1. You wanted to see me, Constance? Oh, and hey, Annette. Hey, Mercedes.
  2. You wanted to see me, Constance? Oh, and hey, Annette. Hey, Mercedes.
  3. You, my friend, are late—and after I specifically told [cdb]you to hurry, too!
  4. For shame! For shame, I say!
  5. Apologize profusely.
  6. Choose indignance.
  7. Hey, sorry about that. Didn't realize it was so urgent.
  8. Hey, sorry about that. Didn't realize it was so urgent.
  9. Of course it's urgent! If I'm to be going on an [cdb]excursion, it is imperative that it ends before sunrise.
  10. It is?
  11. It is?
  12. There is no need to worry, Constance. The night's [cdb]only just begun, after all—we have plenty of time.
  13. Fine! In that case, I will mirror Mercedes' [cdb]magnanimity and grant you forgiveness.
  14. OK, let's all take a step back here—it's not like you [cdb]were standing around for hours. Plus, you're the one [cdb]who waited until the dead of night to ask for me.
  15. OK, let's all take a step back here—it's not like you [cdb]were standing around for hours. Plus, you're the one [cdb]who waited until the dead of night to ask for me.
  16. You've gotta at least give me some time to get ready [cdb]before you start grumbling, yeah?
  17. You've gotta at least give me some time to get ready [cdb]before you start grumbling, yeah?
  18. Pitiful! If this is the limit of your preparations, [cdb]we should best ready ourselves to be slaughtered [cdb]in our tents during a surprise enemy raid.
  19. Not really the same thing, but OK.
  20. Well, now that I'm here, can someone tell me what all [cdb]this urgency is actually about?
  21. Well, now that I'm here, can someone tell me what all [cdb]this urgency is actually about?
  22. I desire your assistance in testing a new bit of magic I've developed.
  23. I've been working tirelessly on it these past two years, [cdb]and last night, I finally had a breakthrough.
  24. This is a magic to surpass all others! One with nearly [cdb]unlimited power and range!
  25. 'Tis a magic that will revolutionize the very world, [cdb]and tonight marks its debut!
  26. And since I'm not certain she's going to get around to [cdb]this part, her magic requires a very rare gemstone.
  27. Thankfully, Constance got her hands on one [cdb]yesterday, which is why she's ready to test it now.
  28. It was originally just going to be the three of us, [cdb]but then we figured having a little muscle around [cdb]might not be the worst idea in the world.
  29. So naturally, we thought of you!
  30. Makes sense. Sure, I'm in.
  31. Makes sense. Sure, I'm in.
  32. Wonderful! Well then, let's be off.
  33. All right, the materials are all ready, so we can start [cdb]the test anytime.
  34. Yes... Finally, all is in order!
  35. Permit me to introduce you to the ultimate magic!
  36. That ruined castle in the distance should make for an [cdb]excellent target.
  37. Are you sure that's a good idea?
  38. Put a halt to her scheme.
  39. The schemes must go on!
  40. Mercedes has a point. I mean, what if someone's [cdb]actually living in there?
  41. Mercedes has a point. I mean, what if someone's [cdb]actually living in there?
  42. Indeed, it wouldn't do to harm any... Hmm?
  43. Yeah! Fire! Do it, Constance!
  44. Yeah! Fire! Do it, Constance!
  45. Hey, slow down! There could be people living in [cdb]there, so we can't just... Huh?
  46. Help! Someone help!
  47. That voice came from the castle! You didn't cast your [cdb]spell yet, right?
  48. No, not yet. Which means that voice is...
  49. Please help! They captured everyone in the village!
  50. Shut up and move your feet. Ain't no one gonna hear [cdb]you all the way out here anyway! Hahaha!
  51. Bandits! And they're headed right for the castle.
  52. Suggest engaging them in combat.
  53. Let loose the magic!
  54. There's no time to go back and get reinforcements. We'll have to take them on ourselves.
  55. There's no time to go back and get reinforcements. We'll have to take 'em on ourselves.
  56. You're right. We have to help those poor people!
  57. Let's use Constance's magic to take out the castle!
  58. Let's use Constance's magic to take out the castle!
  59. Absolutely not! That's probably where they're [cdb]keeping the poor people they captured!
  60. We have to get closer and assess the situation before [cdb]we start tossing ultimate magic around.
  61. Just when my experiment was so close to fruition...
  62. Still, I could never forgive myself if I abandoned [cdb]people in need. Let us be off with all haste!