1. Hey, how's it going? You been getting enough food?
  2. Definitely. I'm eating way better than I was back [cdb]in my mercenary days.
  3. You didn't eat so good, huh?
  4. I spent most of my time moving from place to place, [cdb]so I had to manage on my own.
  5. I'd just fling whatever I could get my hands on into [cdb]a pot. Can't say any of it ever tasted too great.
  6. Wow, I'm surprised you could even live like that. And you never stayed at an inn?
  7. Sometimes, if one happened to be nearby and I had a little extra money lining my pockets.
  8. But I never really felt like the food there was [cdb]any better.
  9. Sounds like you were at all the wrong places, then. Nothing fun about a bad meal, I always say.
  10. That's why I want my inn to be known far and wide [cdb]for its delicious food!
  11. I was actually hoping to do some cooking out here [cdb]too, so I could hone my craft.
  12. But I don't think it's going so good. You wanna [cdb]know why?
  13. Probably because he's a bit clumsy.
  14. Probably because he thinks everything tastes good.
  15. Hmm... Well, you did say you weren't all that great [cdb]with detail-oriented work.
  16. You're not wrong there, but that's not the [cdb]only reason.
  17. Hmm... If I had to guess, it's because you think [cdb]everything tastes good no matter what.
  18. Hey, now! I know the difference between regular [cdb]old grub and the kinda stuff that gets your mouth [cdb]watering.
  19. See, all the meat and fish we've got in the pantry [cdb]is preserved.
  20. When you're not working with the fresh stuff, [cdb]nothing you make's gonna have people hollering [cdb]for more.
  21. You think? But there are dishes from all over the [cdb]world that use ingredients that are on the verge [cdb]of going bad.
  22. You sure that isn't 'cause they don't have a choice?
  23. I'm no expert, but I've heard it can make a nice cut [cdb]of meat even more savory depending on how you [cdb]prep it.
  24. Huh! Maybe we can learn some more if we ask [cdb]someone who's from one of those places.
  25. Not to mention there are other ways of preserving [cdb]food, too.
  26. You mean besides dumping salt on everything?
  27. I'm sure you know about smoking your food, right? Things'll keep for even longer if you do that after [cdb]you cure them.
  28. Yeah, but I heard that makes meat all smoky and [cdb]gross. Kinda defeats the point, if you ask me.
  29. I think it depends on how you do it, and what kind [cdb]of wood you use. Apparently it's really good if you [cdb]do it right.
  30. Wow, you sure know a lot about this stuff!
  31. My mercenary days showed me more about [cdb]the world than I could've ever imagined. I only really remember bits and pieces, though.
  32. Come on, don't be so modest! I can't wait to get back [cdb]in the kitchen with these new ideas you gave me!
  33. Hey, speaking of ideas, you wanna help me think up [cdb]some recipes with the stuff we've got here?
  34. I'm not so sure me and cooking mix... But yeah, I wouldn't mind giving it a shot.
  35. That's the spirit! I know we'll come up with some [cdb]feast-worthy food if we just put our heads together!