1. <<<EMPTY>>>
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  3. Especially swift, with high avoidance, the Myrmidon deftly wields the sword.
  4. Skilled with a lance, the Soldier has a high [cdb]degree of accuracy and precision.
  5. Proficient with the axe, the bow, and [cdb]gauntlets, the Fighter has high strength [cdb]that translates to mighty blows.
  6. Well-balanced, the Monk uses magic for both [cdb]offense and defense.
  7. <<<EMPTY>>>
  8. Strong and speedy—the Mercenary gets the [cdb]job done.
  9. Skilled at opening locks, the Thief has [cdb]excellent speed and dexterity.
  10. With high defense, this fighter holds the front [cdb]lines and acts as a shield.
  11. A mighty opponent who battles on horseback, [cdb]the Cavalier has a wide range of movement.
  12. Strong and hearty, the Brigand wields axes [cdb]and makes an exceptional front-line [cdb]combatant.
  13. The Archer is proficient with the bow and has [cdb]excellent dexterity and uncanny good luck.
  14. Great for up-close and personal encounters, [cdb]the Brawler fights using gauntlets.
  15. Few enemies stand a chance against a Mage [cdb]who can bend black magic to their will.
  16. The Dark Mage shatters the defenses of their [cdb]foes by employing dark magic.
  17. The Priest is a versatile white-magic user who [cdb]can use magic both to heal and attack.
  18. In the tradition of Almyra, Claude wields a [cdb]bow while riding the skies on his wyvern.
  19. <<<EMPTY>>>
  20. A master in the way of the sword, this warrior [cdb]strikes with speed and grace.
  21. A killer who thrives in the shadows, the Assassin has excellent speed and dexterity.
  22. Trading speed for staying power, this heavily [cdb]armored unit has staggering defense.
  23. An esteemed knight with a balance of high [cdb]strength, defense, and resistance.
  24. An airborne knight with high defense against [cdb]magic but a weakness to arrows.
  25. An airborne knight with great overall strength [cdb]but a weakness to bows and magic.
  26. The Warrior is a versatile combatant boasting [cdb]high durability and unmatched strength.
  27. The Sniper is a master of the bow with high [cdb]dexterity who excels at taking enemies out [cdb]from afar.
  28. A master of hand-to-hand combat, the Grappler mows down enemies with rapid [cdb]blows.
  29. A black-magic specialist, the Warlock calls on [cdb]powerful spells to decimate enemies.
  30. A dark-magic specialist, the Dark Bishop calls [cdb]on powerful spells to decimate enemies.
  31. A white-magic specialist, this versatile fighter [cdb]can use magic to either heal or attack.
  32. Riding aloft, this knight is weak to arrows but [cdb]has high defense against magic.
  33. An experienced wyvern handler with great [cdb]overall strength but a weakness to bows and [cdb]magic.
  34. A master who casts powerful magic and wields [cdb]a sword with confidence and poise, the Mortal Savant is a force to be reckoned with.
  35. The heavily armored Great Knight has high [cdb]defense while retaining mobility.
  36. A graceful archer mounted upon a mighty [cdb]steed.
  37. A mysterious knight versed in black magic and [cdb]lances.
  38. A blessed knight versed in white magic and [cdb]lances.
  39. A master of hand-to-hand combat, the War Master pulverizes enemies with massive [cdb]strength.
  40. An expert in all forms of magic, the Gremory [cdb]casts asunder any enemy who stands before [cdb]them.
  41. With unparalleled defense, Edelgard appears [cdb]as an unstoppable force in the legendary [cdb]armor of the Adrestian Emperor.
  42. <<<EMPTY>>>
  43. A holy one, blessed by the goddess herself. This wielder of magic has high strength [cdb]overall.
  44. The Dancer energizes allies with inspiring [cdb]movement. This fighter wields swords and [cdb]magic.
  45. A lordly figure who leads with unwavering [cdb]authority, Dimitri dominates the battlefield [cdb]with his unparalleled lance skills.
  46. An armored leader of soldiers and officers [cdb]alike, this unit wields an axe with ease.
  47. With an air of authority and true mastery [cdb]of the lance, this figure rules over both [cdb]generals and lords.
  48. A lord of the skies riding aloft a mighty [cdb]wyvern, wielding a bow.
  49. A terrifying knight clad in darkness, shrouded [cdb]by shadow, this figure uses magic.
  50. A mercenary who wields two swords. Possesses [cdb]a mysterious power and can use some magic.
  51. A sword user who can use some magic, the Trickster toys with their foes by employing [cdb]quick movement.
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  55. The legendary prophet sent personally by the [cdb]goddess, legends claim it was she who laid [cdb]the very foundations of the Church of Seiros.
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  59. A mercenary who carves a path through the [cdb]battlefield wielding two swords and magic [cdb]while drawing upon their mysterious power.
  60. Adept with a sword and boasting some talent [cdb]with magic, this warrior is greatly feared on [cdb]the battlefield.
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