1. Constance, is that you? I don't think I've ever seen [cdb]you train during the day.
  2. Good day to you, though I fear my presence is as a [cdb]storm cloud in an otherwise clear sky. My sincerest [cdb]apologies for subjecting you to this wretched sight.
  3. I shall vacate the premises at once to spare you any [cdb]further distress.
  4. No, wait, don't go. Since you're here, why don't we [cdb]train together?
  5. You're here because you're trying to achieve your [cdb]dream, right?
  6. Though it pains me to deny such kind words, [cdb]of which I am truly unworthy...
  7. I am afraid my dream will likely never come to pass.
  8. This pathetic excuse for athleticism you see before [cdb]you is nothing but a futile attempt to strengthen my [cdb]frail body and stave off death.
  9. How could I possibly ask an exemplary warrior such [cdb]as yourself to squander your time with one such as I?
  10. Training so you don't die is as good a reason as any. I'd say that's why I'm doing it too.
  11. See? Our goals are the same, so there's no reason not [cdb]to work together.
  12. Well, since you have given it much more [cdb]consideration than I deserve...
  13. Phew. What a workout. I'm beat.
  14. To think my other side would be able to keep up with [cdb]such rigorous training...
  15. You OK, Constance?
  16. Never better!
  17. In fact, I am just getting started! Are you leaving [cdb]so soon?
  18. She wants to go again?!
  19. Let's do this!
  20. You're still raring to go? You're weirdly energetic all [cdb]of a sudden...
  21. All right, let's go again. But it's strange how you're [cdb]suddenly so bright-eyed and bushy-tailed.
  22. I surprise even myself sometimes. Making my dreams [cdb]a reality takes effort, you know.
  23. I cannot allow something so trifling as exhaustion to [cdb]stand in my way. Who knows how long things would [cdb]take if I did?
  24. Therefore, I shall spare no opportunity to train today! And tomorrow, all of Fódlan will behold my military [cdb]prowess!
  25. Er, that's all well and good. But then, why didn't you [cdb]wanna train before?
  26. I told you there were extenuating circumstances!
  27. Had I known you would respond in such a manner, I would have asked for your assistance much earlier!
  28. Oh! I just had a brilliant idea!
  29. I've got a bad feeling about this...
  30. We can train together and conduct magical [cdb]experiments at the same time!
  31. You see, I've invented this particular spell that imbues [cdb]the palms with a suction power that makes dropping [cdb]one's weapon a hindrance of the past!
  32. Refuse.
  33. Casually agree.
  34. I'm gonna go ahead and respectfully decline, [cdb]on behalf of everyone.
  35. You refuse? Why, that is rather disappointing. Very well then, let us proceed with the training.
  36. Sure, why not? I'll try anything once. Go for it.
  37. Splendid! Let us begin, shall we?
  38. One side has an overabundance of confidence...
  39. While the other is clearly lacking it.
  40. Maybe the two balance each other out?
  41. What are you blathering on about? Let us be on [cdb]with it!