1. This was a long time coming—and a fine result, [cdb]seeing as we suffered no needless casualties.
  2. I guess so...
  3. Still, I wonder why our target chose to take part in [cdb]the Tragedy of Duscur in the first place.
  4. Suggest it was for money.
  5. Suggest he held a grudge.
  6. Suggest you need to look deeper.
  7. Probably bought off by somebody higher up the food [cdb]chain. That's usually how these things go.
  8. Probably bought off by somebody higher up the food [cdb]chain. That's usually how these things go.
  9. Then we must find who paid him.
  10. Right. We're sure to discover something if we follow [cdb]the money.
  11. Could be he held a grudge against Faerghus.
  12. Could be he held a grudge against Faerghus.
  13. Then we'd best figure out the reason for said grudge.
  14. That kinda decision's not arrived at lightly. There [cdb]must be some reason we haven't considered yet.
  15. That kinda decision's not arrived at lightly. There [cdb]must be some reason we haven't considered yet.
  16. I mean, maybe he honestly thought he was fighting [cdb]for Duscur's future.
  17. I mean, maybe he honestly thought he was fighting [cdb]for Duscur's future.
  18. Then he went about it the wrong way.
  19. Whatever the reason, there's no need to speculate.
  20. Agreed. His Majesty will suss it out.
  21. Yes, let's put our faith in him.
  22. But for now, we should tell the citizens of Duscur [cdb]about what transpired today.
  23. Wait. I must make a brief stop.
  24. Oh? Where?
  25. A lake deep in the forest where a field of flowers [cdb]once grew.
  26. The area was trampled by the Kingdom's army some [cdb]time back.
  27. I want to see if it has recovered.
  28. I could use some flowers in my life right about now— [cdb]and who knows the next time we'll be coming this [cdb]way again. Mind if I join you?
  29. Please do.
  30. Count me in too. Felix?
  31. Count me in too. Felix?
  32. I don't really care about that stuff, but...sure. Still, [cdb]we've got a lot to do, so let's make it quick.
  33. Oh, how lovely... I can't believe a place like this is [cdb]hidden away in the forest.
  34. I often came here with my sister. I am glad to see it [cdb]somewhat recovered.
  35. Somewhat? You mean it used to be even more [cdb]beautiful than this?
  36. Indeed.
  37. Wow. I'd love to see it in all its glory someday.
  38. King Lambert died near this spot, right? I wonder if Glenn ever saw this place...
  39. I think it likely.
  40. When things settle in Duscur, this field should also [cdb]return to form.
  41. We should come back then. To see the field as he did.
  42. Yes, we should.
  43. ...
  44. You sure you just wanna hang back, Felix? This is [cdb]really something.
  45. You sure you just wanna hang back, Felix? This is [cdb]really something.
  46. Might be good to...you know. Take in the scenery. Maybe think about your brother.
  47. Might be good to...you know. Take in the scenery. Maybe think about your brother.
  48. No thanks.
  49. Remembering the past is important, but the present [cdb]gives me all the direction I need.
  50. Namely, the duty to protect the same things Glenn [cdb]did before me.
  51. Ask if he's referring to his lands.
  52. Ask if he's referring to Dimitri.
  53. You mean Fraldarius territory itself?
  54. You mean Fraldarius territory itself?
  55. No. Well, yes. Obviously I have a duty to protect my [cdb]home, but my brother didn't really do that.
  56. I mean the future of the Kingdom itself.
  57. You mean Dimitri?
  58. You mean Dimitri?
  59. More or less. My brother gave everything to protect [cdb]him, but only because he was protecting the future of Faerghus itself.
  60. Which that fool will probably try to shoulder all on [cdb]his own, so I guess they're pretty much the same thing [cdb]at this point.
  61. Anyway, keep that to yourself—and don't you dare [cdb]tell the boar.
  62. Promise to hold his secret.
  63. Shout it out to the world.
  64. Sure thing.
  65. Sure thing.
  66. Hmph. Good.
  67. C'mon, why'd you have to say that? Now all I wanna [cdb]do is run around telling everyone!
  68. C'mon, why'd you have to say that? Now all I wanna [cdb]do is run around telling everyone!
  69. I'd prefer if you didn't mock me.
  70. ...
  71. You know, I don't really care much for flowers, [cdb]but this? This isn't so bad.