Seems like a lot of weight to throw on my shoulders.
  52. I mean, you talk like I'm the world's greatest [cdb]mercenary, but I'm really just another sellsword.
  53. I mean, you talk like I'm the world's greatest [cdb]mercenary, but I'm really just another sellsword.
  54. Hmph, pathetic.
  55. If such is truly the case, why did Her Majesty see fit [cdb]to elevate you to your current station?
  56. Huh. Yeah, OK. Fair point.
  57. Huh. Yeah, OK. Fair point.
  58. If you fight with confidence, you will never be losing. I will do what I must.
  59. Again. Get on with it.
  60. Yes, yes, very well. Now, as far as Garreg Mach's [cdb]current military capability...