1. Hmm, perhaps I will ask Edelgard to handle [cdb]this matter.
  2. As for this one, it seems as though I have no choice [cdb]but to do it myself. If only I could spare the time...
  3. Hey, Ferdinand. You should probably think about [cdb]getting some sleep.
  4. That's an order actually, from Hubert. But I agree [cdb]with him.
  5. My apologies. My list of responsibilities has grown [cdb]rather unwieldy of late.
  6. Exhausted as I may be, I will be done here shortly. You need not fret.
  7. Ferdinand, come on. I thought you were supposed to [cdb]be giving everything "your all."
  8. If you're really that tired, how are you gonna be in [cdb]any shape for what's coming tomorrow? Go on and [cdb]give your all to a good night's sleep.
  9. Ah! Yes, you are right.
  10. How could I of all people not realize the error in my [cdb]ways? I shall take that to heart.
  11. Wish him good night.
  12. Stick around and make sure he actually sleeps.
  13. Glad to hear you're coming around. Anyway, [cdb]good night.
  14. Tomorrow's another big day.
  15. Glad to hear you're coming around. Oh, and finish [cdb]fast, OK? Here, I'll even help.
  16. I don't wanna go to bed just to find out you stayed up [cdb]all night working. Lemme just...
  17. Wait.
  18. Hm? What's up?
  19. Uh... Never mind. Thank you for the concern.
  20. I will be sure to convey my gratitude to Hubert later [cdb]as well.
  21. Don't forget. He's really worried about you, [cdb]you know.
  22. Is he now? Usually he finds any occasion to [cdb]criticize me.
  23. Same here.
  24. Ha! Is that so? And here I thought he had taken a [cdb]shine to you.
  25. If he has, he sure doesn't show it.
  26. Ah, before I forget! What would you think about [cdb]coordinating our schedules tomorrow?
  27. I have been so absorbed in my work of late, we have [cdb]scarcely had the chance to spend time together.
  28. I have been pouring all my effort into rising early, [cdb]training, eating...and in the process I have neglected [cdb]our friendship.
  29. As fellow advocates of giving one's all to all of life's [cdb]pursuits, I say we work together to draw out each [cdb]other's dormant potential!
  30. Somehow that actually sounds pretty good.
  31. I dunno about this...
  32. Works for me. My schedule's pretty light these days.
  33. It'll be good to spend some time together, but just so [cdb]we're clear, we are not on the same page with this [cdb]whole "giving our all" thing.
  34. OK, once again, we are not really on the same page [cdb]with this whole "giving our all" thing.
  35. Perhaps not, but surely you would not turn up your [cdb]nose at the opportunity to perform a few great deeds [cdb]by my side. Would you?
  36. Yeah, I guess it doesn't sound too bad when you put [cdb]it that way.
  37. Splendid! This should serve as all the motivation I [cdb]need to continue pressing onward undaunted!
  38. And with that settled, I believe it is time for us to [cdb]devote ourselves fully to a tranquil slumber. Come, [cdb]our lump-riddled camp beds await our zealous efforts!
  39. OK, this time you are joking, right? It's seriously [cdb]impossible to tell with you sometimes...