1. Hey, hey. Still alive?
  2. I think it'd be pretty obvious if I wasn't. But yes, I'm back and all in one piece.
  3. Well that's a relief. However, I noticed your approach [cdb]to battle hasn't changed one bit.
  4. You still charge to the front and dive right into [cdb]the thick of it.
  5. I was trying to be careful, but I guess it didn't [cdb]really work.
  6. Well, you are some kind of master soldier, right? I'm starting to think you might not get yourself [cdb]killed after all.
  7. Huh, so now you approve of my approach? Why the change of heart?
  8. I realized...that taking the lead and fighting at the [cdb]front is exactly what my brother does.
  9. True, and they say Holst is the bravest commander in [cdb]all of Leicester.
  10. Usually, the commanders stay in the back so they can [cdb]see the whole battlefield and give orders.
  11. But not my brother. Honestly, he can't stand being [cdb]back there. He has to be leading the charge.
  12. That's why I used to worry myself sick every time he [cdb]went off to battle...
  13. But at some point—I'm not sure when—I became [cdb]convinced that my brother would never die.
  14. What made you think that?
  15. I'm not sure. But it's not like there's anyone out there [cdb]who can beat him, right?
  16. When I realized that, it just seemed like a waste of [cdb]time to worry about him so much.
  17. If anything, you should be pitying the chumps on [cdb]the other side.
  18. Precisely. And then I realized it's the same with you. You're just like my brother.
  19. Heh, it's an honor to be put in the same category [cdb]as Holst.
  20. Now I know I'm wasting my time worrying [cdb]about you. And it's not like I can stop you anyway.
  21. I actually hope you keep doing what you do so I can [cdb]take it easy in the back!
  22. That's the plan.
  23. But I'm pretty sure I've seen you fighting up front [cdb]with me recently. You even seemed to be enjoying [cdb]yourself.
  24. Me, enjoying myself? Please. If I'm fighting at [cdb]the front, it's because I have no other choice.
  25. The whole time I'm fighting, I'm wishing I could be [cdb]cheering everyone on from the sidelines instead.
  26. You know, yelling stuff like, "Smash 'im good!" and "Yeah, use those muscles!"
  27. That would really inspire our troops, right? And remember, this is me we're talking about.
  28. Yep, super inspiring.
  29. Hm, not so much.
  30. Sure, you can motivate anyone.
  31. I know, right?
  32. I dunno... I think all that yelling would only annoy [cdb]some people.
  33. Uh, you obviously haven't experienced my [cdb]phenomenal cheering skills firsthand.
  34. Next time, I'll cheer for you too! You'll see how [cdb]inspiring it can be!
  35. All right, sounds good. I'll keep an ear out.