1. You saw one, too? Glad it wasn't just me.
  2. There you are, Ashe! I've been worried sick [cdb]about you.
  3. You were white as a sheet during our training earlier, [cdb]and I was concerned you had taken ill.
  4. No, I'm sure that was all just in your head. Haha...ha?
  5. Hmm. That's not your usual carefree smile.
  6. I guess I can't hide anything from you, huh?
  7. Truth is, I turned my ankle during practice. Thankfully, it's all right, but...
  8. Well, it reminded me of the time I saw a ghost when I was a little kid.
  9. Wait, a proper ghost?! Ooh! What did it look like? Did it say anything? What was it wearing?
  10. Oh dear, I'm sorry. I let myself get carried away there. I understand if you don't want to talk about it.
  11. No, it's all right. I can't let myself live in fear of [cdb]it forever.
  12. So on that day, my brother took sick with a fever, [cdb]and I went into the mountains to look for [cdb]medicinal herbs.
  13. As I was walking along some unstable ground, I saw a large figure in the fog...
  14. And you're sure there wasn't anyone else on the [cdb]mountain with you that day?
  15. Yeah, I was definitely alone up there. Plus when I [cdb]tried saying hello, the figure didn't answer.
  16. I knew then and there it was a ghost—and in my [cdb]hurry to escape, my foot slipped and I turned [cdb]my ankle.
  17. Well, it's important to be careful about where [cdb]you step.
  18. Wait. That's your takeaway? The story doesn't scare [cdb]you at all?
  19. Not really. If I'm honest, I heard a similar tale some [cdb]time back.
  20. A long time ago, a man on a pilgrimage saw a strange, [cdb]shadowy figure deep in the Oghma Mountains.
  21. He panicked and began to scream, thinking it a ghost [cdb]or some other manner of evil omen. But in truth, it [cdb]was none of those things.
  22. Wait, so if it wasn't a ghost, what was it?
  23. It was his own shadow reflected in the mist.
  24. What?! Then maybe what I saw was...
  25. I can't say for certain, but it may have simply been [cdb]a trick of the light.
  26. Oh, gosh... I feel silly for being afraid of my own [cdb]shadow for so many years.
  27. It's quite understandable for you to mistake it for [cdb]a ghost, especially since you hadn't heard the story [cdb]about the shadowy figure.
  28. Thanks, Mercedes. That makes me feel a lot better.
  29. Hey, but if you have time, you should listen to this [cdb]guy's story!
  30. Sorry, whose story?
  31. This guy, right here. Apparently he saw a real ghost [cdb]a long time ago.
  32. Um, Ashe? You are the only other person here.
  33. What? C'mon, he's standing right next— Huh?
  34. You were alone when I found you.
  35. Wait, so you never saw him? What does that mean? Was he a...