1. Sorry I dragged you into this. Or I guess you dragged [cdb]yourselves. Either way, it's good you were there.
  2. Oh, I don't know. I think you could've handled them [cdb]pretty easily on your own.
  3. Their aim was to overwhelm me with sheer numbers [cdb]and wear me down.
  4. Against a force that large? It's entirely possible I [cdb]could've lost.
  5. Throwing so many men and women out there as [cdb]cannon fodder is a horrific strategy.
  6. They'd have found fame and glory if it had worked— [cdb]and it's not like the dead can complain.
  7. Besides, the more of your comrades who die, [cdb]the bigger your share of the reward. Pretty good deal [cdb]if you're left standing when the dust settles.
  8. Speaking of comrades, it seemed like some of our [cdb]enemies knew you.
  9. Yeah, we definitely fought before.
  10. Yeah, we definitely fought before.
  11. But it was a long time ago, and I don't remember [cdb]doing anything that would make it so personal.
  12. But it was a long time ago, and I don't remember [cdb]doing anything that would make it so personal.
  13. Not unusual in this line of work.
  14. The longer you do this, the more grudges you earn— [cdb]whether you remember them or not.
  15. You've been a merc for a long time, though. I assume [cdb]that kind of stuff doesn't bother you anymore.
  16. Yeah, mostly.
  17. Yeah, mostly.
  18. I try to stay detached, but every now and again [cdb]something slips through.
  19. I try to stay detached, but every now and again [cdb]something slips through.
  20. Ugh, I'm not so sure I could keep my emotions in [cdb]check like that. I guess that shows how much further I still have to go.
  21. But this means things with that noble who used to [cdb]employ you are over now, right?
  22. Hope so. But she's a tenacious one.
  23. Oh, so it's a woman?
  24. She must really want you back fighting for her.
  25. Yeah, that's not the only thing she wants from me.
  26. Let's just say it's a mess and leave it at that.
  27. Just remember—if someone isn't interested, move on.
  28. Interested in what? I don't understand.
  29. Anyway, I'm gonna hit the hay. Thanks again.
  30. Do you know what Shamir was talking about?
  31. Claim you have no idea.
  32. Avoid a super awkward conversation.
  33. Who knows? Could've been anything.
  34. Who knows? Could've been anything.
  35. You'll understand when you're older.
  36. You'll understand when you're older.
  37. Well, now I'm really curious! I'll have to ask Shamir [cdb]about it later.